(Foul language below.)
Gah. This just PISSED me off. So I made a cute little plushie furball thing. Person one asked me how big it was, and I guess they can't picture "six inches" as an answer, because they asked if I could take a reference photo with a dollar bill so they could get an idea.
Which fine, I'm a visual person myself, I know how it goes, so whatever. But I don't actually keep cash around these days, so the only bill I had was a two dollar bill that I hung onto as a kid because hey, two dollar bill. It's not really anything special, but it's vaguely interesting, so why not?
So I upload the two dollar bill + plush to the usual gallery site, and all is good.
Except then person two stepped in. This is an absolute, verbatim, copy-past of our conversation.
P2: -gasp- you have a $2 bill?
Me: What's so strange about that?
P2: they're kinda rare... but i collect bicentennial quarters and half dollars
Me: They're normal circulating currency. Go to the bank, they'll give you lots. Just because they're not popular doesn't mean they're actually that rare.
P2: bicentennial half dollars are rare-ish
Me: Very true.
P2: silver quarters (1963 and older) are extremely rare... i've only seen two
Me: *Failing to respond because honestly I don't give a damn about coin collecting, and you could at least, if you want to converse with me ON MY ART GALLERY you could mention my art in some kind of positive way, and that might, perhaps, draw my interest and make me think nice things about you, otherwise I really can't be bothered to give a damn about you, as you obviously don't give a damn about me.*
P2: *Adds me to their watch list on the site*
P2: 777 watches!
Me: Hah. That's cool. *Some people make a big deal about how many watches they have, and reaching significant numbers, and they sometimes give away crap to the so-many-th watcher. I actually did a small thing when I hit 666, because why not, but I don't usually pay much attention to it.*
P2: -does cute face- does the lucky watcher get a free?
Me: No.
P2: lol aww
I was SO close to saying "Fuck no, you little entitlement whore, if you want something of mine you can damn well buy it, especially since you can't even FUCKING GIVE ME A COMPLIMENT on my work before begging for it. Come on, twit, you could at least try and butter me up a little, instead of talking about you and your collection while ignoring my art and then asking me for free crap!"
I really do not know what goes through people's minds when they do stuff like this. It must work sometimes or they wouldn't keep doing it, but I would NEVER reward this sort of behavior. Even with compliments. If you like it, PAY ME FOR IT. Gah.
Also had somebody in the same pic comment asking if they could have the $2 bill.
They were at least polite enough to say something nice about the plush though.
Gah. This just PISSED me off. So I made a cute little plushie furball thing. Person one asked me how big it was, and I guess they can't picture "six inches" as an answer, because they asked if I could take a reference photo with a dollar bill so they could get an idea.
Which fine, I'm a visual person myself, I know how it goes, so whatever. But I don't actually keep cash around these days, so the only bill I had was a two dollar bill that I hung onto as a kid because hey, two dollar bill. It's not really anything special, but it's vaguely interesting, so why not?
So I upload the two dollar bill + plush to the usual gallery site, and all is good.
Except then person two stepped in. This is an absolute, verbatim, copy-past of our conversation.
P2: -gasp- you have a $2 bill?
Me: What's so strange about that?
P2: they're kinda rare... but i collect bicentennial quarters and half dollars
Me: They're normal circulating currency. Go to the bank, they'll give you lots. Just because they're not popular doesn't mean they're actually that rare.
P2: bicentennial half dollars are rare-ish
Me: Very true.
P2: silver quarters (1963 and older) are extremely rare... i've only seen two
Me: *Failing to respond because honestly I don't give a damn about coin collecting, and you could at least, if you want to converse with me ON MY ART GALLERY you could mention my art in some kind of positive way, and that might, perhaps, draw my interest and make me think nice things about you, otherwise I really can't be bothered to give a damn about you, as you obviously don't give a damn about me.*
P2: *Adds me to their watch list on the site*
P2: 777 watches!
Me: Hah. That's cool. *Some people make a big deal about how many watches they have, and reaching significant numbers, and they sometimes give away crap to the so-many-th watcher. I actually did a small thing when I hit 666, because why not, but I don't usually pay much attention to it.*
P2: -does cute face- does the lucky watcher get a free?
Me: No.
P2: lol aww
I was SO close to saying "Fuck no, you little entitlement whore, if you want something of mine you can damn well buy it, especially since you can't even FUCKING GIVE ME A COMPLIMENT on my work before begging for it. Come on, twit, you could at least try and butter me up a little, instead of talking about you and your collection while ignoring my art and then asking me for free crap!"
I really do not know what goes through people's minds when they do stuff like this. It must work sometimes or they wouldn't keep doing it, but I would NEVER reward this sort of behavior. Even with compliments. If you like it, PAY ME FOR IT. Gah.
Also had somebody in the same pic comment asking if they could have the $2 bill.
