I work 3rd shift at a midwestern Superstore chain that starts with a lower case m.
Last Monday morning a little after 5am I was helping our Team Leader put out the new tills while the other cashier was finishing up the last of the cleaning. We had just started when a regular customer came rushing up and asked the other cashier if she knew the number for Corporate. Since she was fairly new she didn't, so she came up to ask the Team Leader. The TL asked the customer if there was a problem.
SC:"Yeah, I wanted a couple of glazed donuts and they wouldn't let me have any!!"
TL: "Well, sir, perhaps they weren't ready yet..it IS early."
SC: "OH NO, they had some back there... I SAW them. She said they needed to cool first! I want my donuts! They can't tell me NO...I am going to call Corporate! That is horrible Customer Service!!"
The Team Leader paged the bakery but no one responded, so she called our 3rd shift Store Director and told him what was going on...he walked over to the bakery and they said the donuts were not ready yet (once they are baked and glazed, they have to sit and cool enough for the glaze to set before they are put out). Our Team Leader said, "Just get him a couple of donuts...it is not worth him calling in a complaint to Corporate over 2 donuts." The Store Director got a couple of donuts and put them in a plastic pastry box and gave them to the customer who paid and left...BTW the glaze was slipping off the donuts when he came thru my line.
I told the TL I can't understand people throwing a fit over something so trivial...I had two words for him..Krispy Kreme (there is one not far from our store).
The customer came in the next morning and I was expecting him to go back and get fresh donuts again...but no! When he came up to pay he had a dollar package of Hostess powdered sugar mini donuts. Why he couldn't have settled for those the day before I don't know...he usually buys something from the Hostess snack cakes section.
Last Monday morning a little after 5am I was helping our Team Leader put out the new tills while the other cashier was finishing up the last of the cleaning. We had just started when a regular customer came rushing up and asked the other cashier if she knew the number for Corporate. Since she was fairly new she didn't, so she came up to ask the Team Leader. The TL asked the customer if there was a problem.
SC:"Yeah, I wanted a couple of glazed donuts and they wouldn't let me have any!!"
TL: "Well, sir, perhaps they weren't ready yet..it IS early."
SC: "OH NO, they had some back there... I SAW them. She said they needed to cool first! I want my donuts! They can't tell me NO...I am going to call Corporate! That is horrible Customer Service!!"
The Team Leader paged the bakery but no one responded, so she called our 3rd shift Store Director and told him what was going on...he walked over to the bakery and they said the donuts were not ready yet (once they are baked and glazed, they have to sit and cool enough for the glaze to set before they are put out). Our Team Leader said, "Just get him a couple of donuts...it is not worth him calling in a complaint to Corporate over 2 donuts." The Store Director got a couple of donuts and put them in a plastic pastry box and gave them to the customer who paid and left...BTW the glaze was slipping off the donuts when he came thru my line.
I told the TL I can't understand people throwing a fit over something so trivial...I had two words for him..Krispy Kreme (there is one not far from our store).
The customer came in the next morning and I was expecting him to go back and get fresh donuts again...but no! When he came up to pay he had a dollar package of Hostess powdered sugar mini donuts. Why he couldn't have settled for those the day before I don't know...he usually buys something from the Hostess snack cakes section.