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Please...just let me finish my sentance (long, and a two parter!)

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  • Please...just let me finish my sentance (long, and a two parter!)

    So we have a "lovely" gentlman as a customer. He has been nothing but a joy to deal with. That is...if your idea of a good time is smashing your fingers in a car door over and over and over again.

    When he first called to set up service, everything was fine...for the first two seconds.

    ME: Thank you for calling, how may I help you?
    SC: I am moving into an apartment and need service. The address me find the not it...
    Me: Well sir, if you know the name of the build--
    SC: Wait a minute! I am trying to find the address! Lets*** Jerkus Street.
    ME (annoyed that he cut me off) Ok, thats Dinkus Apts--
    SC: When can you get out here and get this set up?
    ME: (GRRR) Well, that depends. When are you moving in?
    SC: Tomorrow. (He called at 4:30 pm on Thursday. We close at 5. 'Nuff said)
    ME: Well, we won't be able to get there tomorrow, but we can be there first thing monday morning.
    SC: What time?
    ME: Between 9-11 am.
    SC: Fine.
    ME:So what package would you like to go with?

    At this point we went over all the packages and pricing...he still continued to cut me off. I am getting more and more frustrated with him. He is getting more and more frustrated with me. Then the fun continues:

    ME: So how many rooms do you want installed?
    SC: Two.
    ME: Okay, and your tvs will be there?
    SC: No. I am buying a new one and I don't think I will have my old one over yet.
    ME: Well, we need the tv to be there so that we can hook the equipment up to it and make sure that its working.
    SC: Fine. I will bring over the portable one.
    ME: Fine. But just to let you know, if you aren't able to hook up your new tv correctly, and we have to go out there, then you will be charged for that.
    SC: FINE!

    Then we go over the package that he wants, and he mentions that all he wants is to listen to the music channels.

    SC: Can't I just get the music channels, and none of the others?
    ME" (If you just want to listen to XM radio...go and subscribe to that and leave me in peace!!!) No, that packages come as is.
    SC: Well, what kind of music stations are included?
    I read off the list of the stations.
    SC: What about "black" music?
    ME: Excuse me?
    SC: You music. Soul, hip hop...
    ME: Well, I don't really know what type of music each station plays, but if you go with this higher package you will get a lot more of a selection.
    SC: Whats in that package?
    Read off stations.
    SC: There is no black music there either!
    ME: OK....
    SCon't you think that its kinda funny that they have hispanic stations, but no black stations?
    ME: (Did you just accuse us of being discrimitory against "black music" Did you try to slip out the race card?!?!) No.

    We finally get that taken care of, and now comes the fun part. Let me explain a little something here. When you sign up for service through us, you pay two bills. One to the satellite company, and one to us for use of the dish and maintence. With the portion paid to us, you need to either set up automatic payments on a credit card, or prepay it for one year (Its about $10 a month). People hate this. He was no exception.

    ME: Okay, so would you like to set this up on auto billing, or prepay it?
    SC: I want the bill sent to me monthly. I will just write a check for it.
    ME: (Umm...thats not one of the options I gave you) With the agreement that you are signing into, you need to do one or the other. We can't send you a bill each month.
    SC: I was with cable for 7 years! I always paid them on time! I want to write a check!
    ME: Unfortunalty, thats not an option here.
    SC: Well, why do I need to pay your fee?
    ME: Well, since you will be using our dish, we do ask for the monthly fee to help with maintance.
    SC: But the dish is yours.
    ME: ...Yes, and we do charge for the access to it.
    SC: But no one has any problems here with maintence. Why should I pay for something that is never a problem?
    ME: So that we can keep it running problem free.
    SC: Well, do you pay rent for the dish?
    ME: Umm...I don't know.

    So he finally he lets up, and agrees to the prepayment. As I am about to put him on the schedule, he says that he isn't sure if he wants to go with our service,and that maybe he will check and see what other options he has available. Now, this wasn't said in a nice tone, or a neutral tone. It was a down right mean and nasty tone. I am fed up at this point, so I tell him that I won't be putting him on the schedule then, and if he changes his mind he can call back. He slams the phone down on me, and I hang up visibly shaking, I am so angry.

    So the following week he calls. I don't think that he recognized my voice, so I used that to my advantage and got him all signed up and scheduled without major incident (he did claim that no one told him about the prepayment, and I had to go over that with him in detail again, but whatever).

    We send a tech out, install him...and all is golden, right?


    Check out part 2.

  • #2
    Part 2

    So he calls today. Conversation as follows:

    ME: Thanks for calling. How can I help you?
    SC: This is Mr. Isuxarse, and I live at *** Jerkus Street.
    ME: ( have a common last name and you won't give me your first. Its a good thing I recognize your voice buddy) Ok, what can I do for you?
    SC: I just started service last month. Why do I have a bill infront of me?!?!
    ME: Well--
    SC: I paid $198.00 to you already! And know you want more money!
    ME: Well sir--
    SC: I paid for a year in advance! Why are you sending me bills!?!!!!!
    ME: (frustrated at being cut off twice) SIR. We did receive your payment of $193.00, and that went towards your installation and you prepaid. What you have in front of you came with your welcome letter and is just to show you the charges to your acct and how the payments were applied. Its for your own records.
    SC: I better not get anything in the mail from you guys for one year!
    ME: (dead tone) You won't.
    SC: And you better stop calling me and trying to get me to add all these other channels!
    ME: Sir, we don't call you. That would be the company in charge of the programming. You would need to take this up with them.
    SC: They said that you gave them my number!
    ME: We--
    SC: I don't want you handing out my number!!!!
    METhinking about heading to all the gay clubs in the tri-state area and writting his number in the bathroom) Sir, we don't hand out numbers or any information. The only reason why we gave them your number was because it was needed to set up your service.
    SC: So your not going to send me anything else (he said this very suspicious like)/
    ME: No, we won't.
    SC: And I can throw this bill and letter away?
    ME: If you want.
    SC: Fine.

    And he hung up.

    Not even a good bye.


    • #3
      That is one of my ALL TIME biggest pet peeves. Do not ask me a question if you aren't going to let me answer it. If you keep it up, I will get loud and interrupt you.

      Case in point:
      I had an angry customer on the line a few months ago, who actually turned out to be very cool in the end, but we'll get to that. She immediately starts pitching a fit, and WILL NOT shut up long enough for me to get a word in edgewise. After the fifth or sixth time I try to interject politely, I just about yelled "Ma'am, I need you stop and listen to what I'm trying to tell you! If you can answer this question for me, I might actually be able to resolve your issue today!" After this, she calmed down a bit and started being more polite, and at the end of the call, she actually thanked me for my patience and understanding, and took a survey for me to talk about how great I am.
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #4
        Quoth Jewels View Post
        SC: This is Mr. Isuxarse, and I live at *** Jerkus Street.
        ME: ( have a common last name and you won't give me your first. Its a good thing I recognize your voice buddy) Ok, what can I do for you?
        This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine...the customers that call and say "this is Mr. So-and-so, or Mrs. Buttface."

        it just screams of superiority complex. I am so much better than you, you dont get to SPEAK my first name.

        Stupid Things


        • #5
          I absolutely HATE when they cut you off in such an impolite manner. I hate it more than anything and I just want to reach through my headset and repeatedly poke them in the eye with a fork. Hard!


          • #6
            I don't know if any of you ever got this, but when I worked in the repair service call center I would occasionally get the "Hello, I'm Dr. Soandso. I'm looking to get my service tomorrow. What time can you fit me in?" like the fact that you have a PhD is going to make a tech magically appear out of thin air to fix your dishwasher... Ya know, they did wash dishes by hand before that invention came along.

            How pretentious.
            I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
            "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


            • #7
              Quoth ShortTemperHatesStupidity View Post
              ... Ya know, they did wash dishes by hand before that invention came along..
              Wow, you can do that? But seriously, if they're a surgeon or something, you wouldn't want them to have dishpan hands...

              I used to live in a 1 bedroom apartment with what may have been the world's smallest kitchen. It had ONE drawer less than a foot wide, but I had a dishwasher. I used it as a drying rack for the dishes I washed in the sink, cuz I lived alone and I'm not sure I owned enough dishes to warrant using the dishwasher, let alone actually used them all.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                Wow, you can do that? But seriously, if they're a surgeon or something, you wouldn't want them to have dishpan hands...
                I don't think if you're on the operating table that you're taking the doc's hand and commenting that he must be using a fantastic lotion at night...

                Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                I used to live in a 1 bedroom apartment with what may have been the world's smallest kitchen. It had ONE drawer less than a foot wide
                Holy crap... I'm a foodie so I'm absolutely pressed on a functioning kitchen. How the hell did you manage to make it?
                I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue

