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You give kids a bad name

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  • You give kids a bad name

    Two stories about kids. This first story is from a cw's facebook page.

    Kate: librarian who tells the story
    Nate: librarian who got hoodwinked by the kids
    : me
    tim: somebody's friend on fb
    various librarians

    Kate: Soooo....two promising young members of the "Future Felons of America" club boldly STOLE the children's room's binder of over 75 Wii and X-Box games (worth over $3000) last night after "casing the joint" and seizing the day. Congratulations! I see a bright future ahead for these two young rascals with lots of time devoted to indoor recreation within small confined spaces of concrete and metal.
    Kara: were they caught?
    Kate: Not yet...
    Sian: Whoa... that's pretty wild...
    Mike: You got them on video right? Post it on Youtube and when the mother sues, you'll have the culprits.
    Hope: When I was at Stella, we had a kid steal the Rock Band disc. One staff member (who will remain nameless) went in and turned off all systems and announced that unless someone turned in the guilty party, all games would be suspended for at least a week or two. We had a name, an address, and a phone number in 20 minutes
    Tim: they have video games at the library?!?!?!
    Kate @ Johnson ‎Kelsey Brooks...yes. We are the coolest library ever.
    Alex: was best response! PUT up a sign at desk, downstairs, and going into the room that 1.) There will be no gaming until the property is returned. 2.) That persons with valid info toward attaining first goal will receive X reward for the where abouts of said small criminals and goods stolen! $3000. is a FELONY!
    Kate: My colleague, Sam, predicts that if these two kids do get caught and end up in Juvie they will have no street cred. "How LAME is it to steal from a library?"
    Kate ‎@ Mark...their backs were caught on tape as they were running out of the room with the binder.
    Alex: yeah catching their backs that's Great camera work there! lol!
    Phil: Definitely the Hope idea -- no honor amongst thieves.
    Angie: That is a major drag.
    Me: Did the felons sneak behind the desk or did someone hand them the binder, thinking, "oh, they look like little angels"?
    Kate: Sneak behind the desk.
    Nate: Not only did they sneak behind the desk, they cased the place before doing so. On the video, they clearly wait for me to help a patron in the back of the room, and then go for it. They picked a night where we were too busy for me to notic...e. Perhaps securtiy is needed back on the 4th floor! My two cents: Taking away gaming for everyone only hurts our regular patrons. These guys were not regulars and will probably never be back. But...if this catches them, then I'm all for it!
    Tammy: Yes... But did they also steal the wii? I'll have to have a talk with them...
    Me: I bet the folder and the box are somewhere, empty, in the library. Probably taken out with the trash by now. This is why we can't have nice things.

    This story is from chat I have to do with a consortium. There are a bunch of kids from Penn. who always are asking us similar questions. Today there were a lot of question about India, like "what are the gender differences" and other in-depth questions that the kids should actually be using books and their brains instead of asking us.

    This one had to do with the Three Kings. Note, I changed names.

    Question:: what is the story of the three kings- grade 5 Patron:
    Chat Transcript: what is the story of the three kings- grade 5 level
    Librarian 1:
    Note: Patron's screen name: rhonda
    hello im rhonda by the way
    Librarian 1:
    has joined the session.
    Librarian 1: Hello and welcome. My name is dmfan and I am a librarian in Hxxxxxx. Our libraries share this chat service. Please let me read your question.
    Librarian 1: What three kings? Where you hear about them? I need more details.
    Librarian 1: Are you talking about the movie with Marky Mark?
    Patron: no uh three kings day in mexico came after a folk tale and i needed to know what the story was of what the three kings did and stuff
    Patron: sorry
    Librarian 1: OK, One moment.
    Patron: 12:54:05 2011/05/03 thanks for your help!
    Patron: 12:55:34 2011/05/03 so what was the story
    Librarian 1: 12:56:08 2011/05/03 Please wait while I look this up.
    Patron: okay im sorry its just i dont know......sorry!
    Librarian 1: You should use a search engine like or I found it typing three kings day in mexico .
    Patron: okay hold on let me look at it and ill tell you if it is good!thank you
    Patron: okay i already looked at this and it was ALITTLE complicateed to understand
    Librarian 1: what else did you look at so I don't confuse you.
    Librarian 1: try this one:
    Patron: ummmmmmmmm i looked at basically only that website...........i just needed to know WHY it became a holiday and about the three kings day and the website you just considered just went off track..also our teacher said isnt always correct...............she said there is sometimes false things
    Librarian 1: The websites do explain it. Maybe you can get one of your parents to explain it to you.
    Librarian 1: I
    Patron: im in school
    Librarian 1: 'm sorry that you can't find the answer, if you need more help, explain to your teacher you need more help and maybe she can point to you something really really easy for you to look at at the library. I must leave now. Good bye and thank you for using our chat reference service!
    Librarian 1:
    Librarian ended chat session.

    so the little shit wants to know why the three king day bacame a holiday? Should I apply the Consensus theory or the Conflict theory to that? I thought the websites I found gave the answers, and I wasn't about to spoon-feed him the answers.
    Last edited by depechemodefan; 05-03-2011, 10:47 PM.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    For the first story....yeah, who steals from a LIBRARY?! Although admittedly, one of the libraries I went to on a regular basis had a PS2 up on the top floor and the one that just recently reopened and I go to NOW has a Wii.

    Second story....reading. it's fundamental.
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      Lots of the little buggers don't want to do any work, apparently. Every year when school starts we get calls from kids saying some version of, "How much does a fullpage ad cost? I have an assignment from school." I give them prices per line or per inch and how many lines/inches per page, then tell them to do the math.

      We tend to get a lot of these calls starting in September, which ties up the phone lines. When I catch the teacher who came up with this idea...
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.

