"Use your words" aka "We have reached the limits of what I will put up with for Wally World Pay".
Saturday, 5pm, the busiest time of the day (maybe the week) at the Wally World pharmacy, and like usual I am rushing with a pair of boxes to get the shelves stocked so I can create some spare time to start working on the backroom merch to clear up space, because we are REALLY desperate for backroom space at the pharmacy. That was when not one, but two women (apparently sharing the same brain) did two of my least favorite introductions:
#1 No hello, just a question.
#2 Spoke from 20 feet away and I had to guess that they were talking to me.
You know, side note. I am sure a few SC's wander in here every now and then to read the posts and wonder WHY people in retail do not like rude customers who go out of their way to be jerks (we should get some NASA scientists to look into this) and here are some simple rules to follow, aka basic social skills 101:
#1 Greet yourself first. Don't just blurt out a question, as my name is not "Whereis" and I do not know you from a hole in the head. A rule I go by (and I have been criticised for this) is to help the customer with the same amount of respect in which help was requested. So remember, It only takes three seconds to make a first impression, make those three seconds count.
#2 I do not train my ears to listen to every conversation 15+ feet away in case someone is talking to me, and why would I? I don't know how every other Wally World in the USA is, but mine is busy and loud. Half the time I don't even know CS's are talking to me from 15-25 feet away, and let's be honest, how could I? I remember one old "lady" who got mad because I did not know she was talking to me from literaly 40 feet away. So pretty please with sugar on top, just walk over and ask your question? Oh, and since we are on the subject...
#3 I will not answer a question unless you ask it. What part of this is too hard to understand? I cannot stand it when people will mumble (usually from the other side of the aisle) "Gee, I sure wish I could find the aspirin", and btw if you cannot find the aspirin in a pharmacy, you fail. Crazy thought, try the aspirin aisle? The other one I cannot stand is when someone will just stand three feet away and glare at me waiting for me to ask them what they need. This is the height of rudeness. Open your god damn mouth and ask the question!
Okay, now the story (finally):
There I was with my boxes when the previously mentioned two women (whom you may have forgotten about by now, sorry about that) asked me a question.
SC's "Where do we find the (brand name I never heard of) powder?"
After a few years in retail you kind of get to know every item and brand in the store, but when I did not recognize the brand name I broke into the usual question:
Me: "Hmmmmmm I am not familiar with that brand. What is the powder used for?"
SC's "It's just a powder".
Me: "Yes, but what is it used for?"
SC's "(Rudely) It's a powder!"
This clearly is my fault. As we all know there is only one type of powder on earth, and screw me for not knowing it
Me: "I understand that, but what KIND of powder"?
SC's "(VERY rudely) It's JUST A POWDER!"
Me: "Yes, I understand, but what is the powder used for?"
SC's "(Together) IT'S JUST A POWDER!"
Baby powder? Baking powder? Foot powder? Powder for make up? Bed bug powder? Powder for the garden? Powder for cooking? Powder for soaking up oil spills? Cocaine? Heroin? WHAT?! I was trying my best to think of what powder they could mean using my department and the two ajoining departments as a reference point, but without ANYTHING to go on, it is going badly.
Me: "I know it is a powder, but I mean what is the powder used for, what TYPE of pow..."
CS's "(Very rudely) IT"S JUST A POWDER!"
Me: "..." "Yeah, other side of the store"
CS's "We were just there they didn't have..."
Me: "That's where it would be." (I walk off).
CS's "(As I am walking away) Can he just talk to us like that?"
Half of me looks at the ending with "Dude, are you TRYING to get fired?" and the other half...just... wants to burn the store down with the customers still inside. SERIOUSLY. When did people stop trying to make anything that resembles an effort?
Saturday, 5pm, the busiest time of the day (maybe the week) at the Wally World pharmacy, and like usual I am rushing with a pair of boxes to get the shelves stocked so I can create some spare time to start working on the backroom merch to clear up space, because we are REALLY desperate for backroom space at the pharmacy. That was when not one, but two women (apparently sharing the same brain) did two of my least favorite introductions:
#1 No hello, just a question.
#2 Spoke from 20 feet away and I had to guess that they were talking to me.
You know, side note. I am sure a few SC's wander in here every now and then to read the posts and wonder WHY people in retail do not like rude customers who go out of their way to be jerks (we should get some NASA scientists to look into this) and here are some simple rules to follow, aka basic social skills 101:
#1 Greet yourself first. Don't just blurt out a question, as my name is not "Whereis" and I do not know you from a hole in the head. A rule I go by (and I have been criticised for this) is to help the customer with the same amount of respect in which help was requested. So remember, It only takes three seconds to make a first impression, make those three seconds count.
#2 I do not train my ears to listen to every conversation 15+ feet away in case someone is talking to me, and why would I? I don't know how every other Wally World in the USA is, but mine is busy and loud. Half the time I don't even know CS's are talking to me from 15-25 feet away, and let's be honest, how could I? I remember one old "lady" who got mad because I did not know she was talking to me from literaly 40 feet away. So pretty please with sugar on top, just walk over and ask your question? Oh, and since we are on the subject...
#3 I will not answer a question unless you ask it. What part of this is too hard to understand? I cannot stand it when people will mumble (usually from the other side of the aisle) "Gee, I sure wish I could find the aspirin", and btw if you cannot find the aspirin in a pharmacy, you fail. Crazy thought, try the aspirin aisle? The other one I cannot stand is when someone will just stand three feet away and glare at me waiting for me to ask them what they need. This is the height of rudeness. Open your god damn mouth and ask the question!
Okay, now the story (finally):
There I was with my boxes when the previously mentioned two women (whom you may have forgotten about by now, sorry about that) asked me a question.
SC's "Where do we find the (brand name I never heard of) powder?"
After a few years in retail you kind of get to know every item and brand in the store, but when I did not recognize the brand name I broke into the usual question:
Me: "Hmmmmmm I am not familiar with that brand. What is the powder used for?"
SC's "It's just a powder".
Me: "Yes, but what is it used for?"
SC's "(Rudely) It's a powder!"
This clearly is my fault. As we all know there is only one type of powder on earth, and screw me for not knowing it
Me: "I understand that, but what KIND of powder"?
SC's "(VERY rudely) It's JUST A POWDER!"
Me: "Yes, I understand, but what is the powder used for?"
SC's "(Together) IT'S JUST A POWDER!"
Baby powder? Baking powder? Foot powder? Powder for make up? Bed bug powder? Powder for the garden? Powder for cooking? Powder for soaking up oil spills? Cocaine? Heroin? WHAT?! I was trying my best to think of what powder they could mean using my department and the two ajoining departments as a reference point, but without ANYTHING to go on, it is going badly.
Me: "I know it is a powder, but I mean what is the powder used for, what TYPE of pow..."
CS's "(Very rudely) IT"S JUST A POWDER!"
Me: "..." "Yeah, other side of the store"
CS's "We were just there they didn't have..."
Me: "That's where it would be." (I walk off).
CS's "(As I am walking away) Can he just talk to us like that?"
Half of me looks at the ending with "Dude, are you TRYING to get fired?" and the other half...just... wants to burn the store down with the customers still inside. SERIOUSLY. When did people stop trying to make anything that resembles an effort?