Background info: I work at the local public library as a page, which means that I shelve the books that are returned and make sure that the books on teh shelves are tidy.
Can I have your number?
SC= random creeptastic guy
*I was straightening up a shelf in the Young Adult/Graphic novels*
SC: "Hey! I know you from Somewhere! My name's Joe. What's your name?"
Shadow: "My name's Mary." (If you really knew me you'd know my name...Heck, my name's on my nametag. )
SC: "So do you like working here? How often do you work?"
Shadow: "Yep. A couple day's a week." (Hmmm. Maybe he's interested in applying? Though I don't think a smelly older guy has a chance to work here. He really should go home and take a shower.)
SC: "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Shadow: "Yes." (The answer to that question is ALWAYS yes. No matter what. Even though I don't currently have a boyfriend. Especially if you've got me trapped at work in a corner. And you appear to be about 20 to 30 years older than me. A rough 20 to 30 no less...)
SC: "I think you're lying. Do you live near by?"
Shadow: "That's not really an appropriate question." (Like I'm going to tell a stranger where I live. How stupid do you think I am? Oh wait. I'm talking to someone who is most likely drunk.)
About five to ten minutes later, after the questions get more personal, and I ask him to please leave me alone about ten times, another page comes into the area and tells me that they need to talk to me, and gets the SC to let me out of the corner. The other page didn't really need to talk to me, but he was trying to help me out of the situation. I went and reported the guy to Awesome Security Guy who scared him away.
You didn't see anythin'!
Shadow: Me!
Dw: a drunk woman
DWF: Drunk woman's friend
bg/ I'm in the public restroom. I don't often go in there because it's the PUBLIC restroom, and therefore often a complete mess. end/bg
DWF: Security knows you're here!
DW: *her voice volume is at the level of being at a concert and trying to talk to the person next to you loud enough for them to hear, so it's really loud in the library restroom* HOW? WHY? DID YOU TELL ON ME?
DWF: I don't know how they know. But they're on their way to kick you out!
Shadow: (Oh god! Why? Why did I have to chose THIS moment to wash my hands? Yeah, I know the books are pretty dirty, but realy, I could have waited a bit longer. My hands aren't completely filthy from handling books yet...)
DW: WHAT! I HAVEN"T DONE ANYTHING! I JUST FELL ASLEEP AND TOOK A NAP IN THE BATHROOM STALL! I'M NOT BOTHERING ANYONE! *comes out of the handicap stall* YOU! DO YOU WORK HERE? *lowers voice to what she thinks is a whisper, but in reality is really a normal voice volume* You didn't see me. You don't know anything!
Shadow: (Just nod your head and smile and back up slowly. Their reaction is based on your actions....) *nod my head, and leaves*
A few minutes later she comes out of the restroom screaming about how she's going to go to the OTHER library in town.
It was an interesting week. Normally the craziness only happens in the winter months when it's snowy and cold, but it's been in the 70's lately.
Can I have your number?

SC= random creeptastic guy
*I was straightening up a shelf in the Young Adult/Graphic novels*
SC: "Hey! I know you from Somewhere! My name's Joe. What's your name?"
Shadow: "My name's Mary." (If you really knew me you'd know my name...Heck, my name's on my nametag. )
SC: "So do you like working here? How often do you work?"
Shadow: "Yep. A couple day's a week." (Hmmm. Maybe he's interested in applying? Though I don't think a smelly older guy has a chance to work here. He really should go home and take a shower.)
SC: "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Shadow: "Yes." (The answer to that question is ALWAYS yes. No matter what. Even though I don't currently have a boyfriend. Especially if you've got me trapped at work in a corner. And you appear to be about 20 to 30 years older than me. A rough 20 to 30 no less...)
SC: "I think you're lying. Do you live near by?"
Shadow: "That's not really an appropriate question." (Like I'm going to tell a stranger where I live. How stupid do you think I am? Oh wait. I'm talking to someone who is most likely drunk.)
About five to ten minutes later, after the questions get more personal, and I ask him to please leave me alone about ten times, another page comes into the area and tells me that they need to talk to me, and gets the SC to let me out of the corner. The other page didn't really need to talk to me, but he was trying to help me out of the situation. I went and reported the guy to Awesome Security Guy who scared him away.
You didn't see anythin'!
Shadow: Me!
Dw: a drunk woman
DWF: Drunk woman's friend
bg/ I'm in the public restroom. I don't often go in there because it's the PUBLIC restroom, and therefore often a complete mess. end/bg
DWF: Security knows you're here!
DW: *her voice volume is at the level of being at a concert and trying to talk to the person next to you loud enough for them to hear, so it's really loud in the library restroom* HOW? WHY? DID YOU TELL ON ME?
DWF: I don't know how they know. But they're on their way to kick you out!
Shadow: (Oh god! Why? Why did I have to chose THIS moment to wash my hands? Yeah, I know the books are pretty dirty, but realy, I could have waited a bit longer. My hands aren't completely filthy from handling books yet...)
DW: WHAT! I HAVEN"T DONE ANYTHING! I JUST FELL ASLEEP AND TOOK A NAP IN THE BATHROOM STALL! I'M NOT BOTHERING ANYONE! *comes out of the handicap stall* YOU! DO YOU WORK HERE? *lowers voice to what she thinks is a whisper, but in reality is really a normal voice volume* You didn't see me. You don't know anything!
Shadow: (Just nod your head and smile and back up slowly. Their reaction is based on your actions....) *nod my head, and leaves*
A few minutes later she comes out of the restroom screaming about how she's going to go to the OTHER library in town.
It was an interesting week. Normally the craziness only happens in the winter months when it's snowy and cold, but it's been in the 70's lately.