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SC -- and I got in BIG Trouble.

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  • SC -- and I got in BIG Trouble.

    This one is from the archives of my memory....

    I was working in a call center for a cable company. Anyone who works for a cable company--I feel your pain...and I wish you luck on escaping.

    Anyway, I got many many SCs on a daily basis. Normally, if they were suckish...I'd put them on mute and mimic them and mock them. was great stress relief.

    This lady calls in one day, immediately ranting and raving. I can't remember the full conversation, as it was from 3 years ago, but the gist of it was this:

    She called in and immediately asked for Gloria in the main office. OK You're in a completely seperate state from me, and I have no idea who this 'Gloria' is. I tell her what state I am in. (Knowing that is opening a whole new can of worms) She becomes belligerent, screaming that it's ridiculous that she can't talk to a local person. Being a smart ass (and hating my job) I say "Well I apologize I am not in your state" She says "Connect me with the home office" We can't do that because they do not have local numbers. Why? Who make my life hell, I suppose. I tell her this and then let her know that we are here and perfectly capable of handling whatever problem she has.

    She says the problem she has is that a block of channels is out. So I check our system..and sure enough, there is an alert stating these channels are out, and have been out for some time. She says "NO it's not an area problem, because she has had a tech out and the tech told her he knew nothing of it." I said "NO I assure you it is an area problem" She says "And just how do you KNOW that?? You just told me you're NOT in my area!!" I said "once the system detects the same problem from the same area multiple time, they declare an 'auto outage'....OR the areas call our techs and let us know they're aware of the problem" She called me a liar, said the tech told her otherwise, and he should know since he's in that area. I said "We received this outage FROM your area, so maybe he just hasn't heard of it yet?"

    So she went on ranting and raving about how I'm an idiot, I don't know crap, and that I won't get her to her home office to speak to 'Gloria' A few more rantings, ravings, a threat of telling 'Gloria' to fire me..and she hangs up...

    After she hung up...I whisper "BITCH!!!" and then realize...the call has not stopped recording yet!

    Oh crap. And my monitoring is coming up.

    And guess what..........yes..that call, of ALL the calls I took that month, is the one they pulled. The company had a horrible policy of making us listen to the calls they 'graded' And you can very clearly hear me saying 'BITCH" on the tape. (I kind of thought it was funny...but the monitoring person DID NOT find it funny at all) The call had to go to her boss and to that boss's boss to decide what to do. I ended up not really getting in trouble...since the person had clearly hung up and didn't hear it...but I did get a 0 on the monitoring.

    From then on...soon as I said my "OK Have a nice day!" I pressed the mute button...just to be sure.
    Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"

  • #2
    Ouch. Oops. Oh, well, it had to, on some level, feel good to know she heard it. Hope you don't get into TOO much trouble!

    We had a guy who worked in lab where I worked yell "That bch needs a good fing!" over and over...and the customer in question was still in the store. Fortunately, while she MUST'VE heard it, she didn't figure out he was talking about her.


    • #3
      I know it was naughty of you

      but at the same time... it was really really funny to read
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        While I was still on the call taker side, someone got fired for that very reason...however, the call taker THOUGHT the caller hung up - turns out that it was a cell phone with a bad connection and the connection re-established just as the girl was saying, "What a fucking bitch!"
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          I feel your pain SCSlave.

          I also knew a guy from my last job who got fired for that. Even though the customer had already hung up, the monitor caught it. Next thing the guy gets the automated call that his employment's terminated. Come to think of it I also dropped the f-bomb on a customer before he hung up, but at least I had the presence of mind to take my headset off. That or I got lucky and no one was monitoring.

          At least when I got canned for not being a good enough salesman, they had the decency to tell me in person.
          Last edited by Talon; 01-20-2007, 03:40 PM.
          Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


          • #6
            I have a suspicion that "Gloria" was a sales rep this woman had dealt with and wanted to speak with again. Some people don't understand that sales and tech support are very different departments and the person that sold you a service usually doesn't not provide you support for it beyond the most basic of stuff.


            • #7
              I really didn't get in all that much trouble, since the SC didn't hear it. This was from a couple years ago and I don't work at that God forsaken place anymore.

              If memory serves...this 'Gloria' was some kind of manager in the local office. I think. Either way, we have nothing to do with "Gloria" nor did the local office have any authority over us.

              I have a million stories from that place. My favorite was the lady that called about something or another (Have no idea what it was) Anyway, she started telling me she was being held captive by Germans that were living in her basement. She said they came in as 'butterflies' one night and then they transform into Germans in the basement. She said she's tried to call the police on them, but by the time the police arrive, they have transformed back into butterflies and flew about the house. At one point in the 'conversation'...her dog barked. She goes "Did you hear that?...(then whispering)..."They're back, I think..." Craziest person I've ever talked to.
              Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


              • #8
                Well, now you know you have to be extremely careful when you decide to tell somebody off, or even utter a naughty word.

                I will never forget this one--I was loading a heavy furniture item into a customer's vehicle, I lost my grip on it and it smashed my finger. I muttered an s-bomb under my breath. The customer decided they were offended and told my manager, and I got a talking-to.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  At the last call center I worked at, someone thought they'd hit mute on someone while entering some order notes - and called her a f-ing bitch as well.

                  "GIVE ME YOUR MANAGER NOW!"

                  She got shown the door - I can understand the company's reaction, but the customer was being a true SC in every sense (I got to hear the call, since I was a team lead at the time), and this CSR always had high scores on call monitorings and was well liked by everybody.

