As most of us retail workers know some items are completely seasonal. Such as for my Swamp we currently don't have swimming diapers or big spray bottles.
One day while I was stocking in dry grocery I had a female customer come up to me with a bag of cat food in her arms. She was looking for a spray bottle to use as a deterant for her cat. Not a problem we still have spray bottles. So, I show her to the various spray bottles we do have.
Next thing I know is she is yelling at me that, that is not what she wanted. It turns out she wants the big spray bottles we carry for the plants in the spring. I politely inform her that we have not received them yet. She throws down the cat of cat chow, which breaks open all over the floor and stalks away like a child.
I just looked after her then cleaned up the mess she created.
One day while I was stocking in dry grocery I had a female customer come up to me with a bag of cat food in her arms. She was looking for a spray bottle to use as a deterant for her cat. Not a problem we still have spray bottles. So, I show her to the various spray bottles we do have.
Next thing I know is she is yelling at me that, that is not what she wanted. It turns out she wants the big spray bottles we carry for the plants in the spring. I politely inform her that we have not received them yet. She throws down the cat of cat chow, which breaks open all over the floor and stalks away like a child.
I just looked after her then cleaned up the mess she created.
