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"Can I Have Your Shirt?"

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  • "Can I Have Your Shirt?"

    The shirt in question is a pretty spring purple but has a few grease stains on it that are not really noticeable unless you look.

    Customer: "Can I have your shirt?"

    "While I'm still wearing it?"

    "Yeah. I want it. It's pretty. Can I have it?"

    "You want me to prance around naked in front of my other customers?"


    "Then you're not getting my shirt."


    Bonus: Shutting Down "I Donated Last Week"ers

    As you may or may not know (or care about), Aid of Rite is sponsoring the "Network For Creating Miracles for Kids" (Or CMN as an abbreviation-Google for the real name). On Sunday, when it started, I got plenty of people telling me "I donated last week!"

    "Really? Where?"


    "*broad smile* It only started today."

    *sheepish, will usually give me a dollar*
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    Quoth ralerin View Post
    Customer: "Can I have your shirt?"

    "While I'm still wearing it?"

    "Yeah. I want it. It's pretty. Can I have it?"
    Sadly, this is not the first time I've read about SCs demanding an employee's own clothing/jewelry/whatever because "it's pretty" or just because they "want it". Yes, I know it's pretty, that's why I'm wearing it, and yes, I do want it, that's why I bought it with my own money.

    Seriously, would they demand an article of clothing or jewelry or anything else from a friend, relative, casual acquaintance or stranger on the street? Of course not. But they don't think twice before demanding a store employee hand over their personal property. This mindset baffles me.
    Last edited by XCashier; 04-15-2011, 12:03 AM.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Reminds of the time I saw Lucille Ball on some talk show. She was wearing a gorgeous flowered dress. The host was letting the audience come up to a mike, one at a time, and ask questions. This one girl asked Lucy, "Can I have your dress?"

      Lucy says, "Now?" She turns to the host. "Here, will you help me with the buttons?"
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        See...i don't get how ppl think that ANYTHING is for sale or up for grabs at a store. I mean...ok..they may "have it all" but seriously..the clothes off someone's back? what is the world coming to?!

        OK, i get the idea that she liked it. That's a very nice complement for someone to say "I want your shirt! It's really pretty." But normally, that infers that they want it and that they are not looking for your shirt to wear, just one that is similar to it that they can purchase....

        I'm been known to comment going "Oh wow, i want your shirt" But i don't think anyone would ever think i meant i want it off your back. Some ppl joke about giving it to me, and perhaps a few even really meant it, but i would just decline and say something like "Oh no, you don't need to. Just let me know where you got it."
        I can only please one person a day, today isn't your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

        When someone asks you a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.


        • #5
          They ask for your clothing. Tell them they can have it for $100! *evil grin*

          I've done this. Shuts 'em down every time.
          "Imagine that. Human souls, trapped like flies in the World Wide Web, stuck forever, crying out for help."-The Doctor
          "Isn't that basically Twitter?"-Clara


          • #6
            when I worked at the supermarket, I actually had someone reach for my watch.


            • #7
              Two thoughts came to mind:
              1) Customer service so good, we literally give you the shirt off our backs
              2) Yes, she said while you were still wearing it. So sell it to her. Since she'd own it while you are still wearing it, it's like you're getting paid to wear your own...erm...her clothes.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                I had someone reach for my candy when I was on break in the cafe.


                • #9
                  Reminds me of Fast forward to about 2:55.


                  • #10
                    While waiting in line for the opening of 'Avatar' I made my BF and myself a headband with ears and tails . Random guy offered the BF 50$ for his set when I wasn't paying attention but he declined because I had made them. I told him he was crazy and should have taken the money! They took me a few hours to whip-up from scrap fabric!
                    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                    • #11
                      I've had that happen to me, too, especially if the shirt (or whatever) is still available in the store but we're out of my/the customer's size.

                      Once I even had a customer ask for the necklace I was wearing because we only had one left for sale and she didn't want to be rude and take the last one. I was flabbergasted! She doesn't want to deprive someone else of the necklace but is perfectly willing to take mine?!? (I should point out that she wan't offering to pay me, but rather the store. She even wanted to use her store credit card.)

                      I just stared at her, unable to speak. Fortunately, Kick-Ass Manager was there and firmly, though politely, told her that the store does not sell employees' personal property, something she never thought she would have to say.

                      Seriously, why the hell do some SCs think personal boundaries and common decency need not apply to service workers?


                      • #12
                        I've had plenty of people tell me they already donated when in fact the donation drive in question just started that day. Just say no people... no need to lie.


                        • #13
                          Quoth XCashier View Post
                          Seriously, would they demand an article of clothing or jewelry or anything else from a friend, relative, casual acquaintance or stranger on the street? Of course not.
                          Not entirely true.

                          I am known for wearing goofy hats, and I have a variety of them. And on more than one occasion, a stranger downtown has asked me, and I quote, "Can I have your hat?" Notice, they did not say "buy," "borrow for a picture," or "Would you be able to tell me where I could find such a ludicrous lid for myself?" No. They wanted to know if I, a total stranger that they have known for 9.5 seconds, will let them HAVE my hat.

                          You would think a simple "No" would suffice.

                          You would be wrong.

                          "Why not?" is the general response to this.

                          "Because it's MINE."

                          Sadly, this doesn't work all that often either, and I usually end up walking away from the person (usually a girl) just to shut them up...or more accurately, just so I won't have to listen to them.

                          However, at times, I have not walked away, if I'm bored, or inebriated, or the girl in question is attractive....and inevitably, after much pestering, when I still won't GIVE them the hat, they say something along the lines of "Why are you being so mean?" At which point I actually GET mean: "Wait, you think it's mean of ME to not want to GIVE you MY hat just because you WANT it? Frankly, I don't think I'm being mean, I think you're being greedy, selfish, and rude." That usually shuts them up.


                          And it's not just limited to goofy hats. I've been asked for my sunglasses as well, and probably one of my more amusing t-shirts.

                          (I don't include beads in this because, well, that's what beads are for in towns such as this!)

                          Quoth BamaBabe View Post
                          They ask for your clothing. Tell them they can have it for $100! *evil grin*

                          I've done this. Shuts 'em down every time.
                          Not always. Some people have had the decency to offer me money for the item they are asking for. In other words, they are not asking me to GIVE it to them, but to SELL it to them. This I don't have an issue with. I can either say no, and they'll go on their way, or we'll negotiate a price, and I'll get cash and they'll get the object of their desire. This was really amusing one Fantasy Fest when I was wearing a smiley face top hat and a (sober) bouncer offered to purchase it from me at the bar we were at, where he worked. Apparently his girlfriend, like me, had a thing for smiley faces. Since I knew where to get another one, and knew it cost much less than what he was offering me, AND it was near the end of the night, I sold the hat to him. And everyone was happy.

                          But of course, these people are nice and courteous, and are actually offering to pay for it. The people who just want it for free....yeah, usually putting a price tag on will scare them off.


                          Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                          when I worked at the supermarket, I actually had someone reach for my watch.
                          I remember the night I was filling in for my friend at his magic bar. I had the magic bar set up, and to my left, behind the bar on a railing I had my friend's card library (for when we destroy cards in various manners during tricks), as well as several spare decks of cards sitting there in case I needed to break them out.

                          Well, a girl walked into the bar, and was walking past the magic bar when she stopped, walked up to the railing, leaned OVER the magic bar, and grabbed one of my decks of cards.

                          "Ex-CUSE me. Ma'am! Ma'am! Hey, DARLIN'! Yes, you. Can you please tell me why you are taking MY cards?"

                          Apparently she saw them there and figured they were there for the taking. Ignoring the magic bar between her and them. And that they were set up neatly, next to some other stuff, next to a guy (me) who was standing there, clearly for a reason.

                          Frankly, the OP did not surprise me in the slightest.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            I had a customer ask me for my tie once.

                            It was the tie my friend got me while he was visiting family in Hong Kong... No way!
                            There had to be DUMB in the water today. - Summerfly413


                            • #15
                              I have an acquaintance who is a professional dive master. This means that he has a kickin' great job which keeps him out of civilization pretty much all the time. For good pro work, they do have satellite internet, but it is crazy expensive. And he hates to shop, so the way he clothes himself is to offer his tourist clientele money for the clothes they are wearing. He gets a shirt/pants, and they get cash, kudos from the dive master, and they have more suitcase space to pack with souveniers.

                              Although I was frightened to ask him how he buys underpants.
                              "Them boys ain't zombies! They're just stupid!"

