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Condescending Jerk (long rant)

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  • Condescending Jerk (long rant)

    I am a lurker here, only posting when I need to vent. Tonight is one of those instances.

    I work in a video store attached to a grocery store. Tonight, I had a customer (a fellow college student, my age) come in with a DVD that he claimed to have been damaged. He said that it skipped. Well, according to our policy, I could have re-rented him another copy of the same movie. We do this because people can come in claiming a DVD is damaged, even when it isn't, just to get a free movie.

    He then says that he wants a different movie. I explained the policy to him and he asked why we have it. I explained the reasoning behind him. He then said he doesn't want the same movie BECAUSE HE WATCHED IT. So, he openly claimed to watch it, so the damage must not have been bad at all. So, for the third time, I told him he can re-rent the same movie and that this is all I could do. He then gave me this stuck-up stare, kind of like he was thinking I am stupid.

    Now is where I want to mention that I cannot stand condescending customers whatsoever, especially those who are my age or younger. This particular customer seemed to hold himself in a position well above me, simply because I was behind the counter in a stupid-looking uniform. I highly doubt this customer has ever had such a job before, considering he was driving a fancy car. He was probably a wealthy douchebag, thinking he can push around whoever he wants.

    Anyways, at this point, he looks at me with this evil stare and says, "well, you can just call your manager and we'll see that I get a free movie then!" and walks away from the counter. We made eye contact after this statement...he was giving me this look as if he had just proven me wrong after some major argument. I gave him my death stare back and contemplated refusing his demand. I have never been so angry by the way somebody has LOOKED at me before. He thought he was hot shit because he could MAKE me do what he wanted. I should have refused his I don't have to take anybody's demands unless it is a manager. I am at the point where a customer like this is going to make me snap. Luckily I didn't tonight.

    So, I call the manager over and explain to him the policy. The customer comes over to talk to him, and is VERY nice to him, of course. Then something awesome happened. The manager REFUSED to let him get another movie for free! The customer didn't show any anger and just accepted it. As the customer rented something else (paying for it, hah!), I did not talk to him at all. I then threw his movies on the counter for him to pick up upon leaving. Douchebag.

    Of course, as usual after dealing with a SC, I put a massive note on his account. Sure enough, there was already one from me on it! The already existing note said that I had tried to get a phone number from him that is correct, but he was too busy talking on his cell phone to hear me or care about what I was saying. How nice!

  • #2
    YEA! I'm always happy to see you- you know that.

    What a jerk that guy was. Sorry you had to deal with that schmuck!
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London


    • #3
      I hated that, when I was not a manager, now that I am, they kinda treat me alot better then before
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

