Just a couple quick ones from my new job.
I just started working with a security company as a commissioned(read armed)Security guard. I have of course had my share of douche waffles asking if they can handle my gun. (HELL TO THE NO!) and of course when i was guarding a bar, i had plenty of almost puke on shoes(thank god i am quick on my feet) but these i count as minor and just part of the job... but enough background.
Mother of the year:
The other day, i was guarding a game room(kinda like a cheap casino, just with only slot machines)
MOY: mom of the year
CGC: Cool Game Room Chick
MOY:~Frantically Waves beckoning me to her ~
Me:~runs like a fat kid to cake~
MOY: ~opens back door of her truck~ I am going into the game room for a couple Hours, and I need you to watch my kids while i am gone.
MOY: Don't worry, they won't be any trouble at all they are my little angels, etc
Oh i won't worry at all about them behaving, i have enough handcuffs and duck tape. They will be ok til Child Protection Services gets here.
But why would CPS be coming for them.
Me: you just informed me you planned on abandoning them... so.....
MOY: ~storms into the building for about 10 mins~
CGC: ~walks out laughing her head off with MOY in tow~ Hey Twinblade, did you really tell her you were calling cps after handcuffing her kids.
Me: Yup, CPS and the cops are on their way...
MOY:~cat butt face~ ~jumps into car and speeds away~
CGC: Thanks she is a douchewaffle, and always tries to pawn her kids off on other people while she comes in to gamble
Guard Dooty
This morning, I am guarding a game room, I get here at 6am wake the night guard and send him home. i notice as i am making my first rounds, there is a rather odd odor around the back of the building, i went to investigate, and found two old tires stacked up behind the building from which the odor was strongest, so i looked inside them, and found several large(still steaming) piles of crap and damned near a roll of used tp tossed over the fence into the adjacent lot. I know it wasn't the night guard, cuz he was snoozing away when i got there. So thank you annonymous donor of fecal matter, you really brightened my day!
I just started working with a security company as a commissioned(read armed)Security guard. I have of course had my share of douche waffles asking if they can handle my gun. (HELL TO THE NO!) and of course when i was guarding a bar, i had plenty of almost puke on shoes(thank god i am quick on my feet) but these i count as minor and just part of the job... but enough background.
Mother of the year:
The other day, i was guarding a game room(kinda like a cheap casino, just with only slot machines)
MOY: mom of the year

CGC: Cool Game Room Chick
MOY:~Frantically Waves beckoning me to her ~
Me:~runs like a fat kid to cake~
MOY: ~opens back door of her truck~ I am going into the game room for a couple Hours, and I need you to watch my kids while i am gone.
MOY: Don't worry, they won't be any trouble at all they are my little angels, etc


Me: you just informed me you planned on abandoning them... so.....
MOY: ~storms into the building for about 10 mins~
CGC: ~walks out laughing her head off with MOY in tow~ Hey Twinblade, did you really tell her you were calling cps after handcuffing her kids.
Me: Yup, CPS and the cops are on their way...
MOY:~cat butt face~ ~jumps into car and speeds away~
CGC: Thanks she is a douchewaffle, and always tries to pawn her kids off on other people while she comes in to gamble
Guard Dooty
This morning, I am guarding a game room, I get here at 6am wake the night guard and send him home. i notice as i am making my first rounds, there is a rather odd odor around the back of the building, i went to investigate, and found two old tires stacked up behind the building from which the odor was strongest, so i looked inside them, and found several large(still steaming) piles of crap and damned near a roll of used tp tossed over the fence into the adjacent lot. I know it wasn't the night guard, cuz he was snoozing away when i got there. So thank you annonymous donor of fecal matter, you really brightened my day!
