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Apparently, I look like a druggie.

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  • Apparently, I look like a druggie.

    I work in a convenience store. We sell rolling papers. We even have some of those 'flavored' ones that people like to use for things other than tobacco. And they generally make no secret of what they're using them for. I consistently get asked some variation on the following question:

    "Are those [insert flavor here] papers any good?"

    I don't smoke. Cigarettes or anything else. They always look shocked when I tell them this. But the following incident takes the cake.

    C: I need twenty in gas.
    M: The green car?
    C: Yeah. That'll be all unless you wanna hook me up with the smoke. *mimes smoking a joint*
    M: *To self: Did he just ask to buy pot from me?!* Er...I don't smoke.
    C: You don't smoke?
    M: No...
    C: Well why not?
    M: ...Because I don't?

    So he goes out, pumps his gas, and comes back in. And I'm left wondering why the hell people think I'm a pot head.

    C: Give me some gum! *standing at the counter like I'm supposed to go get it for him*
    M: What?
    C: Gum!
    M: It's...over...there...*points to candy aisle*
    C: Stop looking at me like I'm f'ing remedial! I got money that would make your bank account look pathetic! I'm not f'ing remedial!
    M: *is speechless, rings up gum and doesn't say a word*
    C: *goes out muttering things I cannot understand*

    I don't know how one would look at a person as if they were 'remedial,' but okay. That expression on my face was shock, because not only did you ask me to sell you weed, which I DO NOT SMOKE, you acted like you expected ME to go get you a pack of gum. Sorry, this may be a convenience store, but it's not THAT convenient. You don't place orders here.

    Some days I want to take a baseball bat to work with me and just hit the stupid people.
    My MySpace
    Ours is not a lost generation...we know exactly where we are. We just have no idea how fast we're going!

  • #2
    Bring a little blow gun you can hide in your pocket. Then you can shoot little poison darts at their back as they walk out. By the time it kicks in they'll be away from your store. Less mess that way.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      Bring a little blow gun you can hide in your pocket. Then you can shoot little poison darts at their back as they walk out. By the time it kicks in they'll be away from your store. Less mess that way.
      Sounds like someone is talking from experience . . eh?
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #4
        I am really thin so people always assume that I either starve myself or that I do drugs....I do neither. One day when I was working as a waitress a customer pulled me aside and whispered I know why you are so skinny..."why" I responded...Well if you stop doing cocaine (he was dead serious) you would gain weight...I was furious..I said well if you knew me you would know that I do not do cocaine nor have I ever seen it and walked away..He later apologized but the damage was done.


        • #5
          Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
          Sounds like someone is talking from experience . . eh?
          who, me? never, no, of course not. I would never do such a thing... What, that aquarium full of poison dart frogs in my room? Just pets. They're harmless, really...
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth georgiab View Post
            I am really thin so people always assume that I either starve myself or that I do drugs....I do neither. One day when I was working as a waitress a customer pulled me aside and whispered I know why you are so skinny..."why" I responded...Well if you stop doing cocaine (he was dead serious) you would gain weight...I was furious..I said well if you knew me you would know that I do not do cocaine nor have I ever seen it and walked away..He later apologized but the damage was done.
            What an asshat.

            But good God, I get that too. Even from people that know me. Despite the fact that my family and friends are witness to my healthy appetite 97% of the time, on the rare occasion I get sick and lose my appetite there is a collection explosion of "ZOMG! She has Anorexia!!!11111"
            Mike: I'm gonna tell my boss I'm Puma Man, maybe he'll let me off early.

            - "Puma Man", MST3K.


            • #7
              I get it from both sides.

              I'm ~160 pounds, but I look around 110-120. I also have a bad habit of forgetting to eat because I get too absorbed in what I'm doing. So people accuse me of being anorexic all the time. Then they see me haul around a computer with one arm or wrestle a big screen TV back into its box and they shut their busybody mouths.

              But then, people that know my weight and see me eating a big plate of spaghetti or eating fries with my salad, go: "z0mg! Carbs! You're going to get fat!" Never mind that my taekwondo instructor recommends that I eat lots of carbs and my blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol are all excellent.

              And, of course, my vegetarianism makes carnivores "tsk" at me. Because if I "just eat a little meat", they know that I'll be so much healthier and won't look so pale and sickly. And carbs are bad, dontcherknow. Then I quote Foamy: "I'm not going to be part of a diet where you can eat three pounds of bacon, but you can't have a damn apple because it has carbs."
              A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


              • #8
                Yeah, I am on the heavey side, and now that I am on a diet. If I get a hamburger, and someone I know sees it, then all hell broke loose, even tho, I gave myself permission, to only eat a hamburger 1-2 times a week, if at that
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  The easiest way to solve these problems is to stop hanging around with people who have so little else to say that they feel the need to comment on what other people are eating. When I go out to eat with my friends, we're all too busy sneaking bites off everyone else's plates to complain about the effect the food might have on them. Make friends with more foodies, and watch the conversation magically divert from what effect the food will have on those consuming it, to the delights of the food itself !

                  As for the original post, perhaps the guy thinks that working in a convenience store is so tedious that you need to smoke dope just to get by....often people with bad habits forget that other people don't share those habits. If you smoke too much weed, eventually everyone around you comes to look like a stoner.

                  PS. i love that Foamy quote. That is exactly why I abandoned the Atkins diet.
                  A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                  - Dave Barry


                  • #10
                    I am actually quite heavy for my size. I weigh between 130 and 140, but everyone wrongly assumes I weigh right at around 100. I am solid, and have muscular legs.

                    It's funny when these SCA guys try to be gallant and lift me over something, or better yet, I am dancing with them (we have a dance jokingly called "fling a wench" ) and they practically herniate themselves trying to impress me with their wench flinging prowess. I warn them, they ignore me, they pay.

                    As I've mentioned, I'm a low carber (which tends to make you lean, with dense muscle), and I wish I had a nickle for every idiot who says "What? You're on a diet? Why the heck do YOU need to be on a diet?"

                    Well, duh, Einstein. Why do think that is? I look like this because of the way I eat!

                    btw, If you were eating 3 pounds of bacon and no fruit....that wasn't Atkins.
                    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 01-25-2007, 01:08 PM.


                    • #11
                      Quoth georgiab View Post
                      I am really thin so people always assume that I either starve myself or that I do drugs....I do neither. One day when I was working as a waitress a customer pulled me aside and whispered I know why you are so skinny..."why" I responded...Well if you stop doing cocaine (he was dead serious) you would gain weight...I was furious..I said well if you knew me you would know that I do not do cocaine nor have I ever seen it and walked away..He later apologized but the damage was done.
                      My boyfriend often gets comments from people. He's 6'2" and about 130 lbs (now that I've fattened him up a bit... he was 120lbs when I met him LOL). Now, I don't know how good a judge of weight you are, but he looks EMACIATED. He gets comments all the time about needing to lay off the drugs and that anorexia is not our friend. *sigh*

                      I try not to nag him too much about eating, but he really doesn't eat a lot, but by no means is he anorexic. I've made him start taking multivitamins though
                      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                      • #12
                        I'm "petite" to say the least... I'm 5' with shoes on, and my weight usually sits between 100 and 110. I eat like a freaking horse (as hubby can attest- half the time I eat more than he does!), I just have a metabolism that's constantly on overdrive. It's not a whole lot of fun needing to eat every hour or two, lest I get the shakes, and turn into a Raging A-Hole (tm), and eventually get dizzy and fall over. Learned that lesson in HS, where the teachers wouldn't let us eat in class...
                        I can't tell you how many times people have accused me of having some kind of eating disorder. There's also the flip side, "OMG! You're so skinny! You make me sick! I mean that as a compliment..." Oh, well just thanks all to pieces!
                        It bugs me that it's "unacceptable" to comment on one body type, but you can rag all you want on another. All the reasons someone else can't seem to lose 15 pounds, metabolism, thyroid, genetics, are the same reasons I couldn't gain 15 pounds to save my life... QUIT FOCUSING YOUR ANGER AT MADISON AVENUE AT ME!
                        Sorry for the thread jack...
                        Haikus are easy
                        But sometimes they don't make sense


                        • #13
                          Quoth Tigress View Post
                          Then I quote Foamy: "I'm not going to be part of a diet where you can eat three pounds of bacon, but you can't have a damn apple because it has carbs."
                          All hail the Foamidian Cult!


                          • #14
                            Ugh, I'm the opposite. I'm 5'0 and a bit curvy, because, well, to be honest, weight really has nowhere to go on me.

                            I've had someone my family knows at church take me aside and say, "You know, [TQ], how would you feel about losing a little weight?"

                            He was one of those HerbalWeightLoss dealers.

                            I almost punched him in front of the altar.
                            Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

                            - Inga Muscio


                            • #15
                              Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                              PS. i love that Foamy quote. That is exactly why I abandoned the Atkins diet.
                              Or: "When I sit down, I'm not going to do a bunch of math to see if it's a meal I can freakin' eat."

                              NOW WHERE'S MY WAFFLE SUNDAE!
                              A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran

