GAHHHH I have GOT to get out of the cesspit I work in!
Quiz Time Peeps!
Right, question time! SC's daughter finds some money on the floor, it is not hers. Does the SC:
a) Hand it over to the cashier
b) Ask other customers if they have lost it
c) Tell their daughter to put it in her purse because she found it there so its hers.
Let's just say karma caught up with them.
I saw no less than five tantrums today, and by tantrums I mean full on screaming and kicking all because they couldn't have their own way. I wish parents would consider staff and customers and take the little brat* out of the shop
*they were ALL old enough to know better, and they did it purely because they knew the parents would give in.
Bone-Idle Swines
I had to tidy the toy section at work today...yippee!!! I am not exaggerating when I say it looked like a bomb had hit it. It was so bad that I had to ask the supervisor in charge of the section to tell me where everything went. Nothing was in its right place, it was all just a massive heap of toys.
The entire shop was a mess if I'm honest. I fail to understand why people think it's alright to just shove random products back into random places. My co-worker tidied the health & beauty aisle 3 times before we closed today. The place just looked shot to pieces.
My store has no LP, no security guard, nothing. We, the cashiers and floor people (none of whom are male by the way) are the security. For the minimum wage, my company expects ME to challenge and chase thieves who steal from our store.
Me and one of my co-workers were once chewed out by our boss for not chasing someone who stole some sweets.
Because we have no security (the front door doesn't even lock for God's sake) people come in and steal all the time. If we see someone stealing, my supervisors say "it'll be ok don't bother with it"
yet the BOSS shouts at us for not chasing said thieves!
Do NOT Throw Money On The Counter
I. HATE. THAT. I despise it. If I have my hand stretched out for the money, do NOT throw it on the counter like it's a piece of rubbish for the retail slave to pick up. Do it and you will get the same back in kind, as the man who did this today found out.
More Money Woes
At my store, the customers either go to one extreme or the other. They either use an obscenely high bill to pay for a low-amount purchase, or they hold the queue up for a few minutes whilst they count out the exact change in copper or silver
Don't Expect Me To Serve You Until You Hang Up That Phone!
So, a woman came up to the till today gassing on her mobile phone. She threw the product on the counter and snapped her fingers at me. Oh. Hell. No! I stopped and just stared at her. The SC's part of the conversation took place to her friend on the phone.
SC: There's some hold up!
Me: *stare*
SC: The cashier won't ring me up!
Me: *stare*
SC: Come on I haven't got all day!
Me: I have, so get off the damned phone and we can get this transaction done.
SC: Uhh...I'll call you back.
The rest of the transaction went smoothly.
More ID Hell
Long story short, boy tries to buy lighter fluid, and has no ID. I refuse the sale, he demands a manager. I get my newly appointed AM (who is AWESOME) and he not only agrees with me and backs me up, but says:
"Miss_Stress is halfway through her law degree, and I can assure you she knows the ID laws of the UK better than anyone in this store. She will not be selling this to you today."
A Few Minor Checkout Pet Peeves
1. Don't drop the item on the counter, then when I look at you to greet you, point down to the item and ignore me.
2. Don't just stand there and watch me struggle to pack several bags.
3. Don't put the wheel-along baskets in with the normal ones. Common sense dictates they don't fit properly.
4. Pay attention to what I say to you!
5. Don't interrupt my greeting with either a command or demand.
6. Do not interrupt me when I am serving someone else by PRODDING me in the back and demanding a refund or to know the location of a product. Find a floor person or available cashier!
7. Don't give me a big bill when you have the right money available and then complain when I give you your change back in shrapnel, because I have nothing else thanks to more of your moronic ilk who decided to do the same earlier and wiped out my float.
8. Don't complain that we don't accept personal cheques. Take it up with Head Office.
9. Don't make snarky comments to the people you're with when you are refused a quantity limit. Again, take it up with Head Office.
10. Manners cost nothing. Do not substitute the words "please" and "thank you" for the word "love." It just annoys me.
And...that's it for now folks!

Quiz Time Peeps!
Right, question time! SC's daughter finds some money on the floor, it is not hers. Does the SC:
a) Hand it over to the cashier
b) Ask other customers if they have lost it
c) Tell their daughter to put it in her purse because she found it there so its hers.
Let's just say karma caught up with them.
I saw no less than five tantrums today, and by tantrums I mean full on screaming and kicking all because they couldn't have their own way. I wish parents would consider staff and customers and take the little brat* out of the shop

*they were ALL old enough to know better, and they did it purely because they knew the parents would give in.
Bone-Idle Swines
I had to tidy the toy section at work today...yippee!!! I am not exaggerating when I say it looked like a bomb had hit it. It was so bad that I had to ask the supervisor in charge of the section to tell me where everything went. Nothing was in its right place, it was all just a massive heap of toys.

The entire shop was a mess if I'm honest. I fail to understand why people think it's alright to just shove random products back into random places. My co-worker tidied the health & beauty aisle 3 times before we closed today. The place just looked shot to pieces.
My store has no LP, no security guard, nothing. We, the cashiers and floor people (none of whom are male by the way) are the security. For the minimum wage, my company expects ME to challenge and chase thieves who steal from our store.

Because we have no security (the front door doesn't even lock for God's sake) people come in and steal all the time. If we see someone stealing, my supervisors say "it'll be ok don't bother with it"

Do NOT Throw Money On The Counter
I. HATE. THAT. I despise it. If I have my hand stretched out for the money, do NOT throw it on the counter like it's a piece of rubbish for the retail slave to pick up. Do it and you will get the same back in kind, as the man who did this today found out.
More Money Woes
At my store, the customers either go to one extreme or the other. They either use an obscenely high bill to pay for a low-amount purchase, or they hold the queue up for a few minutes whilst they count out the exact change in copper or silver

Don't Expect Me To Serve You Until You Hang Up That Phone!
So, a woman came up to the till today gassing on her mobile phone. She threw the product on the counter and snapped her fingers at me. Oh. Hell. No! I stopped and just stared at her. The SC's part of the conversation took place to her friend on the phone.
SC: There's some hold up!
Me: *stare*
SC: The cashier won't ring me up!
Me: *stare*
SC: Come on I haven't got all day!
Me: I have, so get off the damned phone and we can get this transaction done.
SC: Uhh...I'll call you back.
The rest of the transaction went smoothly.
More ID Hell
Long story short, boy tries to buy lighter fluid, and has no ID. I refuse the sale, he demands a manager. I get my newly appointed AM (who is AWESOME) and he not only agrees with me and backs me up, but says:
"Miss_Stress is halfway through her law degree, and I can assure you she knows the ID laws of the UK better than anyone in this store. She will not be selling this to you today."

A Few Minor Checkout Pet Peeves
1. Don't drop the item on the counter, then when I look at you to greet you, point down to the item and ignore me.
2. Don't just stand there and watch me struggle to pack several bags.
3. Don't put the wheel-along baskets in with the normal ones. Common sense dictates they don't fit properly.
4. Pay attention to what I say to you!
5. Don't interrupt my greeting with either a command or demand.
6. Do not interrupt me when I am serving someone else by PRODDING me in the back and demanding a refund or to know the location of a product. Find a floor person or available cashier!
7. Don't give me a big bill when you have the right money available and then complain when I give you your change back in shrapnel, because I have nothing else thanks to more of your moronic ilk who decided to do the same earlier and wiped out my float.
8. Don't complain that we don't accept personal cheques. Take it up with Head Office.
9. Don't make snarky comments to the people you're with when you are refused a quantity limit. Again, take it up with Head Office.
10. Manners cost nothing. Do not substitute the words "please" and "thank you" for the word "love." It just annoys me.
And...that's it for now folks!