This happened earlier today, and I'm still annoyed by it.
The Players:
DD: The Dehumidifier Dingbat
BM: Our Store Manager (male)*
BF: Head Cashier (female)*
*Note: sex has nothing to do with this story, but since both their names start with B, I'm using M and F to distinguish between them*
Me: *Currently wishing for a couple of Bacardi Breezers*
So to start, we need a bit of backstory to set the scene: DD was in yesterday. She had bought a dehumidifier back in November and had come back in sometime in February (I wasn't working whatever day it was, so I'm not sure when) complaining that the dehumidifier wasn't working properly, that it wasn't collecting much water.
Well, no shit Sherlock. It's Winter! There's no humidity for the dehumidifier to collect! You've gotta wait until Summer for it to do its thing.
DD was told a more polite version of the above but she still insisted that it was broken so it was sent out for repair. It came back, she left with it, and we got a call from the repair place telling us the same thing that we told her: that nothing was wrong and that it was just the wrong season for the damn thing.
Flash forward to yesterday: She came in again and wanted to speak to either BF (who knows her) or BM. I was on Customer Service at the time so it was just my luck to have to deal with her.
And of course, as per my luck, neither of them were in yesterday.
She said that she was having problems with the dehumidifier again, and that the repair place didn't do a good job of fixing it. (can't fix what isn't broken...)
I told her that I could send it out for repair again, since it was still under warranty, but she said that she wanted a refund. I told her that I couldn't give her one since it was outside our 90-day return policy and that the only thing I could do for her was the repair. That's when she wanted either BM or BF (even though BF wouldn't have been able to do anything else for her either). I explained that they were both off but that they'd be in today, so she said she'd come back in then and left.
*Whew* After that bit of backstory, let's get on with our main story, shall we?
So once again I'm on Customer Service (I swear the SC's wait until I'm the one over there before they come in) and DD comes in. Still the same spiel: dehumidifier doesn't work, repair job was crap, gimme refund. blah blah blah.
Once again I explained the reason that it wasn't working optimally was due to the weather and not the machine, but she would have none of it. She still wanted a refund, which I couldn't do without getting fired so quickly my head would spin.
BF had wandered over though (side note: She sometimes likes to stick her nose into the other cashiers' business when we're doing returns, even when it's not needed and is just annoying. Thankfully though, this wasn't one of those annoying times.) and DD explained to her what was going on. I had a customer in my line at the time (returns are on one side of the CS desk and the register is on the other) so I left DD with BF and rang him through.
BF told DD the exact same thing she had been told repeatedly by this time about it being the wrong time of year for the dehumidifier and even called up the repair company, who confirmed that nothing was wrong with the machine itself. Still not good enough for our SC.
She still wanted her damn refund, even though BF backed me up in saying that it was well past the time that DD could have gotten one.
DD wouldn't back down though, so BF said to call BM and ask him to come to Customer Service, as he's the only one who would be able to authorize such a request (more like a demand...) Even the Department Mangers wouldn't be able to, only the Store Manager or Owner.
So BF called BM on his extension, and BM got her to send DD down to the Hardware counter, saying that he would meet her there. About five to ten minutes later he called up to Customer Service (and I was the only one there at that point. BF had left to go do something on the floor) and basically told me that he had just repeated what DD had already been told a million times, and that he was going to okay an exchange for her.
So DD came back up to my desk and I just had to wait for BM's call to let me know that he had found the same model of dehumidifier that she was bringing back (I almost forgot to mention that before he called me and she came up that she was directed to bring her old one around to the side doors so that it could be unloaded).
A few minutes later he called back and said that he couldn't find one so to ask DD if she wanted to get an exchange on a different model or if she just wanted the refund. I did, and she hemmed and hahhed for a few seconds before deciding to go see what we had in stock. I relayed that to BM as she walked off and he said that he was giving her the refund just to shut her up and get her to go away. He sounded tired and a bit frustrated as he said that, and it was around the usual time that he takes his lunch break, so hunger was probably a factor in his decision as well (he gets to the store around 7am every morning and doesn't take lunch until 2pm, so he likely gets pretty hungry.) Poor bastard.
DD came back and said that she didn't want any of the dehumidifiers that we have in stock so she'd just take the refund and buy one when they went on sale. I gave her the refund and hoped that the next time she came in I wouldn't have to be the one dealing with her.
Ugh. Forget the Bacardi Breezers. I need something a lot stronger.
The Players:
DD: The Dehumidifier Dingbat
BM: Our Store Manager (male)*
BF: Head Cashier (female)*
*Note: sex has nothing to do with this story, but since both their names start with B, I'm using M and F to distinguish between them*
Me: *Currently wishing for a couple of Bacardi Breezers*
So to start, we need a bit of backstory to set the scene: DD was in yesterday. She had bought a dehumidifier back in November and had come back in sometime in February (I wasn't working whatever day it was, so I'm not sure when) complaining that the dehumidifier wasn't working properly, that it wasn't collecting much water.
Well, no shit Sherlock. It's Winter! There's no humidity for the dehumidifier to collect! You've gotta wait until Summer for it to do its thing.
DD was told a more polite version of the above but she still insisted that it was broken so it was sent out for repair. It came back, she left with it, and we got a call from the repair place telling us the same thing that we told her: that nothing was wrong and that it was just the wrong season for the damn thing.
Flash forward to yesterday: She came in again and wanted to speak to either BF (who knows her) or BM. I was on Customer Service at the time so it was just my luck to have to deal with her.

She said that she was having problems with the dehumidifier again, and that the repair place didn't do a good job of fixing it. (can't fix what isn't broken...)
I told her that I could send it out for repair again, since it was still under warranty, but she said that she wanted a refund. I told her that I couldn't give her one since it was outside our 90-day return policy and that the only thing I could do for her was the repair. That's when she wanted either BM or BF (even though BF wouldn't have been able to do anything else for her either). I explained that they were both off but that they'd be in today, so she said she'd come back in then and left.
*Whew* After that bit of backstory, let's get on with our main story, shall we?
So once again I'm on Customer Service (I swear the SC's wait until I'm the one over there before they come in) and DD comes in. Still the same spiel: dehumidifier doesn't work, repair job was crap, gimme refund. blah blah blah.
Once again I explained the reason that it wasn't working optimally was due to the weather and not the machine, but she would have none of it. She still wanted a refund, which I couldn't do without getting fired so quickly my head would spin.
BF had wandered over though (side note: She sometimes likes to stick her nose into the other cashiers' business when we're doing returns, even when it's not needed and is just annoying. Thankfully though, this wasn't one of those annoying times.) and DD explained to her what was going on. I had a customer in my line at the time (returns are on one side of the CS desk and the register is on the other) so I left DD with BF and rang him through.
BF told DD the exact same thing she had been told repeatedly by this time about it being the wrong time of year for the dehumidifier and even called up the repair company, who confirmed that nothing was wrong with the machine itself. Still not good enough for our SC.

DD wouldn't back down though, so BF said to call BM and ask him to come to Customer Service, as he's the only one who would be able to authorize such a request (more like a demand...) Even the Department Mangers wouldn't be able to, only the Store Manager or Owner.
So BF called BM on his extension, and BM got her to send DD down to the Hardware counter, saying that he would meet her there. About five to ten minutes later he called up to Customer Service (and I was the only one there at that point. BF had left to go do something on the floor) and basically told me that he had just repeated what DD had already been told a million times, and that he was going to okay an exchange for her.
So DD came back up to my desk and I just had to wait for BM's call to let me know that he had found the same model of dehumidifier that she was bringing back (I almost forgot to mention that before he called me and she came up that she was directed to bring her old one around to the side doors so that it could be unloaded).
A few minutes later he called back and said that he couldn't find one so to ask DD if she wanted to get an exchange on a different model or if she just wanted the refund. I did, and she hemmed and hahhed for a few seconds before deciding to go see what we had in stock. I relayed that to BM as she walked off and he said that he was giving her the refund just to shut her up and get her to go away. He sounded tired and a bit frustrated as he said that, and it was around the usual time that he takes his lunch break, so hunger was probably a factor in his decision as well (he gets to the store around 7am every morning and doesn't take lunch until 2pm, so he likely gets pretty hungry.) Poor bastard.
DD came back and said that she didn't want any of the dehumidifiers that we have in stock so she'd just take the refund and buy one when they went on sale. I gave her the refund and hoped that the next time she came in I wouldn't have to be the one dealing with her.
Ugh. Forget the Bacardi Breezers. I need something a lot stronger.
