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I Won't Sign the Slip if I Can't See the Amount

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  • I Won't Sign the Slip if I Can't See the Amount

    Yesterday, one of the checkers got a customer who was refusing to sign the credit slip that the store keeps because he couldn't see the amount. I showed him the amount on his actual receipt and he still wouldn't sign until I made another copy of the slip that the store keeps.
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  • #2
    that's smart actually. more people should do that


    • #3
      Why couldnt he see the amount? Had it not printed out properly or something? I actually don't think this was sucky (unless he was being rude and objectionable about it, of course), its really quite sensible. I don't sign things if i can't see how much I'm signing for either!
      A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
      - Dave Barry


      • #4
        That's weird- you credit card machine doesn't print the amount?
        "You are beginning to damage my calm."


        • #5
          Quoth Betweenshades View Post
          That's weird- you credit card machine doesn't print the amount?
          Sure it does, but purplecat's customer didn't see it. Even when it was pointed out to him in black and white. (Er, purple and white, whatever... )


          • #6
            Some of these people I don't blame which is why I'm glad our new programing lists the amount on the Pin pad before you sign because, otherwise I have to wait 3-5 minutes for the pin pad to time out and print a recepit which actually charges your card anyways.
            But these days some people do get a lot from the fear mongering media about identity theft and how all us cashiers are spies out to steal their credit cards.
            I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


            • #7
              I agree with the customer. I understand the receipt shows the price. doesn't mean that is what I am being charged. The charge slip I get should show how much I am being charged. If my receipt says $57.36, Then I want to be sure the charge slip does also. Been burned before by not seeing the actual charge slip I am signing.


              • #8
                I know that sometimes things get overblown in the media, but I don't think ID theft is one of them. Not when hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers get stolen every year and you can buy them for pennies apiece online. Every day at work I have regular customers who have to give me a new credit card number because their old one was compromised and they had to cancel the old card.

                I don't believe that all clerks and wait staff are all stealing people's ID's and card numbers, but fraud does happen. Receipts should always show how much the customer was charged.
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  Only the last 2 digits didn't show since that particular register has problems with receipt printing and a white strip shows through the slip. When I did a duplicate receipt, it printed normal.
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                  • #10
                    Being an accountant...I would urge people NOT to sign anything without proper information on it, including receipts. Might of been a hassle for you, but he did the right thing. Sorry...


                    • #11
                      Agree with pp's, there is no way I will sign any piece of paper unless the amount I'm paying is printed on that same piece of paper.


                      • #12
                        Sorry for not clarifying but he insisted that it be typed. That means if I put it through a manual machine that would require me to write down the amount, he still wouldn't have signed it.
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                        • #13
                          I was wondering how the guy acted when he asked if he could sign a slip where the CC total was clearly shown? If he was a dick, then yeah I can agree. If he was at least polite about it, then I think we see things differently.
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • #14
                            Quoth purplecat41877 View Post
                            Sorry for not clarifying but he insisted that it be typed. That means if I put it through a manual machine that would require me to write down the amount, he still wouldn't have signed it.
                            I have no issue with this. While I am not super anal about my credit slips, I know that I would not sign one that was either unclear or somewhat questionable. I'm afraid I must side with the customer on this one.

                            Of course, I'm a bit more wary than I used to be, especially since I had one of my cards frozen, and got a call from Visa about potential fraud. The call went something like this.

                            VISA REP: "Did you recently make a $220 purchase at a Wal-Mart in Lutz, Florida?"
                            JESTER: "Where the hell is Lutz, Florida?!?!?!"

                            I had to google it. Answer: It's somewhere north of Tampa, an area I have not been in in over ten years. I also had not been in a Wal-Mart in at least two years, if not longer.

                            Props to Visa, they got everything squared away. My card was disabled, my funds were returned, a new card with a new number was issued to me, and everything was fine. The rep went over other charges on that card with me, but all the rest of them were charges I had made and recognized.

                            Since then, I have gotten a second call from Visa asking about "suspicious" charges, but they were all mine. Apparently, I'm suspicious.

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #15
                              Quoth underemployeed View Post
                              Some of these people I don't blame which is why I'm glad our new programing lists the amount on the Pin pad before you sign because, otherwise I have to wait 3-5 minutes for the pin pad to time out and print a recepit which actually charges your card anyways.
                              But these days some people do get a lot from the fear mongering media about identity theft and how all us cashiers are spies out to steal their credit cards.
                              I can't blame the customer on this one; I would have reacted the same way, (well, I wouldn't have been sucky about it).

                              But I can understand concerns about credit cards. A friend of mine had her credit card information stolen by a waitress at Outback, who then went on a massive shopping spree and spend a couple of thousand dollars. Local police weren't too interested in helping her, and only my friend's persistence led to the girl's arrest.
                              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

