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The SC and the tantrum

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  • The SC and the tantrum

    I had quite the customer last night who threw a tantrum worthy of any 3 year old, complete with profanity! My store will sometimes designate our clearance stuff as final sale, NO exchanges and NO returns. Its printed on all receipts, at the bottom and under each individual item it applies to. And in my store, we all tell customers before we ring them up, plus there are signs everywhere. So telling us "no one told me" is not an excuse.

    SC comes in and wants to return 2 itmes she bought in another location - one which NOTORIOUS for not telling customers stuff etc. I immediately saw it was final sale merchandise, and very politely told her I was sorry, but I was unable to take these items back. She got really irate and said well, no one told me, and they don't fit me. I'm sorry, but if you buy stuff without trying it on, it behooves YOU to find out what the return policy is. We went back and forth a bit, but I didn't budge, as I am unable to. She kept saying no one told her, so i wasted my money, blah, blah, blah.

    She then got rather irate, and demanded, not asked for, a manager. Who was righ there, and also told her politely we could not take her stuff back, basically repeating what I had told her. She got pissed, started yelling a bit, and swearing up a storm! We tried to calm her down, but she was having none of it. She then asked for our names and the store, which we gave her, then turned around to leave. I heard a loud thud, like she had slammed her bag into something, but it turns out she THREW it on the floor, then stompted out, slamming the door behind her!

    She came back like 10 minutes later for her stuff, and was on the phone, presumeably with CS. She tried to tell the mananger the receipt was in the bag she threw (and came back for) but the manager said calmly, no you had it as you wrote our names etc on it, and suggested perhaps it fell out of the bag "when it fell on the floor!" - hahahahaha Manager then heard her say to whoever was on the phone taht she had to go look for the receipt as maybe she dropped it outside, but we certainly didn't have it.

    We didn't see her again, which I hope means CS did not cave ,and allow her to return the items. They are generally pretty good about sticking to the policy. I think she knew they were not returnable, but figured if she made a big enough stink, we would simply give in, and do what she wanted.

  • #2
    Oy! I hope your company sticks to their guns. I hate when employees aren't supported by TPTB.

    Customer hissy fits are the best. At the body shop, I had a guy call the cops on me because he didn't want to pay for the work and still wanted to pick the car up because he didn't like the work we did.

    Well, I had my butt covered- I told him when he dropped the car off that it wasn't going to come out correctly, it was going to look horrible and had him sign a line on the repair order acknowledging that.

    I wouldn't have even taken it in if the owner of the shop told me we had to.

    So, the cop comes in with this guy screaming at me. I told the cop he was being a nuisance by not paying and not letting any other customer get through, showed him the RO with his sig and said that he needed to leave- either by paying and driving off or just leaving. The cop sided with me and stayed there until the guy left.

    The funny thing was after he left, all the walk-in customers left their cars with me because of how I handled myself. :P
    "You are beginning to damage my calm."


    • #3
      Hee, that 2nd story reminds me of the guy who hired 'Wreck Chasers' to tow his broken down car, was told $50 before the hook-up, and then after they'd gotten to the new location he told her 'look babe, I'm only going to pay you $30.' Ooooooh, did the claws come out! He paid the $50 all right!
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        Quoth LillFilly View Post
        Hee, that 2nd story reminds me of the guy who hired 'Wreck Chasers' to tow his broken down car, was told $50 before the hook-up, and then after they'd gotten to the new location he told her 'look babe, I'm only going to pay you $30.' Ooooooh, did the claws come out! He paid the $50 all right!
        Quick solution: "Either you pay me the agreed on $50, or it stays on the crane and goes back to the impound lot with me."
        I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


        • #5
          Ha! Who did he think was going to win that war! LOL
          "You are beginning to damage my calm."


          • #6
            He thought the Princess of the Universe was going to win. In other words him.
            Bark like a chicken!


            • #7
              Quoth Captain Trips View Post
              Quick solution: "Either you pay me the agreed on $50, or it stays on the crane and goes back to the impound lot with me."
              In an earlier life I was a locksmith. Our instructor in the trade school had some good stories of people who refused to pay the agreed-upon price after he opened their car for them. Depending on his mood, either the keys went back to the shop with him, or he just re-locked them back in the car...

              ("What? That took you five seconds, I'm not paying you $20 for that!"
              "Suit yourself." {SLAM}
              "Hey wait a minute!!"
              "You want your car opened, you have to pay me."
              "All right, I'll pay you, open it again."
              "That'll be $40. In advance."
              "But you said it was $20 just now!"
              "Yeah, but now I have to do it twice." He paid it.)

