Yeah, I got in tonight, and one of the registers I was running was just turned off. All night. Something wrong with the pin pad, maintenance had been called, and they've given us a reference number... so, hopefully, it'll be fixed Monday. Huzzah...
So, yeah, register's fucking closed, lights off, doesn't respond to people scanning on it, doesn't respond to tapping the screen. No, it's part I "can't" turn it on, moreso than I "won't"... that didn't stop about a billionty people from trying to use it and due to my lingering sickness, most of them didn't hear me repeatedly say, "Any OTHER register actually works..."
I'm still not a gods damn manager!
Randomly, middle of the prevening, a woman walks over from a register with a mini cart with two mangoes (yes, I remember that detail...) and starts telling me she's very dissatisfied with me... (well, the store, but she said "you" and pointed at me...) as "you don't have organic romaine lettuce, and your gas is seven cents more expensive than Race Trak's, so, even with the ten cent discount, we're only beating them by three cents a gallon."
All I can do is muster an "I'm sorry..." as she turns to walk away, and complete in my head, "But your prices are in another castle..."
Blue Screen of Insanity!
Had a gent come in after ten, meaning one of the doors is locked and barred with a cart. I'm inside, watching UScan, and he comes up to me, past four customers checking out. "You guys still open?"
J: "Yessir... until 1."
"Well, the other door was locked."
J: "Yessir, we do that every night."
"Well, how do you get in?"
And that was when I felt my brain die. Are you inside the fucking store?
Congratulations, you figured out the ever so incredibly difficult riddle of the door! You have no idea how many dismembered bodies I have to shovel into the trash compactor every night of people who couldn't fucking figure it out...
Big Apple, 3 AM
Two guys walk in, about 12:10... one comes up to me and says, "How late you guys open?"
J: "One AM."
"How late you sell beverages?"
J: "One AM."
"...Alcoholic beverages?"
J: *a little harder this time* "... One AM." Gods, I'm having no trouble with this Jeopardy category...
Guy walks over to me as I'm leaning, watching the goings on, and blurts, "Hey, I bought these four *brand name* cereals... I'm supposed to get a gift card?"
J: "Bought? As in, you've paid already?"
J: *shrugs* "Sadly, it's out of my hands now. You had to tell me before you paid; come back tomorrow around 8 AM and guest services MIGHT be able to fix it, but no guarantees..."
I know when I need money! AKA stop feeding me bullshit
I stopped Lap Dog tonight at one point and told him I was low on big bills, as two of the registers were not dispensing change at all (both had alerted me to their $20s and $5s drawers being empty/low)... he pops my till, looks at it, and says, "You should be fine, do they have tape?"
Blue screen count: 2
J: "They should... why?"
"If they don't have tape, it forces you to pay out change as well."
Ah... no, it has NEVER been that way. It just happens, usually, that they coincide, but they are most definitely NOT linked to each other. I knew you were a slack ass punk, but making shit up just to keep from doing work?
"If you need change tonight, you can always take it from reg 1, and leave a note that you did so on both registers for accounting to find when they do the audits tomorrow."
For a note, I only had to pull $40 from reg 1 by the time my shift was up, but I was down to ones and coins, and nothing else by that point.
Lap Dog came in just before the store closed, and he actually asked me if I'd needed to pull change from reg 1.
J: "Yes, but only $40, however, my audit is so damn low, I expect to get a slip for it..."
Note: a slip is a notice that the office noticed something irregular about your till total when they audited it. Could be you had too much money, too little money, who knows? So many of these (I think three..) and you get a write up...
Why the hell don't you keep us updated?
Night manager came in tonight, while one of the coupon ladies was in. Huzzah to both of those, as I could help coupon lady instead of Other Attendant, who the coupon ladies have complained about, and I know they talk to each other, so I let her know my closing shifts appear to be Thursdays and Saturdays now, every week.
She was very happy to know that, and said she'd spread it around.
And then, something about our system went berserk. Apparently, if you have online coupons attached to your rewards card, you can't use a physical coupon for the same item... coupon lady was sad, and I was sad, too, cause I didn't know if we are allowed to override that error or not. When Night Manager came back through, he started talking to coupon lady while I was helping someone else... probably getting cigarettes... I came back, and asked Night Manager if I can override the error, he said "Yes," I was happy, as now I know.
Pisses me off how much they never bother to tell us, hoping we'll run across the problem and ask them... Yeah... can't see that being a problem, when half the management team don't bother coming to check up when I call them over to me...
Night Manager also mentioned that, when I told him last week Wednesday that, if I was still sick Thursday, I was calling out, he left a NOTE ON THE FUCKING SCHEDULE that I probably wouldn't be in as I wasn't feeling well. He understood, I tried to tough it out the day I got sick, but, sonuvabitch, I wasn't feeling that great by the end of my shift, and I didn't want anyone else catching the damn T Virus... So, Lap Dog, who'd been in all day, knew I might call out sick, and took no time to schedule a possible replacement, just to have someone in reserve in case I wasn't feeling well. No, guess what he did? I mean, Night Manager basically knew it would happen, but it would've been appropriate to ASK HIM before they scheduled him for ten hours to close in my stead. And, on top of that, Lap Dog had Night Manager scheduled on a register all day one day, eight hours straight, and that means Night manager gets a total of thirty minutes break, in either one thirty minute increment or two fifteens. Night Manager likes to take two fifteen, cause he can't stand in one spot for eight hours straight, due to a series of surgeries on his spine. Lap Dog refused to let him take his two fifteens, instead telling him he only got a single thirty, and no arguments. And then, Lap Dog didn't ask him when he wanted to take his break, he just shut Night Manager's line down and said, "Go, break." Night Manager was understandably pissed, "Are you done with your power trip?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Night Manager glared at Lap Dog as he went on break.
Yeah... I'm really getting to the point where I hate nights that Lap Dog closes, as he also likes to give me rules to follow that he doesn't tell anyone else about... so I get in trouble for following them.
So, yeah, register's fucking closed, lights off, doesn't respond to people scanning on it, doesn't respond to tapping the screen. No, it's part I "can't" turn it on, moreso than I "won't"... that didn't stop about a billionty people from trying to use it and due to my lingering sickness, most of them didn't hear me repeatedly say, "Any OTHER register actually works..."
I'm still not a gods damn manager!
Randomly, middle of the prevening, a woman walks over from a register with a mini cart with two mangoes (yes, I remember that detail...) and starts telling me she's very dissatisfied with me... (well, the store, but she said "you" and pointed at me...) as "you don't have organic romaine lettuce, and your gas is seven cents more expensive than Race Trak's, so, even with the ten cent discount, we're only beating them by three cents a gallon."
All I can do is muster an "I'm sorry..." as she turns to walk away, and complete in my head, "But your prices are in another castle..."
Blue Screen of Insanity!
Had a gent come in after ten, meaning one of the doors is locked and barred with a cart. I'm inside, watching UScan, and he comes up to me, past four customers checking out. "You guys still open?"
J: "Yessir... until 1."
"Well, the other door was locked."
J: "Yessir, we do that every night."
"Well, how do you get in?"
And that was when I felt my brain die. Are you inside the fucking store?
Congratulations, you figured out the ever so incredibly difficult riddle of the door! You have no idea how many dismembered bodies I have to shovel into the trash compactor every night of people who couldn't fucking figure it out...
Big Apple, 3 AM
Two guys walk in, about 12:10... one comes up to me and says, "How late you guys open?"
J: "One AM."
"How late you sell beverages?"
J: "One AM."
"...Alcoholic beverages?"
J: *a little harder this time* "... One AM." Gods, I'm having no trouble with this Jeopardy category...
Guy walks over to me as I'm leaning, watching the goings on, and blurts, "Hey, I bought these four *brand name* cereals... I'm supposed to get a gift card?"
J: "Bought? As in, you've paid already?"
J: *shrugs* "Sadly, it's out of my hands now. You had to tell me before you paid; come back tomorrow around 8 AM and guest services MIGHT be able to fix it, but no guarantees..."
I know when I need money! AKA stop feeding me bullshit
I stopped Lap Dog tonight at one point and told him I was low on big bills, as two of the registers were not dispensing change at all (both had alerted me to their $20s and $5s drawers being empty/low)... he pops my till, looks at it, and says, "You should be fine, do they have tape?"
Blue screen count: 2
J: "They should... why?"
"If they don't have tape, it forces you to pay out change as well."
Ah... no, it has NEVER been that way. It just happens, usually, that they coincide, but they are most definitely NOT linked to each other. I knew you were a slack ass punk, but making shit up just to keep from doing work?
"If you need change tonight, you can always take it from reg 1, and leave a note that you did so on both registers for accounting to find when they do the audits tomorrow."
For a note, I only had to pull $40 from reg 1 by the time my shift was up, but I was down to ones and coins, and nothing else by that point.
Lap Dog came in just before the store closed, and he actually asked me if I'd needed to pull change from reg 1.
J: "Yes, but only $40, however, my audit is so damn low, I expect to get a slip for it..."
Note: a slip is a notice that the office noticed something irregular about your till total when they audited it. Could be you had too much money, too little money, who knows? So many of these (I think three..) and you get a write up...
Why the hell don't you keep us updated?
Night manager came in tonight, while one of the coupon ladies was in. Huzzah to both of those, as I could help coupon lady instead of Other Attendant, who the coupon ladies have complained about, and I know they talk to each other, so I let her know my closing shifts appear to be Thursdays and Saturdays now, every week.
She was very happy to know that, and said she'd spread it around.
And then, something about our system went berserk. Apparently, if you have online coupons attached to your rewards card, you can't use a physical coupon for the same item... coupon lady was sad, and I was sad, too, cause I didn't know if we are allowed to override that error or not. When Night Manager came back through, he started talking to coupon lady while I was helping someone else... probably getting cigarettes... I came back, and asked Night Manager if I can override the error, he said "Yes," I was happy, as now I know.
Pisses me off how much they never bother to tell us, hoping we'll run across the problem and ask them... Yeah... can't see that being a problem, when half the management team don't bother coming to check up when I call them over to me...
Night Manager also mentioned that, when I told him last week Wednesday that, if I was still sick Thursday, I was calling out, he left a NOTE ON THE FUCKING SCHEDULE that I probably wouldn't be in as I wasn't feeling well. He understood, I tried to tough it out the day I got sick, but, sonuvabitch, I wasn't feeling that great by the end of my shift, and I didn't want anyone else catching the damn T Virus... So, Lap Dog, who'd been in all day, knew I might call out sick, and took no time to schedule a possible replacement, just to have someone in reserve in case I wasn't feeling well. No, guess what he did? I mean, Night Manager basically knew it would happen, but it would've been appropriate to ASK HIM before they scheduled him for ten hours to close in my stead. And, on top of that, Lap Dog had Night Manager scheduled on a register all day one day, eight hours straight, and that means Night manager gets a total of thirty minutes break, in either one thirty minute increment or two fifteens. Night Manager likes to take two fifteen, cause he can't stand in one spot for eight hours straight, due to a series of surgeries on his spine. Lap Dog refused to let him take his two fifteens, instead telling him he only got a single thirty, and no arguments. And then, Lap Dog didn't ask him when he wanted to take his break, he just shut Night Manager's line down and said, "Go, break." Night Manager was understandably pissed, "Are you done with your power trip?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Night Manager glared at Lap Dog as he went on break.
Yeah... I'm really getting to the point where I hate nights that Lap Dog closes, as he also likes to give me rules to follow that he doesn't tell anyone else about... so I get in trouble for following them.