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If only you had listened the first time I told you, we wouldn't have this problem

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  • If only you had listened the first time I told you, we wouldn't have this problem

    So, as I've explained in various threads, I work in a technical dispatch call center that deals with a lot of infrastructure and radio equipment. I'm going to try to give a quick and dirty rundown of my job to make this complaint make more sense.

    On a typical call, the customer calls in, tells us what is wrong, and we page out the shop/technician responsible for their site to request that they go out to the site and fix the problem. Some customers have to speak to a third party tech support group before their case is created, and we're currently updating a large chunk of our customers to follow this procedure, so there are still some kinks in the system. In the case that the customer calls us first, we're supposed to route them to the Support Center, then have the Support Center call us back if someone actually needs to go out to site.

    Story time.
    I get a call this morning from one of our notoriously cranky techs. He wants to know what is going on with a case that he was paged out on. After I did some digging and asked a coworker who had been handling the issue, I found out the case was opened in error, and that it would have to be closed, and a new case created by the Support Center in a bit if dispatch were necessary. I got back on the line with said cranky tech, who seemed to take the news ok, if not a bit peevishly. I did warn him that a new case would likely be opened, and we would re-page him when it was. I gave my apologies, figured, ok, case closed.

    Not so. I get the call from Support Center to open a new case, and do so with pleasure. Put it in the notes with a different title, more detail and re-page the tech. Of course, when he calls in practically an hour later, I, again, get the call. He proceeds to rant and rail that he was not aware a new case would be opened, that he would have already contacted the equipment vendor to follow up were he aware, and so on and so forth. He also complains that he'll never get ahold of a rep for the equipment vendor now--keep in mind, this was at noon, CST. Unless the vendor is abroad, someone should be in the office, or back in the office before COB today, thanksmuch. I try to apologize, and even volunteer all the information he wanted the last time he called, trying to point out ever-so-subtley that I went the extra mile for him, so he wouldn't have to, and he still made it all sound like he was being punished and tortured because we were all idiots. Grr.

    It took EVERYTHING I have in me not to point out that if he could work on listening, we wouldn't have this problem. I even, very nicely, pointed out that I had warned him a new case would most likely be opened, and apologized since I know it was an error by one of our agents/the customer that the case was opened to begin with. Sheesh.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford