Growing said product is still illegal on the Federal level; state laws cannot supercede that. It's just that the Feds have more-or-less agreed to let it slide in states where it has been legalized on the state/local level (put simply, they have bigger fish to fry). There have been cases where a grower of Medicinal "product" did an interview on the local news, without making any attempt to disguise his face or location, and was almost immediately busted/raided by the Feds (arguably as much for his own stupidity as anything else). If a future drug czar decides to actually start enforcing those laws again, I'm afraid all of those shopkeepers will be in serious hoo-hah, no matter what the states say. The only solution would be to have it legalized on the Federal level -- which is improbable, but not impossible.
So I'm reduced to taking far stronger and more addictive (and liver damaging) painkillers instead, simply so I don't have to go to jail for managing my pain.
Anyway, enough hijack. Back to your regularly scheduled thread
