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What don't you get about "first come, first serve"? *rants*

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  • What don't you get about "first come, first serve"? *rants*

    I work at a mexican/ pizza fast food place. Today I worked on the pizza side and it was....I can't even think of an existing word to describe it. This is how my day went:
    I get there, punch in, get a drawer and go on drive thru by myself. No biggie. I've done DT by myself before and I can handle it no problem, especially when you consider how slow we were at the time. One of my newer coworkers, let's call him Ben, (not trying to be rude here but) he's weird. He'll scream things randomly to let the whole world know what he's doing. However, he won't say flat out "i'm doing blank", he'll use code words.
    Example: He's putting a pepperoni pan pizza in the oven. Normally, someone silently puts the pizza in the oven or says "I just dropped a pepperoni". Ben will scream, " PEPPERONI ON FIREEEEEE"!! Weird... Not only that but he sucks at everything. He makes food: His tacos have lettuce hanging out of them, his burritos are this weird assymetrical mushy UFO (unidentifiable food object) and he makes something without checking the screen to see what it is first. You put him on register: He talks to the customers so long, nothing gets cleaned or stocked or anything. He takes orders: He foucses on the talking part and ignores the making drinks part and cleaning part. He goes on the pizza side: He picks one thing out of the 10 he has to do and focuses on that. Enough about Ben though. I'll finish my rant about Ben in Cursing out Coworkers.
    Ben was working pizza side before me. Before he left he kept telling me there might be a mess for me, but he was going to try to get it as clean as possible. Just as he was walking out the door, he called me over to say, "You're good on pretops, the dishes are down and I have everything pretty clean and stocked so you don't have to worry about anything for a while".

    Quick note: Pizza people have the following jobs:
    1) Making (pretopping) pizza's
    2) Cooking (dropping) pizza and breadsticks
    3) Cutting, boxing and timing pizza and breadsticks
    4) Frying things for the mexican side
    5) Doing dishes
    6) Prepping dough for the next day
    7) Doing thngs like making rice, beans, or heating meat for the mexican side
    8) Keeping the pizza side swept and cleaned
    9) Keeping everything stocked
    10) Running out pizza orders when needed

    It's a very complicated job that requires a TON of multitasking and foresight.

    When I get on pizza, I notice many things.
    1) I have 4 cheese, 2 pepperoni, and no supreme pizzas pretopped (we should have 15, 15 and 10)
    2) We have no pizzas or breadsticks cooked
    3) There is a mountain of dishes, surrounded by little dish islands dotting the floor and dish towns stuffed on the shelves
    4) We are DANGEROUSLY low on dough
    5) We have no breadstick sauce, pizza sauce, and all the pizza toppings are very low
    6) The boxes, cups and lids are low
    7) The floor and counter tops are neat and tidey
    Lovely. The ship is sinking, but at least it looks nice *irritated sarcasm*

    Sorry for the long rant there. I just wanted to show exactly how far behind I was and how much needed to be done.

    So, there I was, frantically bailing water in a futile attempt to keep the ship above water when the SC fleet came to visit. No they did not forget their cannon balls. Pizza's are selling faster than I can make them and I have 3 cars waiting outside for their orders. Keep in mind, a pizza takes 7-10 mins to cook.

    Car 1:
    As I pass car 2, she gives me the nastiest look. Ok lady. We said it would be a 7 minute wait. You JUST pulled up a minute ago. Anyway, I give the first car their pizza.

    Lady1: What took so long?!
    Me: How long have you been waiting?
    L1: 10 minutes!
    Me: That seems about right.
    L1: They told me 7!
    Me: We tell customers 7-10 minutes because, depending on how many pizzas are in the oven before it, the time can vary.
    L1: Well thats decieving!
    Me: I dropped the pizza as soon as you agreed to wait for it. As soon as it come out, I cut it and brought it to you.
    L1: Whatever...*leaves*

    I'm walking back inside when...

    Lady2: MAM!
    Me: Yeeess?
    L2: Why did she get her pizza and I didn't?
    Me: She ordered her pizza way before you did.
    L2: So? I should get the pizza first.
    Me: I'm sorry mam, but our policy is "first come, first serve"
    L2: I have kids. The pizza is for them.
    Me: ... Sorry but you have to wait. *leaves*

    Her pizza comes out...

    Me: THIS is your pizza
    L2:....took you long enough *snatches pizza* *zooms away*

    L3: Excuse me!
    Me: *shitshitshit* Yesss mam?
    L3: Where are my pizza's?
    Me: You ordered 3 pizza combo's. It's going to take a while.
    L3: THEY didn't have to wait..
    Me: *le sigh* They ordered before you. It's first come first serve. They came first, so I am required to serve them first.
    L3: Fine...
    L3: Well? Go get them!

    I go inside annddd....

    Random guy: Miss!
    Me: Yes...
    RG: When my pizza is ready, how will I know?
    Me: They will bring it to you sir.
    RG: Oh...

    L3's pizza's come out. I cut, box and bag them.

    RG: MISS!
    Me: Yes?
    RG: Is that my order? *points to 2 huge bags of food in my hands*
    Me: What did you have?
    RG: One pizza.
    Me: this belongs to the lady outside.
    RG: Oh....

    I turn around and see....LADY 3 RIGHT IN MY FACE!!!

    Me: *jumps out of skin*
    L3: *snatches bags* *leaves*
    Me: Okayyy then

    Later, i'm cutting a pizza with freshly cleaned hands covered in new gloves when...

    Monk: Excuse me...miss....miss....
    Me: Me?
    Monk: Yes. You just TOUCHED that pizza.
    Me: I had to push it onto the spatula to get it into the box.
    Monk: Well...that's MY pizza.
    Me: *looks at him like "sooo?"*
    Monk: It's kinda gross that you touched it.
    Me: My hands are very clean sir. I JUST washed them. And i'm wearing gloves.
    Monk: No you aren't. I don't see them.
    Me: They are clear. *walks over and shows him*
    Monk: Oh.....ok...

    He was acting like I scratched my ass, shoved my finger deep into my nose, wiped the result on my pants, hacked a big loogie into each hand, and then began touching his pizza all over. I washed with antimicrobial soap, used hand sanitiser and put on a new pair of latex free gloves. Not gross at all.

    Somehow, I managed to get most of my crap done before I punched out. However, I hurt all over because of how had I had to work to get said crap done. Starving, I bought some food and got to see another SC.

    Teen1: Can I have a free water cup?

    Note: We ran out of water cups, so today we handed out small cups instead.

    Teen2: I want a water cup.
    Teen3: Same here.
    CW: *gives all 3 cups*

    Teen 4 who didn't get a water cup orders food, but strangely has a small cup full of pop.

    CW: Is that it?
    T4: Yeah... *sip*
    CW: Are you gonna pay for that pop too?
    T4: Uh...uh... Yeah...'course.

    I got my food and was walking out when...

    Lazy Man: Hey
    LM: Can you go get me a spork?
    Me: The sporks are over there sir *points*
    LM: I don't wanna stand up.
    Me: Well I'm leaving.
    LM: It's your job to help me.
    Me: I have my purse, keys, food, pop and my out slip. I'm just a regular customer now. You can get it yourself, get someone on duty to get it for you, or go without one. Have a nice day.
    LM: *grumbles* *stands up and gets spork*
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    I know plenty about "first come" because it tends to happen to me all the time.

    Your CW was awesome to stop a water cup scammer.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      I just love how in some people's minds working a "menial" job means you exist to serve them, even when you're off the clock. I'm glad you told off that last guy and made him perform the excruciating chore of getting his own spork.
      The best advice is this: Don't take advice and don't give advice. ~Author Unknown

      Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself. ~Cicero

      See the fuzzy -


      • #4
        Quoth spark View Post
        I just love how in some people's minds working a "menial" job means you exist to serve them, even when you're off the clock. I'm glad you told off that last guy and made him perform the excruciating chore of getting his own spork.
        It was all of 10 feet away. Sheer torture!! I was (and still am) too sore and tired to go out of my way for some lazy bum when i'm off the clock.
        Answers: $1
        Correct Answers: $2
        Answers that require thought: $5
        Dumb looks are still free.


        • #5
          It's a very complicated job that requires a TON of multitasking and foresight.
          Immediately upon reading this my brain went "uh-oh"
          If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


          • #6
            I have to add, I was also training one of the new girls today which didn't make things simpler. However, she was a fast learner and it was nice having an extra set of hands. It just slowed me down a lot (note: I usually move at a fast pace, doing 2-4 tasks at once)
            Answers: $1
            Correct Answers: $2
            Answers that require thought: $5
            Dumb looks are still free.


            • #7
              Dear customers: Employees are able to remember things that happened ten minutes ago.


              • #8
                Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                I know plenty about "first come" because it tends to happen to me all the time.
                you just had to straight fo r the gutter didnt you. I love the spork guy.


                • #9
                  'Spork' is such a cool word.


                  • #10
                    I gotta admit, my favorite thing is the people who are constantly on the "THEY TOUCHED MY FOOD!".

                    Seriously, welcome to the restaurant industry, you food WILL be handled by the people making it. I once read a review of one of my favorite restaurants (seriously, amazing food) which (on top of many amusing complaints( included the fact that the chefs were touching the food :P


                    • #11
                      your not supposed to touch the food. your supposed to use you mind powers to prepare and serve it.
                      There are only two rules of tactics: never be without a plan, and never rely on it.


                      • #12
                        Haven't you heard? This is the twenty-first century. All food comes out of replicators now, ready-dished and untouched. Do keep up.


                        • #13
                          Quoth redleg View Post
                          your not supposed to touch the food. your supposed to use you mind powers to prepare and serve it.
                          Coming to Food Network: Chefs of the Force!

                          And you thought Chef Ramsey was bad before. You didn't know he was a Sith Lord!
                          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                          • #14
                            Quoth thansal View Post
                            I gotta admit, my favorite thing is the people who are constantly on the "THEY TOUCHED MY FOOD!".

                            Seriously, welcome to the restaurant industry, you food WILL be handled by the people making it. I once read a review of one of my favorite restaurants (seriously, amazing food) which (on top of many amusing complaints( included the fact that the chefs were touching the food :P

                            Yeah especially when they start screaming about the "health code" ... and the health code doesn't actually require gloves.

                            personally-invented health code rules do not have to be enforced.


                            • #15
                              The ones that think they're supposed to get their pizza ahead of people who ordered before them....because, well, just because....gahhh.

                              And I'm floored by how much you have to do. Too bad more people don't know how much work goes into getting that pizza in 7-10 minutes. Although I guess many of them wouldn't care anyway *sigh*
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

