Okay, I understand that in an emergency, you aren't thinking straight...
But for the love of God, if you don't tell your relay operator where you are, we CAN'T dial 911 for you.
If we were to just "dear God dial 911 now" as you instructed you would be connected to the Salt Lake Valley Public Safety dispatch center... unless you happen to be in the Salt Lake Valley, that service will be of absolutely zero use to you.up front
Oh, and when we say we need information to properly route your call, we don't mean we want the information to give to the dispatcher when they answer, we quite literally mean to properly route your call.
And yes, I know you see your hearing friends whipping out their cell phones and dialing 911 and it automatically routing to the nearest 911 center... that's because the cell towers they are connected to are programmed to route their calls to the right center... we don't have that ability over a mobile web connection. So we have to do this the old fashioned way.
Oh, by the way, dear caller last night, had you just given me the information we needed up front rather than arguing how urgent it was that I just dial 911 (despite that routing you to a dispatch center that it turns out is two time zones away from where you need), we would have been finished with the call in less time than it took me to locate the proper emergency center... way to go.
But for the love of God, if you don't tell your relay operator where you are, we CAN'T dial 911 for you.
If we were to just "dear God dial 911 now" as you instructed you would be connected to the Salt Lake Valley Public Safety dispatch center... unless you happen to be in the Salt Lake Valley, that service will be of absolutely zero use to you.up front
Oh, and when we say we need information to properly route your call, we don't mean we want the information to give to the dispatcher when they answer, we quite literally mean to properly route your call.
And yes, I know you see your hearing friends whipping out their cell phones and dialing 911 and it automatically routing to the nearest 911 center... that's because the cell towers they are connected to are programmed to route their calls to the right center... we don't have that ability over a mobile web connection. So we have to do this the old fashioned way.
Oh, by the way, dear caller last night, had you just given me the information we needed up front rather than arguing how urgent it was that I just dial 911 (despite that routing you to a dispatch center that it turns out is two time zones away from where you need), we would have been finished with the call in less time than it took me to locate the proper emergency center... way to go.