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Thieves, brats, and bone-idle swines

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  • Thieves, brats, and bone-idle swines

    GAHHHH I have GOT to get out of the cesspit I work in!

    Quiz Time Peeps!

    Right, question time! SC's daughter finds some money on the floor, it is not hers. Does the SC:

    a) Hand it over to the cashier
    b) Ask other customers if they have lost it
    c) Tell their daughter to put it in her purse because she found it there so its hers.

    Let's just say karma caught up with them.


    I saw no less than five tantrums today, and by tantrums I mean full on screaming and kicking all because they couldn't have their own way. I wish parents would consider staff and customers and take the little brat* out of the shop

    *they were ALL old enough to know better, and they did it purely because they knew the parents would give in.

    Bone-Idle Swines

    I had to tidy the toy section at work today...yippee!!! I am not exaggerating when I say it looked like a bomb had hit it. It was so bad that I had to ask the supervisor in charge of the section to tell me where everything went. Nothing was in its right place, it was all just a massive heap of toys.

    The entire shop was a mess if I'm honest. I fail to understand why people think it's alright to just shove random products back into random places. My co-worker tidied the health & beauty aisle 3 times before we closed today. The place just looked shot to pieces.


    My store has no LP, no security guard, nothing. We, the cashiers and floor people (none of whom are male by the way) are the security. For the minimum wage, my company expects ME to challenge and chase thieves who steal from our store. Me and one of my co-workers were once chewed out by our boss for not chasing someone who stole some sweets.

    Because we have no security (the front door doesn't even lock for God's sake) people come in and steal all the time. If we see someone stealing, my supervisors say "it'll be ok don't bother with it" yet the BOSS shouts at us for not chasing said thieves!

    Do NOT Throw Money On The Counter

    I. HATE. THAT. I despise it. If I have my hand stretched out for the money, do NOT throw it on the counter like it's a piece of rubbish for the retail slave to pick up. Do it and you will get the same back in kind, as the man who did this today found out.

    More Money Woes

    At my store, the customers either go to one extreme or the other. They either use an obscenely high bill to pay for a low-amount purchase, or they hold the queue up for a few minutes whilst they count out the exact change in copper or silver

    Don't Expect Me To Serve You Until You Hang Up That Phone!

    So, a woman came up to the till today gassing on her mobile phone. She threw the product on the counter and snapped her fingers at me. Oh. Hell. No! I stopped and just stared at her. The SC's part of the conversation took place to her friend on the phone.

    SC: There's some hold up!
    Me: *stare*
    SC: The cashier won't ring me up!
    Me: *stare*
    SC: Come on I haven't got all day!
    Me: I have, so get off the damned phone and we can get this transaction done.
    SC: Uhh...I'll call you back.

    The rest of the transaction went smoothly.

    More ID Hell

    Long story short, boy tries to buy lighter fluid, and has no ID. I refuse the sale, he demands a manager. I get my newly appointed AM (who is AWESOME) and he not only agrees with me and backs me up, but says:

    "Miss_Stress is halfway through her law degree, and I can assure you she knows the ID laws of the UK better than anyone in this store. She will not be selling this to you today."

    A Few Minor Checkout Pet Peeves

    1. Don't drop the item on the counter, then when I look at you to greet you, point down to the item and ignore me.

    2. Don't just stand there and watch me struggle to pack several bags.

    3. Don't put the wheel-along baskets in with the normal ones. Common sense dictates they don't fit properly.

    4. Pay attention to what I say to you!

    5. Don't interrupt my greeting with either a command or demand.

    6. Do not interrupt me when I am serving someone else by PRODDING me in the back and demanding a refund or to know the location of a product. Find a floor person or available cashier!

    7. Don't give me a big bill when you have the right money available and then complain when I give you your change back in shrapnel, because I have nothing else thanks to more of your moronic ilk who decided to do the same earlier and wiped out my float.

    8. Don't complain that we don't accept personal cheques. Take it up with Head Office.

    9. Don't make snarky comments to the people you're with when you are refused a quantity limit. Again, take it up with Head Office.

    10. Manners cost nothing. Do not substitute the words "please" and "thank you" for the word "love." It just annoys me.

    And...that's it for now folks!
    Last edited by Dave1982; 01-31-2011, 01:38 PM. Reason: removed inappropriate euphemism for children

  • #2
    Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
    Me: I have, so get off the damned phone and we can get this transaction done.
    I love you!



    • #3
      Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
      GAHHHH I have GOT to get out of the cesspit I work in!
      Yes, you do. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.
      Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
      Quiz Time Peeps!

      Right, question time! SC's daughter finds some money on the floor, it is not hers. Does the SC:

      a) Hand it over to the cashier
      b) Ask other customers if they have lost it
      c) Tell their daughter to put it in her purse because she found it there so its hers.

      Let's just say karma caught up with them.
      Ooh, do tell! Do tell!
      Quoth Miss_Stress View Post

      My store has no LP, no security guard, nothing. We, the cashiers and floor people (none of whom are male by the way) are the security. For the minimum wage, my company expects ME to challenge and chase thieves who steal from our store.
      That's not right at all. Do you have a union you can take this up with?
      Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
      SC: There's some hold up!
      Me: *stare*
      SC: The cashier won't ring me up!
      Me: *stare*
      SC: Come on I haven't got all day!
      Me: I have, so get off the damned phone and we can get this transaction done.
      SC: Uhh...I'll call you back.

      The rest of the transaction went smoothly.
      Hooray for Chutzpah! I hope the SC learned a lesson. And I further hope your bosses won't get mad at you (mine would've!).
      Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
      1. Don't drop the item on the counter, then when I look at you to greet you, point down to the item and ignore me.

      2. Don't just stand there and watch me struggle to pack several bags.

      ...4. Pay attention to what I say to you!

      5. Don't interrupt my greeting with either a command or demand.

      6. Do not interrupt me when I am serving someone else by PRODDING me in the back and demanding a refund or to know the location of a product. Find a floor person or available cashier!
      Wow, you've got some seriously sucky customers there. And I bet they all think that they're the epitome of class and breeding. They must be the disciples of this idiot. You have my sympathies. And again, you do indeed need to get out of there.
      Last edited by XCashier; 01-29-2011, 09:36 PM.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
        My co-worker tidied the health & beauty aisle 3 times before we closed today. The place just looked shot to pieces.
        It's Saturday. I don't know why, but my store gets trashed twice as badly on Saturdays than any other day. It's not even our busiest day.
        Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


        • #5
          Quoth XCashier View Post
          Ooh, do tell! Do tell!
          Right, they'd literally just got out of the store and a lovely man came up asking me about some money because he'd dropped some change. I asked him how much and he told me the same amount that those 2 kids had picked up. So I pointed to them outside and said "they just picked it up off the floor and walked off with it." So, he went outside and got the money back from them although not without a fight on the mother's behalf, which quickly stopped when he threatened her with the police.
          Last edited by Dave1982; 01-31-2011, 01:38 PM. Reason: removed euphemism for children


          • #6
            Ah yes,thieves....back when I worked in the liquor dept. of the Green Wall (that store was biggest seller of Bud in the entire state) we'd catch them & they'd make the mistake of trying to fight 3-5 of us,not realizing that we carried pony kegs on our shoulders for fun.

            I'm sure I broke a guy's rib once.
            "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

            Mark Twain


            • #7
              Wow... here in the states, many (if not all) stores have a policy that if you go chasing after a thief, you get fired. The store doesn't want to be paying for you for all eternity if you manage to get hurt while trying to be a hero.

              I think it's a sensible policy; no job is worth getting hurt by a criminal.


              • #8
                Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
                Me and one of my co-workers were once chewed out by our boss for not chasing someone who stole some sweets.
                Quoth sirwired View Post
                Wow... here in the states, many (if not all) stores have a policy that if you go chasing after a thief, you get fired.
                Pretty mush this - wherever I've worked, out policy was "if you spot a thief, let Management know, but do NOT approach him; we don't want you getting hurt" -- granted, that was code for "Our insurance won't cover it if you get hurt", but it was still store policy to just let them go. The MOD would call the cops right away in that case (tho one of them did once chase a dude down and wrestle him to the ground over an expensive bottle of stolen wine)
                "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                • #9
                  Quoth sirwired View Post
                  Wow... here in the states, many (if not all) stores have a policy that if you go chasing after a thief, you get fired. The store doesn't want to be paying for you for all eternity if you manage to get hurt while trying to be a hero.

                  I think it's a sensible policy; no job is worth getting hurt by a criminal.
                  Or be paying a thief for all eternity if they get hurt being chased by somebody who has no authority to chase or apprehend thieves.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Quoth sirwired View Post
                    Wow... here in the states, many (if not all) stores have a policy that if you go chasing after a thief, you get fired. The store doesn't want to be paying for you for all eternity if you manage to get hurt while trying to be a hero.

                    I think it's a sensible policy; no job is worth getting hurt by a criminal.
                    Exactly, which is why I've always refused to chase a thief. Damn our company's policy to the depths of hell, because less than £5 an hour is NOT enough to chase thieves. If the company is so bothered, splash out some profits on security guards, instead of trying to make cashiers chase the scum of the earth. I hate my company.


                    • #11
                      When I worked for the Big Evil Supermarket (the huge British chain that is orange rather than blue and red), we had a strict policy that only LP or managers were allowed to actually apprehend shoplifters and thieves, and IIRC the blue and red supermarket has the same policy. Miss_Stress, can you look for a job at either the Orange Supermarket or the Blue and Red Supermarket? They pay better than minimum wage as well.
                      A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                      - Dave Barry


                      • #12
                        At another of the big supermarkets (the green one) we were told not too as well. They even have a training video called "Its just not worth it".
                        I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


                        • #13
                          Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
                          Quiz Time Peeps!
                          Let's just say karma caught up with them.
                          Awesome when karma gets them back isn't it?


                          My store has no LP, no security guard, nothing. We, the cashiers and floor people (none of whom are male by the way) are the security. For the minimum wage, my company expects ME to challenge and chase thieves who steal from our store. Me and one of my co-workers were once chewed out by our boss for not chasing someone who stole some sweets.

                          Because we have no security (the front door doesn't even lock for God's sake) people come in and steal all the time. If we see someone stealing, my supervisors say "it'll be ok don't bother with it" yet the BOSS shouts at us for not chasing said thieves!
                          Wow, that's really bad of your company. I'll admit I've been in places with no LP before, but they were small family run businesses where you actually had some loyalty to the shop, not some faceless chain.

                          That said we didn't really chase thieves, but if we could politely point out that they seem to have forgotten to pay for something while happening to be between them and the door... well we did that all the time.

                          Do NOT Throw Money On The Counter

                          I. HATE. THAT. I despise it. If I have my hand stretched out for the money, do NOT throw it on the counter like it's a piece of rubbish for the retail slave to pick up. Do it and you will get the same back in kind, as the man who did this today found out.
                          I'm with you on this one. I mean I understand that there are a couple of cultures where they shouldn't touch hands, which is fine, but the few people I know from said cultures always stack the money neatly for me and slide it over the counter which is a lot better than an idiot just throwing change on the counter bouncing all over the place.

                          I once had a guy like that who came up £1 short and tried to persuade me that the £1 had dropped on the floor behind the counter and as I'd lost it he didn't have to pony up the rest...

                          hope you get a fewer sucky customers today
                          "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

                          CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
                          Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


                          • #14
                            Quoth sirwired View Post
                            Wow... here in the states, many (if not all) stores have a policy that if you go chasing after a thief, you get fired. The store doesn't want to be paying for you for all eternity if you manage to get hurt while trying to be a hero.

                            I think it's a sensible policy; no job is worth getting hurt by a criminal.
                            Or you could learn the hard way like an old friend of mine who got jumped by 4 thugs with 2 sticks, a bit of pipe, and a knife after the store closed for the night because he wouldn't let them hightail it out the door with a case of Bud. The worst part is that he was the security guard. If he hadn't been a huge dude, the knife to the back would have hit a lung.

                            All of that. Over a case of Bud.

                            Even at the two worst jobs I ever had, I wasn't to chase or resist thieves taking product or cash. For one, I was a cashier, so that made sense. For the other, I was the token security staff. My entire job was to stand around and be seen. I was an ambulatory scarecrow.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
                              Do NOT Throw Money On The Counter

                              I. HATE. THAT. I despise it. If I have my hand stretched out for the money, do NOT throw it on the counter like it's a piece of rubbish for the retail slave to pick up. Do it and you will get the same back in kind, as the man who did this today found out.
                              I also hate that with a fiery purple passion! It was one thing guaranteed to have me blowing steam. Especially when it's on purpose.

                              Let me caveat that--I have neurological issues. My hands don't always work well, ergo, I cannot always hold things tightly enough to keep them from falling. Because of that, I DO drop things now and again, including money and reusable grocery bags.. If that happens I ALWAYS apologize to the cashier and attempt to help pick it up if things flutter or fall around.

                              Courtesy won't kill you and an honest "I'm terribly sorry" will go a long way to making the person working feel a lot better both about having to pick stuff up and about you in general. It also helps if you shop in the same store forever and they know you anyway. I <3 my grocery store clerks. They're wonderful and I let them know that.

