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Pass the baby; I need to buy cigarettes!

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  • #16
    And once again, for reference only:

    MOD NOTE: Somewhat NSFW. Contains a picture of a nude 5-year old in a medical context
    Last edited by Dave1982; 04-19-2011, 11:51 AM.


    • #17
      Quoth jjc927 View Post
      I never get why so many people have such a problem with showing their ID and why so many don't think to have it on them. Yes you may look old enough, you may have children or whatever that show you're likely old enough, but it's store policy and usually state law. Deal with it and show it.
      Ugh, seriously.

      I actually had a coworker get on my case once when he was buying and I carded him. He was with two of the other store employees, and another cashier on a nearby register vouched for his age, and all of them harped at me that he was obviously 18 because you had to be 18 to work at Walmart.

      Um, not really, or it depends on the store. I knew under-18s working at the supercenter I had my first job at. Their only restrictions were that they couldn't run register (because they weren't old enough to sell alcohol, which we carried), they were limited to part-time with a cutoff hour after which they couldn't work, and they needed parental consent and a special form from their high school.

      But I let the coworker buy, because he had a coworker vouching for his age and I was sick of having all of them harp on me over it. Seriously, though, you work here. You should know that I have to card.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #18
        dude when i was in 8th grade there were little sixth graders that were running around knocked up. Being preggers or having a kid does not prove any age. That is all


        • #19
          Some people can be absolutely amazing, I've carded somebody who turned out to be 40, simply because they didn't look it. Most will actually be's usually the ones that are NOT old enough that raise a stink.

          Having a child is not proof of age, but let us assume just for a nanosecond it is. How exactly does somebody know the SC is indeed the mother of the child, not some kidnapper or now hold on for this..ready? A babysitter *gasps in mock surprise* I mean there is no way a babysitter might not try to pull a fast one ... now is there?
          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


          • #20
            Quoth tollbaby View Post
            You can get a tattoo underage if you have parental consent or if you - hold on to your hat for this - lie about your age!

            My sister-in-law had tattoos at age 15. It's no indication of age.
            in lot of states (including mine I believe) you must be at least 18 to be inked no matter what with obvious proof
            I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
            -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

            "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


            • #21
              Quoth Kogarashi View Post
              I knew under-18s working at the supercenter I had my first job at. Their only restrictions were that they couldn't run register (because they weren't old enough to sell alcohol, which we carried), they were limited to part-time with a cutoff hour after which they couldn't work, and they needed parental consent and a special form from their high school.
              Are you from the US? If so I have to admit I did not think the age you could legally work varied from state to state! In my area you can work at 16 years of age with the only restrictions being serving and selling alcohol (for example if I buy a case of beer at the market and the cashier is 16 they would have to get a manager or older co-worker to ring the beer up for them).

              At 14 or 15 you need parental consent and there are restrictions on how much you can work in a day, in a week and what times you can work (like you describe for 18 year olds where you live).

              What do you know; the world is not the same everywhere!
              You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


              • #22
                Oh yes, because *ONLY* people who are of legal age to buy tobacco/alcohol/other-age-restricted-items would have children
                I was looking for an obit. in a local newspaper for the year 1956, and thre was this article titled, "woman has 6th and last child at age 19". They showed a pic of the young woman and her newborn, and the art. said she got married at 14. Six kids by the time she is 19 years old!!!!!She wasn't old enough to vote.

                But still I go with, just because you SHOULD be 18 to get inked, doesn't mean everyone is, and sure half your face and body is covered, you MIGHT be 21, but I want the damn ID
                'Cause goodness knows if you went to juvie prison, your cell mate will be strict enough to card you before applying that tat of your sister. Note, I'm not saying because you are under 18, the only way you get a tat is by going to prison.
                Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                I wish porn had subtitles.


                • #23
                  Quoth tollbaby View Post
                  My sister-in-law had tattoos at age 15. It's no indication of age.
                  My friend that did both of my tattoos was only 17 when she gave me my first one, and had been doing them on herself since she was 14. Oh, and she had her first kid at 17. So yeah, neither one is proof of age.
                  Sometimes life is altered.
                  Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                  Uneasy with confrontation.
                  Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                  • #24
                    Quoth Caractacus_Potts View Post
                    Are you from the US? If so I have to admit I did not think the age you could legally work varied from state to state! In my area you can work at 16 years of age with the only restrictions being serving and selling alcohol (for example if I buy a case of beer at the market and the cashier is 16 they would have to get a manager or older co-worker to ring the beer up for them).

                    At 14 or 15 you need parental consent and there are restrictions on how much you can work in a day, in a week and what times you can work (like you describe for 18 year olds where you live).

                    What do you know; the world is not the same everywhere!
                    Yes, in the US. The store with the under-18 employees was in upstate NY. Once you hit 18, all restrictions were off. The aforementioned ones were for those aged 14-17, who could still get a job at the store if they met the requirements. The school could issue special forms for those 14-15, and a different one for 16-17, allowing you to work at a regular paying job. The curfew was usually because of various license restrictions as well as making sure the stores weren't working the high schoolers all hours of the night. And sounds like in your area the rules for selling alcohol are the same. That's why my younger sister, who was applying at a restaurant in the area at age 17, couldn't qualify for certain positions at the place. They served alcohol, so any alcohol-handling position was off-limits to those under 18.

                    But at the most recent store I worked at, everyone seemed absolutely convinced that if you were working at Walmart, you were 18 or older. I wonder if this state (not NY, but next door) has different rules, or if it's just that the HR department there didn't get or didn't hire under-18s.
                    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                    • #25
                      Quoth rose_metal_nz View Post
                      My foster-brother has - on more than one occasion - used his tattoos as ID.
                      He *is* old enough, and I'm pretty sure that it's a legal requirement to be of age to get tattoos, so ... Most people buy it. Pretty sure that's pretty dodgy XD
                      I had someone try that when I worked at a gas station awhile back, sorry dude, but when I knew people in jr. high with tattoos it ain't gonna work.

                      And yeah, when I know someone who is my age (24) and had 3 kids by the time she was 20, well, kids aren't an indication of age. Heck in my hometown it would probably mean they were definitely underage.

                      It's amazing what people will try to pass off as id for smokes. I had a few that tried with their student id's, because those couldn't possibly be faked or tampered with at all!
                      “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

                      -Charles Bukowski


                      • #26
                        I've had people cite tattoos as ID before; I always refuse and ask to see proper ID. The penalty for selling to the underage is a whacking great fine. I don't like anyone enough to want to pay a fine, thank you very much.
                        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                        My DeviantArt.


                        • #27
                          Am I the only one who is flattered when I get asked for my ID? People look at me and think I'm still 16 (I be 24 this summer).

                          Please do card me because it gives me an ego boost.


                          • #28
                            Quoth rose_metal_nz View Post
                            He *is* old enough, and I'm pretty sure that it's a legal requirement to be of age to get tattoos, so ... Most people buy it. Pretty sure that's pretty dodgy XD
                            Very dodgy.

                            It is only a legal requirement with professional shops. Someone could do it for someone on their own time. Also, not all people, and not all shops, follow the law all that closely. Or a shop could have been convinced the person was of age when they weren't. Or the person could have tattooed themselves. The possibilities are limitless.

                            Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                            Seriously, though, you work here. You should know that I have to card.
                            At a restaurant I used to work at in Arizona, one night after she got done working, one of the waitresses sat down at the bar and ordered a drink from the bartender. The bartender asked her if she was of age. She confirmed that she was. So the bartender, taking his coworker's word that she was in fact of age, served her a drink.

                            A manager saw the waitress sitting at the bar. Wanting to be certain he wasn't crazy, he went into the office and looked up her paperwork, which confirmed his suspicions: she was 19. The manager asked both the waitress and the bartender what had happened, and they each told him.

                            The bartender was written up for not doing his job.

                            The waitress was summarily fired. Hell, she not only endangered the job of the bartender, she endangered the very liquor license of the establishment, the dumb bunny.

                            People lie. It's a fact of life. And one of many reasons why we DO card.

                            Quoth Mytical View Post
                  's usually the ones that are NOT old enough that raise a stink.
                            Not always, but usually.

                            Table at a restaurant was ordering drinks from me. Asked for ID's. Most everyone provided them. One girl very rudely told me, "Well, *I* don't have my ID." As if that would mean I would just serve her. Right. I very politely informed Miss Snappy Pants that without her ID, I would not be able to serve her an alcoholic beverage. Even more snottily, Miss Snappy Pants said, "Well, I'M 23." Not bothering to be polite anymore, I shot back, "Well then YOU should have your ID!"

                            Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                            in lot of states (including mine I believe) you must be at least 18 to be inked no matter what with obvious proof
                            No matter what does not cover many of the scenarios I posited above. You must be 18 to be inked at professional shops. Not everyone gets inked by pros. You must be 18 to be inked legally. Not everyone follows the strict letter of the law. Etc., etc.

                            Tattoos do not in any way prove age. Not realistically. And certainly not legally. Which is why tattoos are not one of the acceptable forms of proof of age by any State in which I've worked, and I would imagine not in any State at all.

                            Quoth Caractacus_Potts View Post
                            Are you from the US? If so I have to admit I did not think the age you could legally work varied from state to state!
                            Many labor laws vary from State to State. Hell, many laws in general vary, including some of the laws concerning stuff we are discussing here, such as proof of age, alcohol sales, etc. For example, in Florida you only have to be 18 to serve alcohol. Many other State, possibly even most others, require one to be 21. My home state of Arizona, last I heard, required you to be 19 to serve. Likewise, the age at which one may work or drive also vary from State to State. A lot of people forget that this country is actually a collection of 50 somewhat independent mini-countries, each with their own rules and regulations. Overall, there are not that many laws that are uniform across the country, or mandated by federal law.

                            Quoth Muses_nightmare View Post
                            It's amazing what people will try to pass off as id for smokes.
                            And for booze.

                            Being grey is not proof of age.
                            Being bald or balding is not proof of age.
                            Having children is not proof of age. Even if I accept that they are your kids. Which I have no way of knowing, thank you very much.
                            Being pregnant is not proof of age. Ask my 18 year old pregnant niece. Or her mother, who had my niece when her mother was 19.
                            Having a full beard is not proof of age. We had a dude in high school who could have made Grizzly Adams jealous...and he was only a frehsman.

                            Proof of age for the purpose of buying age-restricted items is what the State tells me I can accept. So if you don't have one of those legally acceptable forms of ID, stop arguing with me and fuck off.

                            Quoth Muses_nightmare View Post
                            I had a few that tried with their student id's, because those couldn't possibly be faked or tampered with at all!
                            In no place that I have ever lived or worked are student ID's legally acceptable forms of ID for the purpose of buying age-restricted items. Nor are health cards, work ID's, cruise ship staff ID's (we get that one A LOT), insurance cards, hunting licenses, fishing licenses, green cards, voter registration cards, alien registration cards, social security cards, birth certificates (not photo ID's!), or military service. Military ID's ARE acceptable if they show you are of legal age, but merely being in the military proves exactly nothing.

                            Oh, and lest I forget it, your parents "vouching" for your age is absolutely NOT a legal form of ID. They may accept that back where you're from. (And some State do allow children to drink with their parents' consent.) But in most places, the answer to that one is not just no, but HELL no.

                            Quoth ShadowBall View Post
                            Am I the only one who is flattered when I get asked for my ID?
                            Got carded 3 times in September. I'm 40. I was thrilled.
                            Got carded once in January in the Phoenix airport. I'm 40. I was thrilled...until 30 seconds later when the bartender carded the guy next to me, who looked like Sam freakin' Elliot.

                            Oh, lord. It's time to break out that song yet again. But this is the new and improved song. Not only does it have the new third verse I added last time, but I have added TWO more verses this time. JUST because I can, damn it!

                            THE ID SONG

                            [to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands]

                            "If you order alcohol, show ID.
                            If you want me to serve you booze, let me see.
                            If you want to get a drink
                            Then folks you have to think
                            That if you look that young you'll need your damn ID!

                            If you're legal and you're thirsty, show some proof.
                            If you left your home without it you're a goof.
                            If you're legal and you know it
                            and you want a drink, then show it.
                            Cause the only way you're drinking is with proof!

                            If you’re under 21, then stay outside.
                            If your friends are buying booze, you’d better hide.
                            If your legal friends are buying,
                            And you don’t wanna see ‘em crying,
                            Stay away or you will see the sale denied!

                            If you want some smokes or booze then here's the thing:
                            Having kids, tattoos or grey hairs just won't swing.
                            Because the laws are really clear
                            And fines and jail time I do fear.
                            And for all I know this all could be a sting.

                            If you're buying this from me, I'll need ID.
                            If you're of age and you have it with you, let me see.
                            If you want to drink or smoke
                            Then my friend it's not a joke

                            Without ID you won't get a fucking thing from me!"

                            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                            Still A Customer."


                            • #29
                              I'm in the middle of staring at multi-factor authentication for workstuff -- adding something you have (like a keyfob or smartcard or app on your phone) or are (biometric stuff) in addition to something you know (password). The thread keeps going weird places in my head as I crosslink it to work.

                              "Pass the baby, I need to get into GMail!" "Nah, you don't need her, just sit on the office scanner-printer and it'll scan your tats and know it's you."


                              • #30
                                Quoth Jester View Post
                                Very dodgy.
                                *Song clip*
                                Wow, that brought back memories. My very first post. *nostalgia tear*

