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Lord Ludicrous's Weekend Moan #1

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  • Lord Ludicrous's Weekend Moan #1

    Ive not had much time to post on the forums sadly, and my internet connection is slow and very unstable (line fault >.<) so Ill have to make my posts quick lest they get lost in the ether of the intertubes.

    So what has bugged me lately?

    Keeping receipts.

    Honestly, how difficult is it to keep the goddamned receipt? Ive still got receipts for stuff I got over 4 years ago (god knows why), yet some people lose theirs after a day :s.
    Naturally of course, I get moaned at because theres very little I can do without a receipt.

    When Im not so knackered out (and my internet is working properly) I shall regale you all with some more tales.

    In the meantime, please share your encounters with receiptless customers, and their usual tirades.

  • #2
    We don't have too many problems with receiptless customers, as we are a bakery/café, but we have had customers come and return stuff.
    That's right. Baked goods, sandwiches, coffee, soup and the like.
    One person even had a receipt (from the CC machine we use) and what could be expensive enough at a bakery to warrant the use of a credit card and the keeping of the receipt? (Especially since most customers don't keep the receipts unless the total is over $30, which equals a lot of food.)
    A bagel. One. Single. Bagel. 85 cents. The reason cited for returning it? "My daughter doesn't like it." The daughter, by the way, was about 2 and was the type of kid to refuse anything given to her unless it was coated in sugar (actually this bagel WAS coated in sugar, so perhaps there was no hope to begin with).
    I said "aw, screw it" and exchanged the (already bitten and drooled on) bagel with a plain one, as per request. Was it over? No.
    Customer: "Can you toast it and put butter on it? I don't think she'd like a plain bagel with nothing on it."
    Me: "Sure, but that'll add 30 cents to the price."
    Of course that was too much, but instead of the "that's too expensive!" freebie attempt, she just huffed and took the bagel and left.

    Sorry, that was kind of a threadjack, but that's the only receipt story that comes to mind.

    By the way, nice avatar. HL2 = awesome.
    "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


    • #3
      Woo! DO I HAVE SOME FOR YOU! But, I'll only torture ya with this one, as it's my most vivid....*one swear or two*

      AN older gentleman walks in with an RCA (red, white, yellow, av cables for those who dont know) and asks to return it. He ha sno packaging, not a receipt, nothing. We here at RS have magical powers though, right? I mean, so we can go ahead and make it work.....

      Wrong. He might as well name his kid after Bam Margera for the jackass he became when I told him without the receipt i could do nothing, and especially without the packaging, because I can't sell it without the packaging...

      ME- The lovable, handsome and cuddly DarthRetard
      SC- Lord Douche of the House of Vaginal Excretion.

      SC- How come I can't return it?

      Me- I'm terribly sorry sir, there's nothing I can do. Our policy, as stated with every purchase, and on our door as you enter and exit, is no refunds without the receipt. In addition, though we could have taken it without the packaging, we still need the receipt.

      SC- Why do I need a receipt? That's a stupid rule. I obviously bought it here, young man.

      Me- Sir, I can make no guarantee that you bought that here or that, in some cases didn't take that from a friends house to try and grab some extra cash. These things do happen, and although I'm not accusing you of them, I need to see a proof of purchase for this transaction to be doable.

      SC- Well it cost like, 20 something, just give me a 20 and we'll be done with it. (*Sigh*, first of all, the cable costs 4 bucks. It's a damned RCA cable, not an HDMI cord.)
      Me- Sir, much as I'd absolutely love to just give you 20 dollars, I'm not gonna do it. Company policy.

      SC- Well, you should know that I'll never shop here again. Ever. Have fun being poor.

      Me- Well thank you sir. I quite enjoy laughing at the rich people and how shallow their lives really are without any quality base to them. Oh, and sir? Fuck you.


      • #4
        Losing a receipt after only a day? Try before leaving the store!

        Had a woman buy something and then go wandering through the store some more (which I find annoying, but whatever). Then she came back and had changed her mind about the item. This was not even twenty minutes after she purchased it, but she'd already lost her reciept, without which I can only issue store credit.

        SC: Well you know I bought it here.

        Me: Yes, but without the reciept, the system only allows store credit.

        SC: Well just go back 20 minutes in the system and find it.

        Me: I can't do tha-


        Me (thinking: How come i can't go back 20 minutes? How do you lose the receipt in 20 minutes?!

        Me: No, I can't. I can only reprint a reciept from the last transaction, and I've checked otu several customers since you bought that. And even if I could reprint the receipt, a reprint is not valid for a refu-

        SC: THAT'S RIDICULOUS! *she stormed off*

        Had she let me finish what I was saying, I could have told her that we actually can look up a receipt, but that can only be done by a manager on the master terminal in the front office. Eventually, she found where she'd put the receipt down and returned the item, still grumbling about how "ridiculous" it was that I can't find it in my system, and me still thinking that is was ridiculous that she'd lost the receipt in less than 20 minutes, having not even left the building yet.
        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

        RIP Plaidman.


        • #5
          Quoth DarthRetard View Post
          AN older gentleman walks in with an RCA (red, white, yellow, av cables for those who dont know) and asks to return it. He ha sno packaging, not a receipt, nothing. We here at RS have magical powers though, right? I mean, so we can go ahead and make it work.....
          Momentarily, from the other side of the RS-customer interaction...
          I had just bought an RCA switch box (TV, DVD player, SNES, and PS1). I asked the sales person if they carried RCA cables.
          "Well, yes, but wouldn't you much rather get some nice fiber-optic cables?"
          M: *blink, blink* "I don't see what good that'll do, I only need one more set of RCA cables, and it's only to hook the switch box to the TV, all the other cables are the old cable kind... so, the only part in that sequence that would be fiber optic, would be from the box to the TV."
          In other words, the signal from any one point would only be as good as a non-fiber optic cable.
          "Are you quite sure you don't want the perfection of fiber optics for your switch box anyway?"
          M: "Not to mention, I'm hooking up a freaking Super Nintendo! It's not compatible with fiber optics!"
          And he showed me to the RCA cables.

          Quoth Dave1982 View Post
          M: No, ma'am, our computers are older than Apple 2E's... they take thirty minutes to boot in the morning. I've had thirty some odd sales since you came through my line, and while I could go back and look for your purchase on the register tape, my eyesight isn't very good, and I would be looking for an hour or so at the very least to find your transaction."
          Last edited by Imogene; 01-21-2007, 02:02 AM. Reason: Pulled two posts together.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Our manager terminal in the office can go back 2 weeks for recepits, but if you don't know what register you were on and a fairly narrow time frame that you were there, they're not likely to even bother. And they'll only bother in the first place for extreme circumstances cuz it doesn't actually count for a return anyway.

            My story: The day after Christmas, seasonal stuff goes 50% off (calendars, boxed cards, bargain gift books, etc.). Had a couple come in maybe a week or 2 after Christmas and they want to return a couple bargain coffee table books that had gone half price. The regular price was about $25 each. They had no receipt but said they had bought them with a gift card (which they still had as it still had a balance on it). I told them I could put the credit back on their gift card but only for the sale price. They insisted that they had paid full price and wanted me to check the balance on the card as if that would somehow prove it. I told them I could get a history on the card, but the only thing it would tell me is the amount they spent on what date. It would tell me nothing about what they actually bought. So they argue some more, my manager happens by and I tell her what's going on and she says to call for the history anyway.

            So I call. And find out that they had used that gift card several days after Christmas for an amount that could have included those books at half price. And they had also used the card before Christmas, for an amount that could have included those books at full price. Neither purchase amount was even equal to just those 2 books at either price so it had to also include other items. So the card history tells me absoluely nothing. I explain this to them as nicely as I can, and of course my manager tells me to give the full price credit anyway.

            So why the &*#@! did I bother spending the last 10 minutes getting the history on this card??!!
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

