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Bribery and the Wii

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  • Bribery and the Wii

    Honestly I never thought people would try and bribe workers in a department store. With the rush for Wii's we CANNOT put one on hold for your buddy and we can only sell them one at a time (we are being more lenient now with that rule as the rush is slowing down).

    so far i have been offered:
    1)20 bucks to put one on HOLD
    2)50 bucks to make a double purchase
    3)60 bucks to call a customer when a shipment comes in. This guy also tried to bribe the manager

    Honestly people....I may not make much but I make more then that in a shift so what makes you think im going to give up my job for a days pay so you can have your video game goodness at home?
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    That's all you've been offered? At my video game store I've been offered $100 to set one aside for a customer. I thought for a long time about it, but decided not to go for it. I just don't care enough about the money. Of course I could use it, but it isn't like I can't pay my bills each month.

    Nothing beats the crap I had people offer me for ps3's. I had one customer offer me half of what he would make selling it on ebay. That's not too bad, except like you, I could have been fired. Also, he was planning on selling his the week before Christmas, so he didnt make anything off of it, so it certainly wasn't worth my job.


    • #3
      wow, are you getting gypped. I've been offered twice the price of it to put one on hold. That's just under the table for me, not factoring in buying it.

      I think the best one was when the 360 came out. We had the demo machines in place and one guy was asking to get the demo unit. We give the usual reason (It's not ours to sell, it's Microsoft's) but he asked how much to have it. Finally one of our guys said 10k

      Yes, 10k for a 360.

      The sad part is, the guy even asked if he was serious and was willing to pay it. He got told no, that it wasn't for sale and he left.

      The rep came in later that week, was told the story and the only question he asked was "did he go for it?"
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        Yeah we had several offers to buy our demo unit in the week before Christmas as we had no more shipments scheduled until after the holiday.

        Some customers just can't figure out that not all floor models/demo units are somehow for sale.

        I also had a guy offer to buy one of the Wii remotes for our demo since he was desperately searching for another one.

        Interestingly, I didn't get a single offer on a PS3.


        • #5
          Hm, I've been offered money bribes to steal pills from the pharmacy I work at but seeing as being fired would be the last of my worries, I decline those. I've also been offered money bribes to tell people which horse will win race. Um, if I knew when all the horses were going to win, why in the hell would I be working. I'd just bet, become ridiculously rich, and quit. But I do offer free advice, with NO garauntees. Sometimes I get a tip for them when they win. And I only give out my suggestions when it's a horse that I'm pretty much 100% sure will win.

          If I'm lucky, a drunk woman will offer me a sexual bribe for free food or free stuff at the pharmacy. While very tempting at times, I can only wonder, if they are willing to offer me that stuff for free food or a free video rental, just how much are they doing with everyone else in the world? Sadly I turn them down.
          "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


          • #6
            dunno what to say. not only are my customers cheap on the salesfloor but they wont even give me a decent bribe!!
            Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


            • #7
              Slightly off topic, but it made my little nerd heart skip a beat.



              • #8
                Damn SCs can't even bribe right.

                The only bribe I was offered was $20 a figure for Star Wars Episode 1 figures a few days before they were to be availiable for sale. Other than that it was just the usual whining and threats.
                "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

                When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


                • #9
                  Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                  Slightly off topic, but it made my little nerd heart skip a beat.

                  OH HELL YEAH!
                  I AM the evil bastard!
                  A+ Certified IT Technician

