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The obscene call was the least crappy thing to happen Sat.

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  • The obscene call was the least crappy thing to happen Sat.

    First, the story of the dead ex-cw

    Most of my problems were on the second floor. One person wanted to borrow a paperclip or the stapler. It's one of those people who write on reams of paper their crazy shit. I hand him the stapler and tell him to bring his own supplies next time. He goes off on me, about how I have an attitude, he rather that I told him "no" then tell him what I did. ON he goes, I tell him he is harrassing me now, and he goes on even more. So I decide to go downstairs to escape the dude and he follows me. Then he sees security and starts complaining to them about me and she tells him that what he should do is move along.

    Then a repeat of this thread,, where a guy asks to use one of the 2nd floor computers. I asked him for what, he tells me to get on the internet, I tell him what the computers are used for. I go to help someone and he's inserting his library card in the slot where you insert a print card
    Then he starts to tell me he wants to use the computer to look for a job. I asked him what site is he going to (because I call bullshit on him looking for a job) and he goes on about how it's my job to do what he tells me to do, that he doens't have to tell me what he is doing, then he asks for my name and he goes looking for my supervisor. He found someone to log him in. So since he gets 1 hour at a time I start taking out 30 min. from his time. I see latter on he is logged in again and I take another 30 min. out.

    now for what you are waiting for, the obscene call
    Ten minutes to closing.
    person who took a beating all day: me
    obscene caller: sc
    Me: This is blah blah blah how may I help you?
    sc: Can you translate for me something from Spanish to English? It's from a text message.
    me: ok
    sc: *spells out the words* quiero cojer duro.
    me: *I speak spanish so I translate it easily, but I put her on hold and play farmtown so I don't make it too easy for her. You start translating one thing quickly, then people expect you to translate whole freaking books* It means "I want to hold you hard/tight.
    sc: where did yo utranslate it from?
    me: from a Spanish dictionary. I had to conjugate the first word.
    sc: I need you to translate it from google translate.
    me: you should have told me this in the first place.
    sc: sorry.
    Me; *goes to google translate. I do . I never seen the word cojer mean fuck. I just guess someone where in the Spanish-speaking world someone uses that word to mean that. Granted, there is no word in Spanish for "fuck," though in Colombian Spanish, you can say "no me hoda" to mean "don't fuck me over", though "hoda" means "bother". * Ma'm it's an obscenity, just so you know.
    sc: what is it.
    me: I want to fuck hard
    sc: what was that?
    me: I want to fuck hard
    sc: you said you had to conjugate a word.
    me: I said I had to conjugate the first word.
    sc: can you repeat what it says?
    me: I want to fuck hard. Ok, I am uncomfortable with this.
    sc: I'm jacking off.
    me: stupid cocksucker, don't call her again.

    Though I'm more pissed at my cw who was with me answereing phones. First, she comes in 10 min late, and for those 10 min I was really busy. Then when she came in we get no calls. Then she has to go get her purse and I get a lot of calls and then this twit.
    Last edited by depechemodefan; 05-23-2011, 05:22 PM. Reason: adding
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    I would have been suspicious the moment I was directed to a specific translation site.

    If they just wanted a translation, they'd take what they got.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      So lie a little.

      "Sir, Google Translate says `I want you to squeeze me.' "

      "No it doesn't, it says..."

      "So if you knew what it says, why are you calling me? You will not be calling here again, because your phone number is blocked. Have a nice day, sir...."


      • #4
        You are a library and are doing someone a favor answering things they can look up online themselves. I would've simply responded saying it was impolite or offensive and you would not translate that passage. Yuck. Seriously, ew.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Idiot was using you as a sub for a phone sex line. So not only is he a perv, he's a cheap perv.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            I forgot to mention it was a woman.

            People call us for the dumbest shit. Like this one guy calls us to look up woot or wiff lotto, some german lotto. I do get annoyed by these dumbasses who call us for the winning pick 3 numbers or the test numbers. Call the lottery toll free number, jackasses.

            But unfortunately we can't tell people, "sorry, even though I have the answer for that, I can't tell you the answer because it is most offensive." We have to provide answers, sigh.

            I did report this, though I left out most of what I said. And there isn't a way to block people from calling us; her number didn't show up on the caller id, so no way to watch out for her.

            I forgot if I told this story from April. This guy is always calling us for the answers to the LA crossword. One fri he called and said he needed 3, then he said if I answer another one he won't call Sat.

            He called Sat.

            I told him, "didn't you say you wern't going to call today?" He said, "fuck you, bitch".

            I kept on forgetting to type up a report, so it was 3 weeks late. The boss told me to retract the report because 1) it was 3 weeks late and 2) It showed me in a bad light.

            More perverted stories. One guy called, pretended to have some type of accent and told a cw, "I am a virgin and I must have sex with my wife. TEll me how to have sex with my wife." cw told him we have books, she can give him titles, he can come in and get the books. He repeats he wants to know how to have sex with his wife, cw repeats her answer. He hangs up and calls back and repeats his question and get the same answer.

            Another loser calls and says, "something is comeing out of my butt." cw tells her, "we don't take these type of calls" and hangs up on her. Loser calls back again and gets another cw and says, "I was hanged up on. something is coming out of my butt." cw tells her to go to emergency room (it was a Sun) and she says she wants to know what could be comeing out of her butt. CW says we can't give medical advise and loser keeps on asking what could it be. finally cw looks up in one of our books and tells her it could be a parasite, but we can't offer medical advise, she has to go to the emergency room. So, this call wasn't a prank (because goodness knows how many times people don't want to go to the doctor and expect someone to tell them, "no, you are ok, don't go to the doctor) but I just hope this idiot isn't populating the gene pool.
            Last edited by depechemodefan; 05-24-2011, 04:32 AM. Reason: adding
            Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

            Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

            I wish porn had subtitles.


            • #7
              Quoth depechemodefan View Post
              sc: *spells out the words* quiero cojer duro.
              me: *I speak spanish so I translate it easily, but I put her on hold and play farmtown so I don't make it too easy for her. You start translating one thing quickly, then people expect you to translate whole freaking books* It means "I want to hold you hard/tight.
              Me; *goes to google translate. I do . I never seen the word cojer mean fuck. I just guess someone where in the Spanish-speaking world someone uses that word to mean that. Granted, there is no word in Spanish for "fuck," though in Colombian Spanish, you can say "no me hoda" to mean "don't fuck me over", though "hoda" means "bother".
              "Cojer" is "to take sexually" in Mexican Spanish. The proper spelling, "coger", remains "to take".
              "Joder" is still a rude word, more "piss off" than "bother". "Follar" is "to fuck" in the sexual way.
              FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC

              You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

              ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***


              • #8
                I'm surprised you actually said it to him. I've had calls like that because people think its funny to mess with hotel clerks. I just hang up on them the moment they get nasty.


                • #9
                  "Cojer" is "to take sexually" in Mexican Spanish. The proper spelling, "coger", remains "to take".
                  "Joder" is still a rude word, more "piss off" than "bother". "Follar" is "to fuck" in the sexual way.
                  I understand Colombian Spanish better then read or write it, but with all the Colombians I hang with (and some obscene people) I never heard of "follar". But again, there are certain words used in different regions/countries that are not known in other countries.

                  Yes, the library gets a lot of nuts calling us/coming in but we do get a few people who don't know what a word means and we tell them reluctantly and they do get embarrassed and go away quickly so we don't see them as a pervert.
                  Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                  Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                  I wish porn had subtitles.


                  • #10
                    Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                    I understand Colombian Spanish better then read or write it, but with all the Colombians I hang with (and some obscene people) I never heard of "follar". But again, there are certain words used in different regions/countries that are not known in other countries.
                    I heard it from Spanish people, so maybe it is only European
                    FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC

                    You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

                    ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***


                    • #11
                      As you read in the original post, I called the woman a cocksucker. And lousy cw reported me. Lovely. Why not stick up for you fellow cw? Why mention it? Yes, I lost control, I'm an idiot. But I never feel I have the support of my cws (only a few I can count on not to tell on me), so I shouldn't be surprised.
                      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                      I wish porn had subtitles.


                      • #12
                        Your co-irker isquite sucky fordoing that. Noone likes snitches not even the people snitches snitch to. As for the woman who called and put you through that - she sounds absolutely pitiful, can't she spend the 10$ for phone sex and leave the unsuspecting public librarians alone?


                        • #13
                          I should have said that I cursed out the sc after the sc hung-up. Oh well.
                          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                          I wish porn had subtitles.

