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my experience at front desk .... II

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  • my experience at front desk .... II

    When you are waiting in line ready to check in, make sure you have your photo ID and credit card ready. dont wait until you get to the front desk then ask "what? ID? and credit card? thought the room already pre-paid, why you need to see my ID?" DUDE. for your own safety, and protecting the interest of our hotel, i have to see the ID to make sure you are who you say you are.... as for the credit card. I have to make an imprint you dumbass..... and DONT wait until you come to the front and spend 10 minutes looking for your ID and credit card.... I can tell you aint the first time checking into a hotel.

    at check in... please dont talk on the phone.... and pay attention to us when we usually ask a few questions to verify the length of stay... and what type of room you booked... so there will be no misunderstanding or if there is a mistake. we can correct it right away... maybe you changed your plans instead of staying for 3 days you will be staying for 4 instead... whoknows... pay attention to our hotel's info... where breakfast served and when.... ... so that way. we dont have to go through all the shits like "No one told me you guys stopped serving breakfast at 12pm"
    I kid you not... i got this 2 fat ladies came to the front desk complaint to we didnt tell them we stopped serving breakfast at 11am.... i dont know about you guys.... but i had my breakfast at 6am.... McDonald stopped serving at 1030.....

    wake up calls... we have logs and computer to check on all the wake up calls we did... we can even verified you actually picked up the phone and answer the call...
    not like we calling you a liar, but the computer says so, not us.... if you demand compensation for not getting a wake up call... you better think again.....

    we are out of rooms.... we are sold out tonight... i cant even process a walk in for you... get lost.... bribing me aint gonna work ( I love to keep my job. it pays bills and insurance) "How about I give you 60 bucks and make someone else's reservation disappear" i think not... infact you better get out of here before i call the security to haul your ass out.

    we are walking you to another hotel... cos we are overbooked.. its our fault really.... those people in the central booking just didnt care.
    why is it you getting a slip for walking. think about this.. you are paying shitty rates, you booked the room at the last possible moment.
    well think about this.... you dont have to pay for the night at the hotel we are sending you to... what the fuck you bitching it for. you get a free cab ride... free room... STFU and go to the other hotel.... they are waiting.

    Late check out.... I know its sunday... i am big football fan myself... check out time is 12pm... I gave you the extend check out at 2pm... just to finish watching the 3rd quarter.... then you call, because you wanna finish watching the game... thats not gonna happen..... you have to be out by 2pm... otherwise im gonna charge you for a full day... thats 300 bucks for finish the game... you want that?
    Be considerate... there are other people wanna check in as early as possible... housekeepers need time to clean up the room you bitches.... many people wanna check in as early as possible... and check out as late as possible... you are selfish.

    Guest came up to ask if he or she could go to the exclusive club lounge to watch the game on that big 50 inch plasma tv.... answer is no if you didnt pay for the access fee... look.... i offered to give you the access for 50 dollars a night.... including all the drinks and TV in the lounge.... but you declined the offer.... stupid... now you aint gonna watch the game... and you dont have your room to watch the game either... but you really want to watch the game.... too fucking bad. with 3 hours to burn before your shuttle pick up... watcha gonna do? NOTHING. HA.. take that.

    I gotta love those jackasses came to the front desk demanding to get certain rooms. "I want a nice room"... your company only paying for standard room "i want a suite thu" DUDE... your company already got a block of rooms. anything else you are on your own buddy....... "but i dont wanna pay for it" too fucking bad. you are staying where you are.

    I am here with the conference... does my room rate including breakfast and parking? NOPE.... all charges on your own.. What the FUCK? i need to pay for my own breakfast, and parking let me talk to your manager. There is no need to talk to my manager, why dont you talk to your conference coordinator. I am just reading all the info from the list i have about your conference.

    Government employees... this one is a classic... I am working for the government... dont i get this and this upgrade and complimentery breakfast and parking... how about this dumbass I work for this hotel chain.. do i have to pay for parking tickets, and traffic tickets if I tell the officers I know so and so working for the government?

    The luggage carts are for the bellmen to bring your luggages up and down. they are not toys for you or your kids to play with in the lobby. Got these drunk couples they started pushing their ladies around in the lobby. and the kids... bad parenting..... when you see your kids playing with things ie luggage carts... stop them before they hurt themselves.

    This one is gross.... i know when you are meeting some friends... you all want to have a good time. you buy a few rounds... he buys a few rounds... control yourself.... stop when you know you cant drink anymore... but you have to keep on drinking just because you wanna show off you are tough... a few more drinks and KABOOM.... you started to puke..... from the hallway to the bathroom.... and ya know what... your puke is everywhere..... its disgusting....
    last week.... someone even shit his pants after he was drunk.... i kid you not...
    grow up people... and dude... if you are his friend... shouldve stopped him before he made an ass of himself in the public

    You have a wedding to attend.... you need to get ready... change your clothes, and shower.... your room is not ready.... offered you to check into a smaller room first then we gonna move you to the room you supposed to get... so you wouldnt miss the wedding.... no you decline.... how stupid can you get.... not only you are gonna miss the wedding... you are gonna be late for everything else.... i dont understand how dumb those people are....

    Its late at night.... you are looking for food... but you didnt want to order room service... fine.. i gave you the phone number for pizza delivery.... and make sure you tell the pizza guy which room you are physically in.
    When I call your room about your delivery and you are not there.. the delivery guy would get somewhat upset... at you.. not at me...
    when I call your room about your delivery... you have to come to the lobby and pay the delivery guy... he knows he cant get to your room.... even though you insist he could come to your room. we dont allow that... why? lets see.... things could happen... assult... robbery... rape.... etc etc.... its for your own safety...

    now i feel alot better.....

  • #2
    Well, if you need to watch the game so badly, I'm sure there's a bar somewhere that's got it on...

    There, there, uthdentroll, let me tell you a happy story of early guests:

    About 5 years ago my friend was getting married, so we had a 5-day girls' getaway to Key West (Hi Jester !!) a couple weeks before the wedding. There were 8 of us, in 2 rooms. What with the flight schedule and all that we got to the hotel early (maybe an hour or 2, I forget), so our rooms weren't ready yet. The front desk folks offered to lock up our bags in the big closet they had behind the desk, so we all dug out our bathing suits and sunscreen and put our bags away, and hung out at the pool until our rooms were ready. Ahh, bliss.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

