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"You're going to hell!"

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  • "You're going to hell!"

    Got reminded of this little story this morning and thought I'd share it...its one of the more shocking incidences I've had at work.

    (Before I begin, I have nothing against anyone's religious preferences. I shall mention that I am an agnostic with pagan/wiccan leanings but otherwise not affiliated officially with any movement, and my fiance is a Christian. This is NOT a Christian-bashing topic...I strongly believe assholes and morons infiltrate every walk of life).

    I wear a pentagram, pentacle, whatever you want to call it. It's a pewter five-pointed star, not inverted, so one point up and 2 points down. It also has a snake and a rose wound around it. I wear it all the time. It mostly has sentimental reasons for me, as I got it just before my grandfather died, but I also feel it represents the 4 elements and the spirit (the top point being a spirit- pentacles can have numerous meanings). It can also be a protection symbol.

    Well, on this day, as normal, I was wearing my pentacle and a pendant with a plastic stripy zombie-bunny on it. I was serving a well-dressed and seemingly well-spoken woman and as I was packing her items, she peered at my chest and said "What is the rabbit about?"

    I laughed and said "Oh I'm a bunny-lover. People nickname me Bunny/Rabbit etc, I have a real affinity with rabbits, and I love Watership Down. That sort of thing really."

    Turns out this was just her way of breaking the ice.

    "And what is the pentacle about then?"

    *deep breath* (Can't remember my exact words but something along the lines of...)

    "Well I got this just before my grandfather passed away, so its sentimental, but to me it also represents the 4 elements and the spirit."

    Christian Lady: "Well, be careful."

    Me: *sigh* I understand people don't always understand Wicca/Paganism or even Satanism, so I try my best to be tolerant and just inform them. "Oh its really all right, the Wiccan religion is a very white-light, loving religion. They are very into nature and they don't believe in doing to harm to others, its really quite lovely."

    CL: *snippy* "Yes, I know all about it. I've read about it."

    Me: If you really do know all about it, then you wouldn't have told me to be careful, you bigot. "Well then, you'll know its not the same thing as Satanism or a cult by far. Wicca is very misunderstood, but there's nothing to be concerned about. My fiance's family are Christian and they used to be scared of it too, but now they know I'm not, like going to hell or anything."

    I added that last part in a very light-hearted manner. I said it with a laugh, because I was coming to the end of serving this be completely honest, although I wanted her to see there was nothing to be afraid of, I also felt that this subject matter was a little heavy to be discussing while working.

    What I didn't expect however was a serene expression and a reply of:

    CL: "Well, you are, you know. You are going to hell."


    CL: *points* All the time you wear that necklace, you will be going to hell. You have to be careful of these things and you have to stop wearing that necklace.

    Me: *wrapping up now, asking for payment, and trying to ignore her*

    CL: "That symbol is dangerous and so is Wicca, and you will go to hell."

    Me: *doing my job, ignoring her and getting angry. Queue behind the lady is starting to get fidgety and look awkward, hearing her words*

    I was tempted to point out at this point that I am not an initiated witch of any kind, and that the pentagram is a symbol that can be interpreted in many ways (in fact, it has been used by Christianity to represent the 5 wounds of Christ and in medieval times, the 5 virtues of a Knight), but being as she was already condemning me to hell just for wearing the gosh-darn necklace, she would no doubt just preach at me more, make me angry and get me in trouble. I decided to just get her out of my queue as quickly as possible.

    CL: "If you just get rid of that thing, repent and let Jesus Christ into your heart, you will be saved. Jesus loves you even if you don't realise it.

    Me: "Yeah sure." *reciept is printing.

    CL: "I will be praying for you."

    Me: *handing over the reciept* Thanks, but I wouldn't bother if I were you, I'm not at all interested.

    She walks off, with a smug expression on her face. My next customer steps up, looking shocked and sympathetic.

    As CL walks off, someone further back in the queue calls out "It none of yer fuckin' business luv!"

    (Note: A preacher recently told me God doesn't give a damn what jewellery I wear and only what is in my heart).
    Last edited by Little Retail Rabbit; 04-24-2011, 03:13 PM.

  • #2
    Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post
    I strongly believe assholes and morons infiltrate every walk of life.
    Quoted for truth.

    Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post
    Me: *sigh* I understand people don't always understand Wicca/Paganism or even Satanism, so I try my best to be tolerant and just inform them. "Oh its really all right, the Wiccan religion is a very white-light, loving religion. They are very into nature and they don't believe in doing to harm to others, its really quite lovely."
    In my personal opinion, this is where you misstepped. Trying to explain your religious views to a clearly bigoted person at work just cannot end well.

    In the future when someone comments on your necklace while you are at work, you might want to seriously consider saying something along the lines of "It has meaning to me." If they continue to pursue it, trying to draw you into a religious discussion, simply say something like "I prefer not to discuss my religious views while I'm working, thank you very much."

    You can't win with these people.

    Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post
    CL: "Well, you are, you know. You are going to hell."
    Hell's gotta be better than sitting here being forced to listen to your smug, sanctimonious, ignorant, intolerant bullshit, lady! Now take your shit and get the fuck out of the store!

    (Jester is not in a very forgiving mood this Sunday....)

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      Guaranteed Cat Butt-Face inducing reply:

      CL: You're going to hell!
      Me: Okay, see you there!


      • #4
        Yeah, I agree with previous posters. Outside of a work situation is fine to explain it (mostly because you can tell them to bugger off if they pull that kind of stunt and not get in trouble), but in work situations just say that it has sentimental reasons and reminds you of your late grandad. If they keep prying, just lather, rinse, repeat.
        The report button - not just for decoration


        • #5
          Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post

          CL: "Well, you are, you know. You are going to hell."
          And this would be where my snark takes over, I would pause, glance warily around for a moment, lean forward and speak in a low conspiratorial whisper.

          "...but, Ma'am... don't you realize, we're already here."

          And than continue with the transaction on like nothing happened.

          But yeah, trying to explain /defend just opens things up for the nasty replies and the stupid bashing of opinion over your head. I still say wear it, but if it comes up again, just stick with 'I wear it because I want to, thank you' personally.

          I wear an ankh and a pendant of Bast (up until it broke) but I'd get the same, just wouldn't give them the chance to condemn and offer salvation just so they can feel oh so better about their pathetic lives. =)
          Okay everyone, lets all point and laugh at him right about....



          • #6
            "Going to hell? heh, I have 3 more hours here until I'm out of hell!"


            "Going to hell? Heh, I'll be out of hell when you leave this store!"


            • #7
              It's people like that which make me ashamed to admit I'm part of the same religion.
              Getting offended is a great way to avoid answering questions that make you sound dumb. - exmocaptainmoroni


              • #8
                Quoth Mystic View Post
                It's people like that which make me ashamed to admit I'm part of the same religion.
                My thoughts exactly. The woman was wrong. The preacher was on the money.
                "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                • #9
                  I really hate those that try to push their beliefs on others.

                  While I might comment on someone's jewelry, it would never even occur to me to think I had the right to pursue any kind of inappropriate conversation with anyone in a business setting. It doesn't matter if I'm the customer and can "do what I want " . Business is still being conducted and matters such as religion, politics, and other inflammatory topics don't belong there.

                  I am not religious, but I believe you should do whatever it is that makes you happy. And if I choose not to participate, leave me out of it
                  Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


                  • #10
                    Get yourself a T-shirt like mine & wear your pentagram with it.I can pretty much guarantee nobody'll bother you about it
                    "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

                    Mark Twain


                    • #11
                      @Jester, yes, looking back I see where I messed up. Naively, I decided that it was likely she just didn't understand it; I've encountered a lot of people who actually then realise its not bad at all, and they were just getting mixed up with a cult or media fear-mongering. I could definately see that the conversation was going downhill rapidly though, hence why I sort of switched off.

                      I'm actually more likely to end up serving a pagan/wiccan who will say "blessed be" then get a lecture from an over-zealous Christian trying to "save" my soul, so this really surprised me!

                      I must say, if hell is real, then it's my store. I don't think wearing the pentacle is what condemned me to it though :P

                      @Micer: I also often wear an ankh, and I also have a statue of Bast on my dresser n_n

                      @Mystic: The preacher said the same thing and then apologised. I told him he had no need to- I've had a lot of bad experiences with the organisation of Christianity, but I certainly don't hate Christians- I wouldn't be marrying one otherwise I feel bad for people like you who get embarressed by nutjobs like CL. Please don't be ashamed of who you are, thanks to some asshat!


                      • #12
                        Next time some idiot pulls that excretment, just say "Matthew 7" If they look puzzled, ask sweetly 'don't you read your bible? Matthew 7 Judge not lest you be judged. Matthew 7:2-5 "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged'

                        Only thing you need to remember. lol


                        • #13
                          It's true, you can't win even if you try to explain yourself. When I'm asked at work I just say that I'm comfortable with my beliefs and change the subject
                          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                          • #14
                            Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post

                            CL: "Well, you are, you know. You are going to hell."
                            "What do you mean 'going'? I'm already there!"
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Quoth patiokitty View Post
                              The last time somebody told me I was going to hell I simply said that it's hard to go somewhere I don't believe in.
                              I don't believe in New Jersey, but I've been there.

                              Hmmm...actually, I guess I have been to hell, then. BUT I'VE NEVER GOING BACK!!!

                              Quoth patiokitty View Post
                              I'd have told her that it's personal and that I will not be talking about it due to being at work.
                              I have actually used pretty much the same line regarding politics at my bar, especially when people find out I'm from Arizona. (The whole immigration law in the news lately has caused many comments about Arizona and the politics there and in the country as a whole, and while I have very strong views on that, I will NOT generally discuss them at work, especially with people who clearly feel other than I do.)

                              Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post
                              Naively, I decided that it was likely she just didn't understand it; I've encountered a lot of people who actually then realise its not bad at all, and they were just getting mixed up with a cult or media fear-mongering.
                              Yes, and outside of work, it's fine to educate people, but at work, you are just opening yourself up for abuse, as you are not on equal footing with them, as you have to be nice to them, and they don't have to be nice to you. Remember that.

                              Quoth Teskeria View Post
                              Next time some idiot pulls that excretment, just say "Matthew 7" If they look puzzled, ask sweetly 'don't you read your bible? Matthew 7 Judge not lest you be judged. Matthew 7:2-5 "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged'
                              I can tell you from experience (though not with this verse) that quoting the Bible to a Bible-thumper to prove your point against them is excrutiatingly delicious.

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

