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Before the day/shift even began...

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  • Before the day/shift even began...

    ...the suck started.

    Before the day began...

    I don't know how long my Night Auditor had been calling me -- when my room phone rang, I kept trying to turn off the alarm on my cell phone. Eventually, I woke up enough to comprehend what was happening, and answered the phone.

    NA: "Yeah, guest in [room] is being loud. I called up there, but he isn't answering the phone. I knocked, and saw movement in the peephole, but they aren't answering the door either."
    Me: "Grrrr.....okay gimme a second."

    I got up, got dressed, and looked at the time. 1:40 is early, even for me. I went up and saw the light on in the room. I knocked on the door.

    Me: *knock knock* "Manager!"
    SC opened the door. He can't answer for Night Auditor, but apparently he can answer for me.
    Me: "We got a noise complaint from this room. I need you to keep it down. Other people are trying to sleep."
    SC: "Okay."
    Me: "Just so you know, if we get another complaint, I'm not hauling my ass out of bed again to come warn you. We're just going to kick you out at that point. So can you keep it down for me?"
    SC: "Okay."

    I love it when they're nice and cooperative. Some try to argue. I give this guy credit for realizing I wasn't going to put up with any BS.

    He checked out a couple hours later, and told Night Auditor that a girl was still in the room and that it was "our problem" to get her out. As far as I know, she was gone by check-out time.

    I just checked SC back into another room tonight. He seemed a little surprised to see me. I put him downstairs where we can keep an eye on him.

    Before the shift began...

    Before I checked the previous SC back in, I had an even worse SC. This guy was something else. He made a reservation through central reservations. He wanted a smoking room, and he wanted it upstairs.

    SC: "Is that the only handicapped parking you have?" *indicates space in front of office*
    Me: "Most of our handicapped parking is in the back. For the room you want, I only have [this] and [that], which is not near those parking spaces, though there are lots of regular parking spaces there."
    SC: "Do you have anything by that space?" *indicates again to space in front of office*
    Me: "Unfortunately, everything along the front is already full.
    SC: "But I made a reservation!"
    Me: "Yes, for a smoking room upstairs. All I have left are [this] and [that]."
    SC: "They said you had two left!"
    Me: "Yes, I have [this] and [that]."
    SC: "Well, what about nonsmoking?"
    Me: "I do have some nonsmoking rooms that will by the handicapped parking in the back. They are not ready yet, though."
    SC: "No, I want by that spot!" *indicates space by office*
    Me: "Unfortunately as I said, everything along this side of the building is full."
    SC: "But I made a reservation!!!" *lather, rinse, repeat*

    Eventually, he asks to see one of the rooms I originally indicated.

    SC: "How many stairs are there?"
    Me: "I don't know. It's just up one floor, though."
    SC: "Yes, but how many stairs? I'm used to elevators."
    Me: "I don't know the exact number of stairs, and unfortunately we don't have elevators, but it's just one floor you have to climb up."
    SC: "I know you don't have elevators! You don't know how many stairs?"
    Me: "I've never counted them, so no, I do not know."
    SC: *grumble grumble*

    He goes up and decides that he will take the room. He comes back down. As he is filling out the paperwork, he goes and sits down and moans and groans and complains about stairs (even though in the reservation, he requested upstairs!).

    Me: "And how will you be paying for this?"
    SC: "Credit."
    Me: "Will you need a receipt?"
    SC: "Yes, on my bank statement."
    Me: *ignores the fact that he doesn't appear to know the diff. between a receipt and bank statement* "Okay, you can go ahead and slide your card right down there."
    SC: "I want to sign on paper."
    Me: "We do everything electronically now."

    While yes, I could do a manual transaction by phoning it in and generating a paper receipt, I was not about to go through the hassle for this guy. Besides, he was paying with Amex, and I hate their phone set-up with a passion. (FYI there's just no way for me to enter the number into our system and generate a paper receipt. If I just enter the number, it still goes back to the customer to sign at the pin pad unless I have an authorization number from phoning the Credit Card company.)

    I finally convince him to sign the pin pad. He complains the whole way through. He then complained that the receipt doesn't have a break-down of the charges. Until the charges are posted during the audit, I can't give him one.

    I thought I was done, but he needed help finding a car dealership.

    Me: "I don't know. I think they are off of [exit] on [street], but let me check."
    SC: "No, I think they are downtown."
    Me: *goes and checks* "Yes, it appears they are off of [exit] on [street]. They're just off the exit; you should see them on the right when you get off."
    SC: "I thought they were downtown!"
    Me: "I don't know of any [dealership] downtown."
    SC: "Well, they used to be downtown! A long time ago they were downtown!"
    Me: "They must have moved since then. Just take the [street name exit] and you will see them."
    SC: "But what road are they on?"
    Me: "[Street name]. You'll see them as you're coming down the off ramp."
    SC: "That's so confusing. They used to be downtown!"
    [My note: Downtown is a maze with some rather interesting intersections. How that is more confusing that "just off the exit" I cannot say.]

    I finally got him out of the office after that.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    If he doesn't like stairs, why the hell did he reserve an upstairs room?? Idiot.

    And this:
    SC: "Well, they used to be downtown! A long time ago they were downtown!"
    How is that even relevant? What does he want--a time machine?
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
      Me: "[Street name]. You'll see them as you're coming down the off ramp."
      SC: "That's so confusing. They used to be downtown!"
      You know what, they're still downtown. Leave out that and just make a left, a right, two more lefts, and turn in a circle. You'll find them.

      Why does it always seem like the hotel sucks are the worst and get the worst SC's? There's only ever been one hotel that ever made me really dislike the employees (it was a s***hole in the middle of nowhere and they didn't care about anything) and even then I still treated the workers like human beings.


      • #4
        Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
        He checked out a couple hours later, and told Night Auditor that a girl was still in the room and that it was "our problem" to get her out. As far as I know, she was gone by check-out time.
        Is it just me, or does it sound like he's failed to pay her at this point?



        • #5
          I wouldn't be surprised.
          Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

