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Guys! You are in the Ladies Bathroom.

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  • Guys! You are in the Ladies Bathroom.

    Okay I've been a long time fan of this site. Never really had the courage to write down anything that happens at my work. That being said something rude and something funny happened to me a while back. Two guys in two days end up in the womens restroom.

    The first one was very rude and well kind of scary. Due to spontaneousness plumbing issues the mens restroom was shut down for clean up. I told this to the guy before he tried to go into the mens room. Even pointed him in the direction of where the other guys bathroom is. A few moments later he storms across the store telling me to watch the door for him and goes into the womens bathroom. A little while later he walked by complaing i didn't watch the door.

    The next day (less than 24 hours) I was cleaning same womens bathroom when the door opens and a very tired looking guy walks in. Not peek his head in.. not stop at the door and recheck the sign, but walked in almost to a stall before i greeted him and point out nicely where he was. He looked around confused before exiting.

  • #2
    I have stopped women from walking into men's rooms several times. They just weren't paying attention to the signs and didn't realize where they were headin until to called their attention to it.

    One time I mistakenly used the ladies room. This was at a location where the men's and women's room entrances were side by side. Someone had covered the men's sign with a temporary sign that read women's. I thought that they had just switched the rooms for some reason, and went into the other to do my business. Fortunately it was empty. When I came out I saw that both were labeled "women's". Not that switching that particular restroom to women's did much good. It only had two toilets, and six urinals.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • #3
      Quoth KayashaRose View Post
      He looked around confused before exiting.
      I've done this. On multiple occasions. Sometimes because I was tired, sometimes because I wasn't paying attention, probably a few occasions were because I was drunk...and some of those times, I was just having a brainless moment.

      And then there was the time in Santa Monica when, after a few beers in a bar, I responded to the call of nature, walked up to the restrooms...and stopped, staring at the doors. A young woman did the same thing at about the same time. We just stood there, looking back and forth between the two doors. Basically trying to make sure we understood what we were being told. We actually discussed this, and agreed that while this was very aggravating, it was fucking hilarious, and made more maddening by the fact that most people who would need to decipher this nonsense had been, as we had been, drinking. Which clearly didn't help the situation. Eventually, we agreed on which choice we would each make, crossed our fingers, and sallied forth. Correctly, as it turned out....though we had been questioning ourselves the whole way.

      Why were we so confused? These were the bathroom doors. Diabolical, don't you think? Picture looking at this shit after a few drinks. Yeah. Evil. I love it! (Okay, I'll admit, I don't know if that picture is of the actual bathroom doors I faced, or a pair like them somewhere else, as that was many, many years ago. But the idea is the exact same.)

      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
      Still A Customer."


      • #4
        i have a story i'm not proud of, but i hope that someone might get a laugh from my cluelessness.

        at a major dept. store once, and REALLY needed to go. men's/women's room next to each other, mirror images. i was so desperate and not paying att'n that i not only walked into the women's room, but i was actually in a STALL and had NO IDEA i was in the women's room until on the stall wall, i saw the 'little container' that NO men's room has [i'm SURE the girls out there know immediately what i'm talking about]

        i finished as quickly as possible and left as quickly as possible. no one was the wiser as far as i know.

        soooooooooo embarrassing!


        • #5
          I admit I went into the women's washroom once too. It was after work, while I was still doing co-op work terms, and I had to go, so I got off the bus and went to the department store. Mens and Women's doors were side by side, and I've been in that store before so I knew which was which... but for some reason I went into the women's bathroom. I was puzzled there were no urinals, but I really had to go. Once I went (no one was in it the entire time I was there thank goodness), I washed up and got out and realized what I had done. Instead of doing some browsing I just left, too embarrassed to stick around. (Heck I tended to avoid that store from then on, until KMart folded in Canada and it was turned into a Zellers)


          • #6
            Making a mistake is understandable, but it's lame that some people just don't even pay attention or care because it's too inconvenient. I've walked into our restrooms a few times to notice a man using the ladies toilet, and once with the DOOR OPEN. Seriously, if you're going to use the women's restroom then fine, but at least close the stall door?? My guess is it was because women's is about four steps closer then the men's room...

            My BF and I like a Mexican restaurant that has the bathrooms labeled "Caballeros" (gentlemen) and "Senoritas" (ladies). We go there a lot and notice sometimes someone has to ask the staff which one is which. I understand that not everyone knows Spanish but the menu there is 90% Spanish words too, after all. So you think they could figure it out with a little critical thinking But Jester, those doors are just mean
            "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


            • #7
              I have seen girls go into men's restrooms on more than one occasion, usually at a concert. We all know the girl's line is always way longer than the men's . I figure if you have to go, you have to go. I've never seen a man complain about it, and I hope I never have to go so badly that I need to do that.
              Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


              • #8
                It's the only time I've had to use my very basic forien language skills in a panic - when a male tourist wandered in to the ladies I was in, in Paris. And staggered over to the sinks, unzipping on the way (seriously, how many urinals have mirrors over them?)...
                Although I think my increasingly high-pitched voice and franticly waving hands probably got though to him more than the "monsiure, Non! non!!"
                He was terribly appologetic as he staggered out, but it was a close thing. :-)


                • #9
                  Sometimes my wife and I will use the opposite sex restroom. The one not using it stands guard.

                  And then there was the office building I working for a number of years. Each floor had the same floor plan. The restrooms were on either side of the elevator lobby. Except that on the even floors the men's room was on the right, and the ladie's room was on the left. On the odd floors it was reversed. It caused a bit of confusion, especially if you weren't paying attention to which floor you were on.
                  "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Jester View Post
                    Why were we so confused? These were the bathroom doors. Diabolical, don't you think? Picture looking at this shit after a few drinks. Yeah. Evil. I love it! (Okay, I'll admit, I don't know if that picture is of the actual bathroom doors I faced, or a pair like them somewhere else, as that was many, many years ago. But the idea is the exact same.)
                    Oh that is evil!
                    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      Why were we so confused? These were the bathroom doors. Diabolical, don't you think? Picture looking at this shit after a few drinks. Yeah. Evil. I love it!

                      Oh my god! That's brilliant! I love it! I nearly busted a gut laughing at it. Too bad none of the establishments around here are that creative.
                      my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
                      it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        Why were we so confused? These were the bathroom doors.
                        So... did the signs indicate which was which, or was it where the hand was pointing? You know what... I'm getting dizzy even trying to think about it.

                        Quoth Mnemjian View Post
                        Making a mistake is understandable, but it's lame that some people just don't even pay attention or care because it's too inconvenient.
                        That happened quite a few times at the old supermarket job. The bathrooms were in the back room, and for some reason some of the women couldn't find the ladies' room, so they went into the men's, one time while I was in there. They tried to justify it, of course, by saying they "couldn't find" (aka were too lazy to look for) the ladies' room, but I'm sure if I had walked in on them in the ladies' room, they would have screamed bloody murder.

                        Quoth Mnemjian View Post
                        My BF and I like a Mexican restaurant that has the bathrooms labeled "Caballeros" (gentlemen) and "Senoritas" (ladies). We go there a lot and notice sometimes someone has to ask the staff which one is which.
                        There's a bar out where my dad lives that has a dog on each bathroom door. One says "Pointers" and the other says "Setters." Had to think about that one briefly the first time.

                        I almost went into the ladies' room by mistake once, but I was kind of drunk. I went out to karaoke with some friends, at a bar I had only been to a couple times. I was standing by the bar area talking to my friends, and at one point I reached back and pushed on the bathroom door and went to go in. Next thing I know, one of my friends is calling my name.


                        "Hold on, I gotta pee!"


                        "I gotta pee! Hold on!"

                        "Mike! That's the ladies' room!"

                        I turned around and looked at the door I was pushing on, and saw they were right. I let go of the door and quietly found the correct room.
                        Sometimes life is altered.
                        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                        Uneasy with confrontation.
                        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                        • #13
                          Quoth ShootMePlease View Post
                          I have seen girls go into men's restrooms on more than one occasion, usually at a concert. We all know the girl's line is always way longer than the men's. I've never seen a man complain about it...
                          Oh, I have. And I've been one of those men. Sorry, ladies, but one of the advantages of peeing standing up is that we don't wait as long for the bathroom. And we're keeping that advantage. You have enough other advantages, thank you very much. (Like, say, controlling every part of a relationship.)

                          One of the funniest things I ever saw was at the Lillith Fair concert I attended in San Francisco. The girls outnumbered the boys there by about 90% to 10%. Naturally, the bathroom for the girls room was much longer. And there wasn't much most of the girls could do about it, as the majority of the mens room was urinals, rather than stalls. But that didn't stop one intrepid and impressively talented girl, who actually used a urinal.

                          As I said....impressive.

                          Quoth Mnemjian View Post
                          But Jester, those doors are just mean
                          Quoth MoonCat View Post
                          Oh that is evil!
                          Yes. And yes. And that is exactly the point. And props to the bar owners for doing that.

                          Quoth MadMike View Post
                          So... did the signs indicate which was which, or was it where the hand was pointing? You know what... I'm getting dizzy even trying to think about it.
                          As were I and the girl standing in front of them. And we stood in front of them for a while, our curiosity and our confusion outweighing our bladders, as we pondered just what the fuck was going on. And I won't lie...we were also kind of hoping someone else would come along and use one of the bathrooms and clue us in. But we had no such luck. So finally, we made our decisions.

                          We went where the hands were pointing, which was the correct way to do it. The signs were correct. In other words, the word "men" was on the womens room door, but pointed to the mens room door. All you had to do was follow the signs.

                          Which, as we all know from our experience with customers, is not always the easiest thing for people to do.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Quoth MadMike View Post
                            There's a bar out where my dad lives that has a dog on each bathroom door. One says "Pointers" and the other says "Setters." Had to think about that one briefly the first time.
                            First time we ever went to Outback Steakhouse (this was, like, more than seventeen years ago or something), my sister had to go to the bathroom. She comes back, practically in tears because "I don't know whether I'm a 'Bloke' or a 'Sheila'!"

                            We all laugh about it now.
                            PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                            There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                            • #15
                              Quoth scruff View Post
                              (seriously, how many urinals have mirrors over them?)...
                              Adverts are pretty common these days, since you are honour-bound to stare straight forward. Mirrors - not seen them there yet.


