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Wow....a random round of assorted tidbits...

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  • Wow....a random round of assorted tidbits...

    This is all coming from today. A bunch of random gems....not as sucky as the customer who assaulted another customer, but still just plain dumb and stupid and making me want to smack people.

    Old Creep

    This guy was probably in his late 50's, early 60's. Comes up to my line humming some random song. He's not weaving or anything that would indicate that he's drunk, but he does sound like he's on SOMETHING. Seems to be cheerful, right up until the end when he calls me "babe".

    The second he gets out of earshot, I shuddered. Creeeeeeeeepy.

    (to clarify: Honey I hate, sweetie is just weird, "darl" and "love" I don't mind so much because I get these quite a bit from friends and family as well, but "babe". Nuh-uh)

    Talk about pushy

    Had another petrol voucher abuser today. Wasn't as blatant about it, however she reminded me of an old cow I had to serve at my old store repeatedly-the old cow at Old Store would come up to the checkout near closing time and split her purchases for "four different family members"-yet all of them were the minimum for the fuel offer. This woman actually split hers up to the $30 minimum, but had them already split up rather than having me stop every so often.

    I am THIS close to making up signs at home and going around saying "We are going to limit fuel offers to one per store per day." (so if they want those oh-so-precious fuel vouchers, they can waste more petrol getting them) Because our system is set up so that you can do one option or the other, if you go with Option A, then continue to split them up, Option C comes into play: I get to shred the remaining vouchers

    Or alternately, "One per PAYING customer per store per day". Meaning that if they oh so desperately want those vouchers, ALL their family members need to pay.

    It's LAW people!

    My manager had some stupid woman claim that because potatoes were rung up wrong, she should get them for free. This is law in Australia ONLY if the shelf price and checkout price don't match (if checkout price is higher, they get first free, rest at correct price, if checkout price is LOWER, no changes, except we need to change the sign). If the price is human error however-meaning for instance, that you keyed in Potato A while you meant to key in Potato B-you get refunded the difference. In this case, it was human error-my coworker had accidentally keyed in Potato A as Potato B. My manager and the customer got stuck in an argument while I ended up banging my head against the counter.

    It's all in good humour

    Managed to make my coworkers laugh tonight by telling them a joke that, while it came BEFORE the Queensland floods, is still probably in poor taste. They still found it funny. (if people want me to, I'll post it up in the jokes section, but ONLY on request-out of respect to those who are dealing with the floods, I'd rather not repeat it in this section).
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    Does it mean I am a bad person if I say I would like to hear the joke? I promise not to pass it on to anyone that would be offended...
    "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
    - James Joyce


    • #3
      Quoth nicolecj View Post
      Does it mean I am a bad person if I say I would like to hear the joke? I promise not to pass it on to anyone that would be offended...
      If you are a bad person, I'm bad too .


      • #4
        B b b b b baaad.
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          Well, I'm sure she doesnt want a flood of requests on THIS post...


          • #6
            Or alternately, "One per PAYING customer per store per day".
            Any decent coupon or deal I ever had said that. I find it to be reasonable, but I guess I am not an EW.
            "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


            • #7
              Joke's up.
              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

              Now queen of USSR-Land...

