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I'm speshul!! You will break the rules for me

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  • I'm speshul!! You will break the rules for me

    people involved in this post:
    guy at dispatch
    Miss speshul sucky female customer
    *Miss K*: who Miss speshul was here to see

    Visitor Parking was reserved for 2 events when Miss speshul arrived. Only 16 spots had to be reserved, but due to the winter weather, Visitor Parking was reserved at 9 a.m. because there were only 16 open spots at that time. The full sign had to be turned on for a reason. Andrea, *not her real name*, the Director of Parking & Transportation, does not want the full sign turned on for some reason. She would rather have me block the Visitor Parking entrance gate with the big white sign that reads Visitor Parking is closed for a special event. The other side of that sign reads Visitor Parking is $5.00 per entry. I had placed that sign near the entrance gate with the $5.00 per entry facing the Visitor Parking booth around 8:45 a.m. because there was a total of 18 open spots at that time. 2 people arrived, who were not here for any of the events, & so I let them park. The windy weather moved the big white sign, & it hit one of the cars that was entering the garage. The driver told me what happened. I asked her if she wanted to call campus police. She said it was ok, that she just wanted me to know what happened. So I called the Parking office to let them know what happened, & the full sign was turned on. I placed the big white sign in front of the Visitor Parking booth with the side reading Visitor Parking closed for a special event facing the street in front of the booth.

    Miss speshul arrived around 10:45 a.m. Here is what happened.

    me: "Hi, how may I help you?"
    Miss speshul: "Yes...I have a meeting with *Miss K*. I was told to park here. I will not be too long."
    me: "I'm sorry, but the garage is reserved for events, & I have no available spots."
    Miss speshul: " is the garage really full or is it that you just cannot let anyone park."
    me: "I'm not allowed to raise the gate for anyone not on the event list."
    Miss speshul: "Ok...but I am not a student. I do not work her. I am not a staff member. I have on 4 inch heels. I do not want to walk too far. You have let me park in the garage before. I will not be here too long."
    me: "No, I cannot do that."
    Miss speshul: " have let me park in the garage before. I am not from around here. I will not be here too long."
    me: "No, I cannot do that."
    Miss speshul: "Ok..can you call *Miss K* for me." This was not a question. It was a demand.
    me: "I'm sorry, but I can only call the client, the parking office. I am not allowed to call anyone else."
    Miss speshul: "You have done this for me before."
    me: "*Miss K* has to call the parking office to see what they can do for you."
    Miss speshul: "No, I want you to speak to *Miss K*" she has her cell phone in her hand.
    me: "I'm sorry, but I cannot speak to her."
    Miss speshul: "You have called her for me."
    me: "No, I cannot do that. One moment please."

    So I call the parking office, which is over Visitor Parking, but there was no answer. Miss speshul is still sitting in her car, & she is on her cell phone. So I call dispatch. Here is what happened.

    guy at dispatch: "Dispatch. How may I help you?"
    me: "Hi, there is a customer at the window who does not have a reservation. I only have enough spaces for what is posted on the Outlook calender. I called the parking office, but there is no answer. She will not take no for an answer, & I have already told her no several times. She will not find other parking because she does not want to walk in her high heels."
    guy at dispatch: "Well..if the garage is full, then it is full. Just tell her she cannot park."
    me: "I have already done that several times. She will not take no for an answer. Do you want to talk to her?"
    guy at dispatch: "No, I do not need to. Just tell her what I told you."

    So I hang up the phone. Miss speshul is still sitting in her car speaking on her cell phone. There is a car behind her. I tell her that I could not reach the parking office & so I had to call dispatch instead. I also tell her what dispatch told me & that I am not allowed to circumvent the rules for anyone. She then says "who do I need to speak to so I can park?" I give her the direct phone number to dispatch. She calls them. She is told no, she cannot park. Then she asks me for my name.

    She finally leaves, & she enters the freeway which can be seen from the Visitor parking booth.

    Last edited by snugglegirl05; 02-02-2011, 11:37 PM.

  • #2
    I have on 4 inch heels. I do not want to walk too far.
    and i should care why, exactly? you wore 'em, you walk in 'em or wear something else.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth snugglegirl05 View Post
      She finally leaves, & she enters the freeway which can be seen from the Visitor parking booth.
      Guess her meeting wasn't really that important to her if she just went home.


      • #4
        Or she didn't have one and was using the garage as a park and ride
        Out of retail!


        • #5
          Driving with 4" high heels?

          And if she can't walk too far with that it means she's not used to them. Even bigger reason not to drive with them on.

          And as said, you choose what to wear, and any problems you have with that ain't my problems!


          • #6
            She can't walk with 4" heels? Gosh, My sister runs in 6" heels. (without heels she claims is 5' 1/4" - she adds an extra 1/2" to be over 5'). I'm a bitch. I have mentioned my sister's heels if someone pulls that heels to high excretement on me


            • #7
              4 inch heels

              too fucking bad.

              too bad you can't say that to them


              • #8
                $10 she was one of those "my Daddy will MAKE you" types.
                "You are beginning to damage my calm."


                • #9
                  Quoth Betweenshades View Post
                  $10 she was one of those "my Daddy will MAKE you" types.
                  And by daddy do you mean pimp?


                  • #10
                    Quoth bunnyboy View Post
                    And by daddy do you mean pimp?
                    Possibly either, depending on her age at the time.
                    "You are beginning to damage my calm."


                    • #11
                      I'm drivin' a truck
                      Drivin' a big ol' truck
                      Pedal to the metal, hope I don't run out of luck
                      Rollin' down the highway until the break of dawn
                      Drivin' a truck with my high heels on
                      Bark like a chicken!


                      • #12
                        Maybe instead of going home she went shopping for pair of flat shoes
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.

