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Todays early bird SC!

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  • Todays early bird SC!

    First phonecall of the day, always a good sign for the rest of the day eh!

    Snooty Old Bint : Yes I'd like to order some books. (note the lack of please)

    Me : Ok, no problem, what are you after?

    S.O.B : *insert mad long rant of book titles, series, authors and relevant details with no pause for breath for at least a minute, then an expectant pause*

    Me : Erm...ok, if I could just get you to go through them one at a time for me so I can look them up for you, that'd be great...

    S.O.B : *heavy sigh* well honestly, I JUST told you them...but ok...

    we go through this three more times before she slows down enough for me to be able to check things for her.

    S.O.B : This is taking forever! Just order me those three! My name is *insert the same long pauseless rant of name and number*

    Me : *hastily scribbling notes relevant to the books she wants so I can look them up when I get her off the phone* Ok ma'am, but I'm not sure if the last one has been released yet, if you'd just hold on a moment I can give you the date for it's release...

    S.O.B : *cutting me off* OH FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! Just order it! And while I've got you on the phone WHY is your phone number NOT on your receipts?

    Me : *sighing cos this is something we loathe but have no power to fix* We have no control over what the till prints to the receipts beyond the totals we input ma'am.

    S.O.B : Well it's just not good enough! I had to phone directory enquiries to get this number! WHY are you not in the phone book?

    Me : *double sighing, again, loathe this, but not something we can fix* We opened after the deadline for the phonebook entries had passed, we weren't able to be included for that reason.

    S.O.B : That's ridiculous! I want those books tomorrow!

    Me : If you'd just give me a moment to look up the expected delivery dates I can...

    S.O.B : *cutting me off again* FINE then, Thursday at the latest! *hangs up*

    I looked up her books, all of them are kids books, 6 aren't released yet, two are still in hardback. So she got the hardbacks, why the hell should we go through that for a measly £6.99, she can cough up the 2x £12.99 since she gave me no time to check either prices or availability and didn't specify paperbacks only! Bodes well for the rest of my day eh!

  • #2
    Ah yes . . . the Bookstore Sucky Customer, a specialized SC that all bookstore clerks know and loathe!

    I once had an old bat reel off her two page list to me over the phone, ignoring my repeated requests for her to stop so I could put her on hold, because I was the only clerk working the registers and a line was forming at the desk. I finally had to hang up on her. An hour later, in she comes, mad as hell, and proceeds to harangue not just me, but the other clerks and my manager, who was cowering in the office. THEN she asked me if I had submitted her order and it had better come in by that Friday or she would sue the company!


    • #3
      I always enjoyed the customers that couldn't remember the name of the book or anything about it, but knows for sure the cover was "insert color here". If I had a nickel for everytime I heard that I could buy a hard cover book myself!


      • #4
        Okay, I know it's not books, but that reminds me of the other day at the tourist town hotel bar.....

        G=Girl that may or may not be 21, can't really tell.
        M=dashingly handsome bartender. Wait, he called in sick. In that case, it's me.

        G: "Hi, I'd like a shot. The bartender who usually works night always makes me something, but I don't know the name of it."
        M: [trying desperately not to smack her and say I AM THE BARTENDER WHO USUALLY WORKS NIGHTS YOU DUMMY!] " you know what's in it?"
        G: "Um, no. It's kind of pinkish."
        M: [standing in front of a backbar that literally has over 200 bottles of spirits displayed] "That could be anything. No idea what it's called?"
        G" "No."
        M: [staring at her expectantly]
        G: "Um, maybe you could just make something up for me."
        M: "Sure, no problem. May I see your ID please?"
        G: "I work across the street, and the other bartender knows me."
        M: "Okay...but I don' sorry, but I need to see your ID."
        G: [snottily] "So I have to go across the street to get my ID?"
        M: "Sorry, but the state of Florida is kind of strict about these things."
        G: "Fine! I'll be right back!"

        She never came back. Shocking, I know.

        Sorry, folks, but if you look anywhere near 30, or worse, close to 21 or younger, and you order an alcoholic drink, be prepared to show ID. We are not doing this to mess with you, but because the bean counters who run the states require us to do so. If you don't like it, bitch at the state legislature, don't give me attitude.

        Sorry, but I will NOT be fired and have a court date just to avoid inconveniencing your lazy ass!

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Quoth Jester
          Sorry, folks, but if you look anywhere near 30, or worse, close to 21 or younger, and you order an alcoholic drink, be prepared to show ID.
          Even better, try remembering the name of the drink you want !
          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
          - Dave Barry


          • #6
            Quoth dawnmaria
            I always enjoyed the customers that couldn't remember the name of the book or anything about it, but knows for sure the cover was "insert color here". If I had a nickel for everytime I heard that I could buy a hard cover book myself!
            I've done that, sort of. Several years ago, I wanted a copy of Stirling Moss' biography...but all I knew about it was that the cover was silver. For those who don't know, Stirling Moss is a famous British racing driver--he's raced for many of the big names--Mercedes, Vanwall, Maserati, et al. As such, there are many different books about him. At least I knew that the book was about

            Why can't customers realize that if all they know is what color the cover is, it's going to be *very* difficult, if not impossible to help them?
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              My favorites are the customers that know one word of the title... only it's a word like 'life' or 'love'. Usually if they start to get huffy with me I just put the keyword 'life into the books in print program and show them the results list.

              I haven't had anyone rattle off long lists, only two or three titles at a time, but I do tend to get older women on the phone who *s l o w l y * give me each book...
              and then forget which books they've asked about already
              or can't remember what I told them about each.


              • #8
                Oh I know the ones...clearly we all share customers!! My personal fave ever on that subject : "Dunno the name...dunno who wrote it...dunno what it's about...dunno the had THE in the title and the jacket was can search for it on your system from that right?"


                • #9
                  i had a problem with a sucky customer behind me at barnes n nobles once. I was tryin to get some books for a project on Joan of Arc problem is most books about her have the title as just her name. I was nice and simply asked if i coudl be told what section and i'd look myself. That pissed the lady off behind me for some odd reason and she started screaming about how she needed the new janet evanovich book but didnt want to go get it herself. So the employee was able to use me as ascape goat and not have to deal with her.
                  "Hello, my name is Niki....Jessica."
                  "Oh we're a lot of things Niki, but we're not crazy." Jessica, Better Halves
                  Niki's Chronicles


                  • #10
                    Quoth protege
                    I've done that, sort of. Several years ago, I wanted a copy of Stirling Moss' biography...but all I knew about it was that the cover was silver. For those who don't know, Stirling Moss is a famous British racing driver--he's raced for many of the big names--Mercedes, Vanwall, Maserati, et al. As such, there are many different books about him. At least I knew that the book was about

                    Why can't customers realize that if all they know is what color the cover is, it's going to be *very* difficult, if not impossible to help them?
                    Don't work retail anymore but used to, and I think I still remember Stirling Moss's book, large one, silver with his name going top to bottom rather than the normal across the front wasn't it?

                    But i've had that before as well
                    woman comes in saying I want a book I saw on GMTV this morning, did you see it? (I'd been working since 7, it starts at 7, no I havn't)

                    "Oh right then, I don't know who wrote it or what its about but its got a helicoptor on the cover and it was on TV this morning, do you have it?"


                    • #11
                      Have I got one for you.

                      I worked in a bookstore one summer during college. This was the year Titanic came out with Winslet and DiCaprio.

                      A well-dressed middle aged lady comes in and comes up to me at the service desk...

                      'I'm looking for the book about the Titanic. Where can I find it?'

                      Me: *big smile* Ummm...which one?
                      SC: Oh you know, the original one!
                      Me: Ummm... You mean A Night To Remember?
                      SC: No! It's called Titanic! Oh, I know it doesn't have all the romantic stuff in it, that's made up, but it's a real book, the movie was based on it! I want to read the original novel.
                      Me: Let me show you the Titanic books we have over here...

                      This woman actually did not know it was a real event. She thought it was some famous novel from a long time ago.
                      Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                      • #12
                        Quoth ThePhoneGoddess

                        Story about a really stupid customer
                        You know, it's stories like this that make me wish that the ability to breed was not instinct but was instead a complicated process that required much education.

                        Be great to thin out the population of morons and wipe them from the gene pool.
                        "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                        • #13
                          Ohhhhh how I LOVE it when they adapt books into films...imagine my joy after hearing the following every ten minutes last Christmas :

                          "Do you have the Narnia book?"
                          "Which one?"
                          "There's more than one?! "

                          Rinse and repeat for Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Stormbreaker, Sahara...*trails off with dead eyes and faith in humanity vanishing by the second*

                          and, cos I just can't help myself...
                          Stirling Moss : The Authorised Biography HB ISBN : 1841882003
                          Stirling Moss : The Authorised Biography PB ISBN : 0752865625


                          • #14
                            Lulu.... please don't tell me you memorized the ISBN's for those two books


                            • #15
                              no, I'm good, just not that good I had the Neilsons database open in another window

