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Fries or onion rings?!

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  • Fries or onion rings?!

    This one has never left me. The first job I ever had was at a fast food chain that sells those "Whoppers'" you've heard so much about. It was my third or fourth day there, and this lady comes up to my register and, from what I can recall, the conversation went like this:

    M: My own damn self
    H: Miss Indecision

    M: Welcome to ...... ...., may I please take your order?
    H: I'd like a number 1 with fries.
    M: *Punches it in* Will that be--
    H: Wait a minute--can you change the fries to onion rings?
    M: Absolutely. *Voids out fries, punches in onion rings* Will that be all?
    H: Yes.
    M: *Punches total key* Your total is--
    H: Um, can you change those fries to onion rings?

    Normally, this would end here, but since this was my first job, I was still green when it came to dealing with morons, so I asked her, really snidely, I might add:

    Are you sure?

    Needless to say, she wasn't happy and I got a talking-to from the manager on duty that night, basically a "Don't do that again" talk. I only lasted there a few more weeks due to the fact that another manager there seemed to have it in for me.

    I don't miss it.
    The New Orleans Saints are your 2009 NFL champions.

    Believe dat.

  • #2
    Another refugee from the home of the Whopper. I feel your pain. I once had a girl come in and order a number one. I asked her what kind of drink she wanted and she said "Whatever, dude"

    Okay real helpful I simply prepared a Coke for her, she goes up to get her food and suddenly decides she wants an iced tea. I go to the machine and realized it was empty. I start brewing it and tell her it will be a couple of minutes. She changes her mind and says she's "late enough as it is" and walks out with the Coke.

    Relieved to be free of her I was not pleased when she returned five minutes later complaining that the Coke was "flat" and asked to exchange for an (say it with me now) iced tea.
    My Horror Blog


