It's policy at work that only kids 14 and over can be dropped off at my facility. Personally I think they shouldn't be allowed to be dropped off at all, but who am I to make the rules, eh?
So I am sitting at my desk when in walks a kid who I would swear on a Bible was about 10, if that. He comes up to my desk and asks directions to our game room. I ask him if he has an adult with him. He shakes his head no, and tells me that his dad dropped him off and will be back in a few hours. As calmly as I can I inform the little dude that rules are rules and that he has to be 14 to stay there alone. I then tell him that he needs to call his parents and tell them that they have to be there with him. He agrees and as I dial the number for him he mumbles "my mom is so gonna be ticked." -- I should have gone into hiding at that point.
About 15 minutes later the mother shows up. She is indeed, ticked. She informs me that I am a sorry person, my rules (because I own this government funded facility) are utterly stupid and that I am as well. She fumes for at least 5 minutes about this before grabbing his arm, informing me that she WILL be speaking to my boss as well as anyone else she could name off and then stormed out. Now then... Lets go into why this was such a SC.
* I am a mom... NEVER will I trust complete strangers to watch my kid... ESPECIALLY if I just drop them out of the car and drive away.
* There are 17 doors in my facility. That is 17 places that some pedo could be lurking and waiting to steal a kid. (Not to mention bathrooms and storage closets and such.)
* I was the idiot for not being "a babysitter" for her child...
* She is a tax payer and therefore the people at my center are paid by her and she demands a person to hold her kids hand for her while she goes and does who knows what...
* I am the idiot for being slightly annoyed for her dropping off her child without any indication of who he was, if he had any medical issues, when she would be back, how to contact her if he were to fall and break a leg and most importantly, who he can and cannot stroll out of my building with. *sigh*
It is bad enough that our capacity is 780 people to begin with. Now take into account that there are 2 people working there. That means that I can have up to 390 people to be looking out for. Now.... You tell me how comfy you are with leaving your 10 year old there?