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The Most Idiotic Thing a Customer Has Yelled At You For...

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  • The Most Idiotic Thing a Customer Has Yelled At You For...

    I literally had some old douche bag yell at me today because our P-traps were not displayed. The boxes of them were all in stock and they have clear pictures of what they are on them. If you don't know what a P-trap looks like, hire a God-damned professional. No honey, I am not a plumber. If I was, do you honestly think I'd be working in this shitbox!?!
    Shut up and jump.

  • #2
    I occasionally had people yell at me for taking the trash out. They didn't like the fact that I had to expose the trash can to take out the bag.

    ...Sorry I can't just press a button and have the contents of the can incinerated?
    I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
    less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


    • #3
      Not yelling, but an idiotic request all the same....
      "Would you please brew that coffee later, after I've left? I'm pregnant and the smell of coffee makes me nauseous."

      I worked in a coffee shop.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        We're not supposed to tell the customer how many copies of a book are on hand, but sometimes a new person will do it, or the customer will see the screen over the counter, and they'll be like, "well it says you have one..." So I would explain that the computer might be wrong, or it could be something that's on hold for someone. I've had customers ask me to look on the hold shelf and see if the hold is expired so they can have it.

        First of all, unless it's a special order, I have no way of knowing what name it's under. And I'm not going through 3 or 4 bays of holds and special orders (each of which has a sheet of paper wrapped around them) on the off chance that it might be an expired hold. I'll order it, I'll call another store, but other than that, you're out of luck.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Not getting the psychic brainwaves telling me WHO THEY ARE and HOW IMPORTANT they are (in their own minds)


          • #6
            Quoth Boozy View Post
            Not yelling, but an idiotic request all the same....
            "Would you please brew that coffee later, after I've left? I'm pregnant and the smell of coffee makes me nauseous."

            I worked in a coffee shop.
            Okay That made my brain hurt why go into a cofee shop? Unless they were escaping the whether or something. I am sure if she was meeting someone they wouldn't have been offended if they met somewhere else. But I am applying logic, aren't I ?
            Last edited by Crow The Robot; 01-30-2007, 02:38 AM. Reason: I need sleep


            • #7
              My eyeliner being blue and not black. See:

              I was experimenting with a new color mix, and I took pictures during the process so I could do it again. I'm a makeup whore, I know. It helped when the SC called the manager to complain, and I could just show her the pictures.


              • #8
                At the racetrack I work at, during the day of our biggest race of the season, some jerk had the balls to become irate and yell at us because our grill was "freaking disgusting". This is just as I was finishing up cleaning it. The next person in line just said, "Idiot. I have no problem taking a burger from that. It's one of the cleanest grills I've seen." The other people in line agreed.

                I thought it was over after that. Nope, of course not. He complained to our bosses. My boss came down here and told me someone complained about how "dirty" the grill was. Well, we just finished pulling the burgers off of it, so of course there were little bits of grease and burger left on it as we were cleaning it. But that's the keyword, "cleaning". I told him what happened, he looked at the grill, and just said to make sure we cleaned it every so often. What a jerk. I pray I get my new job so I can trash this company and it's bosses to my heart's content.
                "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                • #9
                  I had a husband and wife yell at me because I did not have access to their bill because they were calling the wrong cell phone company. They literally screamed at the top of their lungs at me, made fun of me, and were just down right awful to me. They finally called me a "simpleton" and a few other choice words (his wife called me a 'catch u next tuesday' a few times) and hung up.


                  • #10
                    i've also had the pleasure of being called an idiot because i couldn't figure out what the jackass customer wanted with a description of 'cold vanilla drink.'

                    yes, i read minds too, but the reader was on the fritz that day, y'know.
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      I had some entitlement wench demand to see my nametag so she could report me to the manager, just because I was coming down the aisle with a cart of stuff and said "excuse me" so I could get through. She said I was supposed to wait for her to finish browsing, because she was the customer dammit.

                      I had another buttweed report me because he called over to me for help at the same time I was answering a carryout call. I answered the call first and put my index finger up as if to say "one minute please".

                      I never heard anything from a manager in either of these incidents. Either the dickheads never made good on their threats to tattle on me, or the managers just blew them off.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        I guess this is a reverse situation because it was a cook who yelled at me because of my customer's order. My customer wanted soup and 1/2 sandwich which was not offered on the menu. No big deal, right. When I got to the kitchen the cook was raising hell. He was yelling, "What do I do with the other half of #$@%#$@# sandwich?!" ROFLMAO Hey, it was third shift... everyone was tired.


                        • #13
                          Pronouncing a customer's name wrong. Sorry, but if your name is spelled Pryzybyz but it's pronounced "Shibish," I will need a little help. That has got to be the most unpronouncible last name I have ever seen.

                          Welcome to my hotel Mister uh..




                          "It's Shibish goddammit!"

                          And if after 40 years of people pronouncing it wrong you still get mad, you either need to a) legally change it to "shibish" or b) get a life (or some therapy).


                          • #14
                            I've bee nyelled at several times for losing the customers computer. They get so narky when we can't find the computer or their paperwork. Threats to sue and/or physical violence ensue. Usually it's because either their significant other already picked up the computer or they called up the wrong store.

                            One woman got so pissy at me when I couldn't find her computer that she was riding my ass up one side and down the other. While I'm apologizing to her for not finding her computer her hubby comes in and I can clearly hear him telling his wife excitedly "Honey guess what! They fixed the computer a full day early and it was only half of what he quoted us since the problem was a bad ram chip!" as he walks in with the computer he picked up before I came to work (like 2 0minutes before I clocked in).

                            Another one I was getting chewed enough new assholes that my butt was starting to look like a colander for losing a computer. Person finally says "That's it, @#$% you I'm going to sue and from now on I'm taking my business to [computer store A]!"

                            "But Sir, we are [computer store A]."

                            "You're not [computer store B]?"

                            "No, what does your job order sheet say on the top of it?"

                            "[computer store B]. Goddamnit! You just made me look like a [censored]ing jackass! I'm (say it with me boys and girls) never shopping here again! Mother [censored]ers making me look like a dumbass. I should sue you!"

                            "Our lawyer's name is John Smith and his number is 555-555-1212. When you file make sure that the court has that information. Good day."

                            I really wanted to say "Bring it on" but I don't think it would have helped.
                            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                            • #15
                              Quoth Boozy View Post
                              "Would you please brew that coffee later, after I've left? I'm pregnant and the smell of coffee makes me nauseous."

                              I worked in a coffee shop.
                              I work in a restaurant, and a this was what one woman said one night:

                              "I realize that you need to clean here, but don't you think you could do that vacuuming in the middle of the night? It's kind of annoying."

                              It was 2:15 a.m.

