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I will call back until I get a supervisor

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  • I will call back until I get a supervisor

    I had a non-pay disconnect last night who insisted that her services were wrongly terminated. She made an interesting case, but it didn't really matter... no one on the overnight shift has the ability to cancel a non-pay disconnect.

    Me: You'll need to call back after 9am and speak to a supervisor.
    Caller: I need to speak to a supervisor now because this is going to be done now.
    Me: No, it's not. There will be a supervisor here around nine in the morning. You're more than welcome to call back then.
    Caller: I absolutely insist on talking with a supervisor NOW!
    Me: If there was one here, I'd be more than happy to connect you. Fact is there isn't.
    Caller: You're lying. I know for a fact that there's a supervisor there.
    Me: Well, I wish you'd point him or her out to me, because I sure don't see any.
    Caller: It's impossible to run a business without a supervisor. You connect me right now! I insist.
    Me: There really aren't any here.
    Caller: You might as well know, I'm going to keep calling back until I reach a supervisor.

    Darned if she didn't... being as how there's only 6 people on the overnight shift, she got most of us at least twice. When I left at 7AM, she was still calling away, demanding to speak to a supervisor NOW!

    My guess is that come 9AM, the following will happen...

    Caller: I've... been... calling....... since...... midnight.... I'm...... losing.... my... voice....
    Supervisor: I'll be happy to help you now.
    Caller: I.... I..... [sputter] [sputter] [sputter]
    Supervisor: Hello? Hello? Hello?
    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler

  • #2
    Quoth TNT View Post
    Caller: It's impossible to run a business without a supervisor.
    GAW! I hated that line. Look lady, NO it isn't. Does your office shut down b/c YOUR boss has gone away on business? No, it doesn't.

    Believe it or not, we c/s peons don't require 24hr supervison.
    Well fiddle dee dee!!


    • #3
      I'll say one thing; I admire her persistence, even if it is obnoxious.

      That having been said, seriously, you'd think she'd get the clue after an hour or so of having "SUPERVISOR. WILL. BE. IN. AT. NINE. A. M." pounded into her head.
      Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

      - Inga Muscio


      • #4
        Too bad no one can act like a supervisor and tell the woman that nothing can be done until after 9 am.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I am perfectly capable of running the store when my manager is not on shift. I hate when people think only the manager is good for doing anything, makes the rest of us seem like brainless monkeys.


          • #6
            Quoth CrazedClerk View Post
            I am perfectly capable of running the store when my manager is not on shift. I hate when people think only the manager is good for doing anything, makes the rest of us seem like brainless monkeys.
            Could it be that SC's are used to the idea that only a manager is allowed to cave in to their demands?
            ludo ergo sum


            • #7
              This is why they need to invent a way to send electric shocks through the phone. Just offer to put here on hold until the supervisor comes in at 9 AM...

              Quoth rvdammit
              Could it be that SC's are used to the idea that only a manager is allowed to cave in to their demands?
              Now where could they have gotten that idea?
              free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


              • #8
                I had something similar to this happen once, except the caller was demanding my manager, who was on vacation at the time. After a few minutes of enjoyable verbal dancing, I decided that the only way to win this war was through attrition...

                Caller: It's very urgent that I speak to the manager.
                Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?
                Caller: I really need to speak to the manager.
                Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?
                Caller: He won't be able to help me; I need to speak to the manager.
                Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?
                Caller: He knew I'd be calling; I need to speak with him.
                Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?

                And on and on it went, not for too much longer, if I remember correctly. I think the caller ended up hanging up on me.

                The best/worst part of it was that the fill-in manager actually was the person the caller needed.
                Not all who wander are lost.


                • #9
                  "I'm sorry, but we don't have a supervisor you can talk to right now. The supervisor will be in at 9 am, as we have told you 37 times already. However, you may leave a message for the supervisor, and he/she will call you back at 9 am, when he/she arrives. Please leave your message at the sound of the click, and the supervisor will get it at 9 am."

                  *this is where you hang up on the SC
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Quoth PuckishOne View Post
                    Caller: It's very urgent that I speak to the manager.
                    Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?
                    Caller: I really need to speak to the manager.
                    Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?
                    Caller: He won't be able to help me; I need to speak to the manager.
                    Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?
                    Caller: He knew I'd be calling; I need to speak with him.
                    Puck: He's on vacation; may I transfer you to <poor schmuck>?

                    I love Mindless Repetition Robot technique. I've employed that one myself. Much easier than pulling the person they want out of my ass.
                    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                    The stupid is strong with this one.


                    • #11
                      I had that happen to me a few weeks ago. One of the dispatchers erroneously gave the name of the wrong supervisor and the customer insisted on speaking to her and I knew that that particular supervisor was not going to be able to help. The customer got incredibly pushy however, there was no way she was getting past me...period. I don't care what she said, she had two options - talk to me or talk to the actual supervisor that could help her on Monday. (It was a Saturday when the call came in)

                      I washed, rinsed, and repeated the statement...

                      "That supervisor cannot help you. Either you speak to me or you call back on Monday and speak to *insert other sup's name here* "

                      That was all there was to it...
                      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                      • #12
                        Quoth Dips View Post
                        I love Mindless Repetition Robot technique.
                        That is one of my favorite techniques. Slight threadjack ahead.

                        In early November of last year, I was working a basketball game and I was working the club lot and am just standing around minding my business when a customer pulls up to me. He has a handicap sticker on his car and was under the belief that this would be a simple task. I thought wrong.

                        "I'd like to know if I can park in here."
                        "This is a reserved spot lot, I need to see a pass."
                        "Well, I'm handicapped and I remember last year they let me park in here."
                        "Some things have been rearranged but I can direct you to your spot sir."
                        "No I'd like to park in here, get me your manager."
                        (Sensing where this is going, I put up my brick wall of repetition to deter him) "The manager is quite busy as of right now sir."
                        "So call him, you have a radio on you." (BONK)
                        "I do not have a radio on me, and I can't leave my post."
                        "So what, get me your manager!" (BONK)
                        "He's quite busy sir."
                        "What the hell could he be doing then?" (BONK)
                        "He has to make sure that traffic is moving and people are parking in their proper spots."
                        "BULLSHIT! GET ME YOUR MANAGER NOW!!!" (Extreme bonk)

                        This went on a few more times, idiot asked for my name, I gave it, the usual last nameacapades took place and then idiot left.
                        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

