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I'm going where now?

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  • I'm going where now?

    At my store we have the main front end registers and several other registers scattered around the store in different depts. The FE registers are open when the store is open. The other registers are only open when said dept is open for sales. The store just open however specialty depts, where the other registers can be don't open for another hour or more, depending on dept. These hours are clearly posted, with a big closed sign at the register.

    Enter older SC, in their late 60's just as the store opens. SC stomps up to the register whit a few items that are not even from my dept.

    m: Can i help you?
    SC: I need to pay or this.
    M: I'm closed. You will need to pay up front.
    SC: No, you're not. Your open.
    M: *points to sign* <depts> hours are from <am> to <pm>.
    SC: But your here.
    M: I'm here preparing the department to open. We do not open for another 45 minutes. At that point the register will be open.
    SC: But you not doing anything now. *grrrrrr, no i'm actually frantically running around stocking product*
    M: I'm sorry sir but I don't even have money yet and i can't sign on to ring up a sale until we open at <am>. You will have pay up front.
    SC: But i'm old. I don't want to walk allllllll the way up front.

    At this point I began to loose it.

    M: Sir, to get the door you will have to go thru the FE registers anyway. If you want <items> you will have to pay up front.
    SC: You kids these days. Always coming up with some way to disrespect a elder. You'll be sorry when you die a early death and go to hell.
    M: Well, i'm done helping you. I told you your options.

    I walk away and the SC drops the basket he was holding and kicks it into a nearby wall and stomps off rater quickly, having no probem, walking at all.

    I tell the MOD and they realize it is one of the repeat never satisfied no matter what SCs who frequents our area a stores on a daily basis to cause trouble.

  • #2
    i don't suppose you can ban him for being a jackass?

    or get them to keep the doors locked until opening time?


    • #3
      SC: You kids these days. Always coming up with some way to disrespect a elder. You'll be sorry when you die a early death and go to hell.
      to be honest, you have to have some measure of respectability to begin with; as for hell, we'll see you there, pops.

      respect: earned, not given in case where someone insists on acting like a humongous horse's ass.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        Quoth mattm04 View Post
        SC: You kids these days. Always coming up with some way to disrespect a elder. You'll be sorry when you die a early death and go to hell.
        Geezers these days. Always coming up with some way to disrespect younger human beings. You'll be sorry when you die a long-awaited death and go to hell.
        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


        • #5
          Quoth Mr Hero View Post
          Geezers these days. Always coming up with some way to disrespect younger human beings. You'll be sorry when you die a long-awaited death and go to hell.

          Although for those "go to hell" comments thrown my way, I prefer "Whaddaya mean I'm going to hell? I'm already there!"
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Quoth mattm04 View Post
            I tell the MOD and they realize it is one of the repeat never satisfied no matter what SCs who frequents our area a stores on a daily basis to cause trouble.
            Ban-Hammer time!

            "Sir, I'm already IN Hell. I'm talking to you, aren't I?!"
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              I think my favorite part of the story was when you pointed out that he had to go through the other cash to get outside anyway! that was the best part.|

              Sadly it does prove that Logic does not work on SCs. >_>
              Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

              Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
              Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


              • #8
                Wanted to pay for some stuff with you, then shove a few more items in his bags on his way out. If anyone caught him, he would just say that he gave them to you to ring up, but that you must have made a mistake and didn't ring it. Of course, he doesn't want it at all now.


                • #9
                  Raveni, you may be onto something there. Also, I love the "I'm already IN hell" responses suggested by others. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, respect is earned, not automatically given because you are over a certain age. Shocking, isn't it?
                  "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                  • #10
                    I certainly respect someone just because they honor me with their presence by shopping at my store.

                    That respect can certainly be lost through your own actions if you are going to be a jerk about it.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Raveni View Post
                      Wanted to pay for some stuff with you, then shove a few more items in his bags on his way out. If anyone caught him, he would just say that he gave them to you to ring up, but that you must have made a mistake and didn't ring it. Of course, he doesn't want it at all now.

                      Good point. In the new/remodel stores they are removing all the registers except the front end registers. They never specifically stated the reason, however the FE cashiers frequently do get SC who claim to have paid for some item but don't have a receipt.

                      And yes, they do get really pissed off when they have to wait for a manager to verify they paid. Normally it is typical SC behavior, where they ignore us telling them to save their damn receipt. And no, I will NOT personally verify you paid. You will wait for the MOD to look up the transactions until they can find it.


                      • #12
                        SC drops the basket he was holding and kicks it into a nearby wall and stomps off rater quickly
                        In my happy little world here, he would have gotten the cops called him and banned from the property with very little sleep lost on my, or my boss' part.
                        "You are beginning to damage my calm."


                        • #13
                          Bloody "Coffin Dodger"...with an attitude like that, I'm truly amazed the old tosser has lived this long.
                          Get his ass banned from your fine establishment.


                          • #14
                            You KNOW I love playing armchair psychologist for people like this...

                            I'd be willing to guess that this person would pass up eleven active lanes, seven of which were empty, to stand at the only unstaffed one so that he could complain that he wasn't being waited on.

                            (Saw a woman doing something similar at a supermarket once. Maybe not so...exaggerated.)

                            If he goes through one of the other registers, he's just a customer; if he can get someone to turn on a register Just For Him, then he's Special. Bonus points for playing an -ism card ("And this is WHY I'm Special!")


                            • #15
                              You'll be sorry when you die a early death and go to hell.
                              "Save me a seat?"
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

