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Drug Scammers - kinda long

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  • Drug Scammers - kinda long

    As a pharmacist I deal with the whole range of SC's. This is one that dealt with and got some serious revenge on.

    I was working in the pharmacy on a Sunday afternoon and got a call on a cell phone from a very hysterical woman who said that she was in alot of pain and was out of her pain pills (a controlled substance). She was on Medicaid and had just gotten the pills filled but had accidentally dropped them down the sink. I usually am very suspicious of these accidents but will give someone the benefit of the doubt if it's their first time having this happen, but I told her she would have to pay full price since Medicaid would not allow it to be filled yet. She agreed to do this.

    I hung up with the woman and immediately picked up the phone to make a call and discovered that the woman had not pushed end on her cell phone. I could hear everything her and the person she was with was saying. At first I tried to tell the woman her line with me was still active but she evidenty could not hear me. She then proceeds to tell her friend (later found out it was her dad) that she can't believe how I (the pharmacist) fell for her story and that she couldn't wait to get some more pain pills, all the time laughing at my apparent stupidity. Needless to say I was getting exponentially pissed the more I listened.

    When she arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed to pick up her rx I asked her if she had called me from a cell phone. She answered yes and I informed her that she did not end her call with me and I heard everything she said. For those of you who are familiar with the phrase "deer in a headlights look" this woman gave a perfect picture of what that looks like. I told her not only was she not getting the pain pills, I was going to call the prescribing Dr and tell him what she did. She then left in a big hurry. I called her Dr the next morning and he fired her as a patient.

  • #2
    But apparently, she and dad are spending quality time together...that's always a good thing. Right?
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Man. I had to go to emerg last night to get a new antibiotic and more Tylenol 3 for an infection that came back a month after I originally treated it. I think the doctor was a bit skeptical (I had T3s left after the fact last time, and I gave them back to the pharmacy to dispose of). But he gave me a new prescription (thank god)... I *absolutely hate* taking T3s, but I was in some serious effing pain.

      But you know what? It never would have occurred to me to phone the PHARMACY to ask for more. I went to an actual doctor :P
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        I hate pill scammers, they make it so hard for people actually in pain to get medication they need.

        A week before Christmas I broke my hand. Not badly, just some tiny fractures that healed very quickly. But it hurt like crazy. The ER wouldn't give me anything at all for the pain because I did not need to have a bone set, therefore it couldn't be that bad and I was a pill scamming risk.


        • #5
          Pill scammers were so rampant in our old neighborhood that the doctors would not give anything strong for pain.

          I have back problems which sometimes cause me to be in a lot of pain for days at a time, it's so bad I can't sleep or eat because of the pain. My old doctors refused to give me anything very strong for it, because of all the scammers.

          So, I was shocked when we moved and my new doctor gave me the strong stuff without batting an eye. He told me there was no reason for me to pain and always made sure I had enough medication on hand for when my back flaired up again. The doctors in the practice I go to are very good about making sure I have what I need to not be in pain.
          Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

          If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

          Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


          • #6
            We have not been able to go a week lately without having to call someone out on their scamming ways or getting someone arrested or getting warned by surrounding chains about customers calling in their own narcotic refills. >.<
            Is it too much to ask for people to just be good upstanding citizens, for 1 week? Honestly?

            Oxycontin scammer numbnut was all pissed because we won't let anyone but himself pick up his meds now.
            "But I'm disabled! Waah wah!"
            Gee, that's funny, you're bloody in here all the time, and I find it quite peculiar that you are coming in all the way from Forest Grove, bypassing a number of pharmacies on your way to us. Burn bridges much?
            Pharmacy manager told him if he didn't like the policy, he could fill elsewhere.
            However, we didn't tell him that if he ever transferred out, we would be telling the other pharmacy about his misdeeds. Mua ha ha ha ha!


            • #7
              Quoth po'drph View Post
              I called her Dr the next morning and he fired her as a patient.
              One word...


              Goddess but I love stories where the twit-du-jour gets what they deserve in a socially acceptable way that causes no physical bodily harm but utterly destroys their psyche.

              Good one there.

              I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


              • #8
                I know a doctor who deals with the "fell in the sink/toilet/tub" scam by filling the exam room sink with water, tossing in a pill bottle and saying "Look! It floats!". Then he opens the bottle "Look, it's waterproof!"

                It's amazing the affinity of narcotics for porcelain and drains. Somehow amoxicillin never gets accidentally dumped in the sink or toilet...
                Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
                TASTE THE LIME JELLO OF DEFEAT! -Gravekeeper

