This was a complaint my company received about a visit from one of our customers. I love to share these with you when I come across the *Winning* type.
I would like to express my concern to you about the poor service I received at your restaurant. I am very concerned, and confused, by the way in which I was treated. The restaurant wasn't very busy which leaves me brain numb as to why our food took so long to arrive. Our server never acknowledged our lengthy wait and seemed to go out of his way to avoid us except of course for when it came time to bill us for his non-service.
After the dinner I went to see a movie. When I came out I noticed my car keys were missing and realized that I must have left them in the restaurant. So I returned and knocked on the window while my old and helpful server sat there and ignored me.
Finally when someone answered, I believe it was the manager, I explained my situation and he let me in to look around. While both of us bent over and ducked under my table area to look for my keys, the server sat there eating at a table watching us. When I walked by him, he made a comment that I didn't quite catch but sounded something along the lines of "not liking the service enough". Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't said with a hint of apology. After looking for my keys with no success, I grew more suspicious about the server and asked him about his earlier comment. He just shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating. I then asked him whether he was tipped by my friend when we left. He replied "No" and so I forked over a ten dollar tip. As soon as the bill was on the table, he convienently remembered that there was a lost and found in the back and replied that the manager was new and wasn't aware of it. And sure enough there were my keys.
So in addition to my poor service, I fear I might not have gotten my car key's back if I hadn't given the server a tip he didn't earn. Extortion may only have one spelling in the English language, but your server certainly found a new method for employing it.
I would like to express my concern to you about the poor service I received at your restaurant. I am very concerned, and confused, by the way in which I was treated. The restaurant wasn't very busy which leaves me brain numb as to why our food took so long to arrive. Our server never acknowledged our lengthy wait and seemed to go out of his way to avoid us except of course for when it came time to bill us for his non-service.
After the dinner I went to see a movie. When I came out I noticed my car keys were missing and realized that I must have left them in the restaurant. So I returned and knocked on the window while my old and helpful server sat there and ignored me.
Finally when someone answered, I believe it was the manager, I explained my situation and he let me in to look around. While both of us bent over and ducked under my table area to look for my keys, the server sat there eating at a table watching us. When I walked by him, he made a comment that I didn't quite catch but sounded something along the lines of "not liking the service enough". Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't said with a hint of apology. After looking for my keys with no success, I grew more suspicious about the server and asked him about his earlier comment. He just shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating. I then asked him whether he was tipped by my friend when we left. He replied "No" and so I forked over a ten dollar tip. As soon as the bill was on the table, he convienently remembered that there was a lost and found in the back and replied that the manager was new and wasn't aware of it. And sure enough there were my keys.
So in addition to my poor service, I fear I might not have gotten my car key's back if I hadn't given the server a tip he didn't earn. Extortion may only have one spelling in the English language, but your server certainly found a new method for employing it.