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Meh! Meh, I say!

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  • Meh! Meh, I say!

    I fear there's not much to say this week. Mainly due to tear gas. But my thoughts on that are not fit for public discourse outside of Fratching. -.-

    It's A Conspiracy

    SC: “On your website, why are you always more expensive than <competitor>?”

    We’re not, we just don’t like you specifically and we know your IP address. We’re actually running a server side script that automatically adjusts everything upwards by $200 whenever someone visits the site from your IP. If you were actually to try and book through the website, it would “accidently” double charge your credit card. Then every time you called to get it fixed, we would feign ignorance and promise to “look into it” and “get back to you”. But never do. Until you finally call and tell us to just cancel your order and give you a full refund before vowing to never order with us again.

    At that point we all high five each other around the office in slow motion while Queen’s “Champions of the World” plays in the background.

    Very Good

    Me: “And the item number please?”
    SC: “xxxx”
    Me: “Al-“
    SC: “Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants!”

    ..Yes, that’s right. Those are pants. You are correct. Congratulations. You know, I tend to poke a fair amount of jest at the seemingly universal obsession with pants that callers on this line have. But in all blunt honesty I’m not exaggerating this bizarre affliction. I mean look at this. This caller is so excited for pants he actually proclaims “Paaaaaants” upon giving me the item number. Not for any particular reason except he is simply giddy over the prospect of pants. So giddy he had to order a couple different colours of the same pants. Just to ensure he had a healthy chromatic spread of sweat pants to choose from.

    Well, actually it’s possible I’m not quite understanding the objective here. It may be one pair to wear, and another pair to wear on his head. This may not simply be an obsession with pants, but instead an actual conscious attempt at coordinating an outfit before my very eyes. My sad, terrified eyes.

    Faux Pas

    Me: “And your first name please?”
    SC: “Gayle”
    Me: “Is that with an I or a Y?”
    SC: “……………”
    Me: “…………….?”
    SC: "............."

    I….sense a strange awkward silence here. Have I committed some sort of cultural faux pas I’m unaware of? Have I offended you? If so, I do apologize. I was unaware that daring to ask someone how to spell there name as a grievous offence in Canada’s barren wastelands. Though in retrospect, now that I think about it, it would explain quite a few calls I have taken in the past. I suppose if I had actively forsaken a formal education in favour of trying to salvage literacy from reruns of the Beachcombers I might be rather perplexed as well if someone asked me to actually spell my name.

    So accept my humble apologies, but please understand that we are shipping from a relatively bland warehouse on the west coast, not Hogwarts, and thus our Muggle shipping labels do not actually talk. So this information must be recorded in a more mundane, written form.

    Wow, Really?

    ( This idiot is calling his property management company's emergency line to report this... )

    SC: “When you run the hot water for more than 15 minutes, it turns cold!”

    No! Really? You mean when you run the hot water for over 15 minutes it runs out? Wow! Who’d have thought? You mean hot water runs out? Truly, this revelation has rocked my entire world. I had no idea! I figured a hot water tank was just full of tiny, magical fire pixies who ensured an ever plentiful stream of warmth laden H2O regardless of how long you ran the tap. Wait! Are your fire pixies ok? Have you checked on them lately? They could be hurt or lost!

    Hurry, man! They could be in danger!


    SC: “You have a great voice, you should be on the radio!”

    Thank you, but flattery will get you nowhere.

    SC: “I keep listening to your voice and forgetting to answer your questions! I’m like, heeeelllooo, Amy! Pay attention!”

    ……Thank….you, but increasingly awkward flattery will get you nowhere.

    SC: “I’ll be waiting to hear your voice on the radio!”

    Right, this is getting a bit weird now.

    You Have Chosen Poorly

    SC: “This could be the winning ticket!”

    Technically correct. However, if you are pleading with the universe for good fortune, you may wish to be more specific. A ticket that ends up netting you a new set of luggage is just as much a “winning” ticket as the one that would shower you with millions of dollars. But would be far far less exciting. Unless you’re really, really into luggage or something. In which case hey, whatever fills your Pez dispenser I guess. We’ve got some mighty fine Samsonite you might be interested in.

    SC:: “Give me two tickets. One lucky one and one spare.”

    I appreciate that you’re being oddly modest in your requests for magnificent good fortune. But I fear you have just made a grave error. As caller history has established, if you do not specifically request a lucky ticket, you’re obviously going to get one from the batch of tickets we keep stored under a ladder at the Black Cat Rescue Society. In other words, while I can by all means grant you a fabulously lucky ticket. One that, by itself, would surely win you millions. But because you have only requested one, the other ticket in your pack will inevitably have been pulled out from underneath a pair of lazy felines they affectionately call “Omen” and “Harbinger”.

    Ironically, these opposing fortune polarities will cancel each other. Granting you exactly the same mundane chance of winning as everyone else.


    SC: “I’m having trouble with my phaser”

    …..Wait, what?

    Me: “The what, sorry?”
    SC: “My phaser."

    Have you tried modulating frequencies or diverting power?

    Me: "I'm not following, sorry."
    SC: "The thing you put photos in and they come up in your computer."
    Me: "A scanner?"
    SC: "Yeah!"

    Ah, right. I totally forgot my Canon had a "stun" setting.

    annnd rest.
    Last edited by Gravekeeper; 06-20-2011, 02:48 PM.

  • #2
    Perhaps they use pants in northern courtship rituals?


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

      Very Good

      Me: “And the item number please?”
      SC: “xxxx”
      Me: “Al-“
      SC: “Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants!”

      ..Yes, that’s right. Those are pants. You are correct. Congratulations. You know, I tend to poke a fair amount of jest at the seemingly universal obsession with pants that callers on this line have. But in all blunt honesty I’m not exaggerating this bizarre affliction. I mean look at this. This caller is so excited for pants he actually proclaims “Paaaaaants” upon giving me the item number. Not for any particular reason except he is simply giddy over the prospect of pants. So giddy he had to order a couple different colours of the same pants. Just to ensure he had a healthy chromatic spread of sweat pants to choose from.

      Well, actually it’s possible I’m not quite understanding the objective here. It may be one pair to wear, and another pair to wear on his head. This may not simply be an obsession with pants, but instead an actual conscious attempt at coordinating an outfit before my very eyes. My sad, terrified eyes.
      You're callers are human. They put their pants on one head at a time just like everyone else.

      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      You Have Chosen Poorly

      SC: “This could be the winning ticket!”

      Technically correct. However, if you are pleading with the universe for good fortune, you may wish to be more specific. A ticket that ends up netting you a new set of luggage is just as much a “winning” ticket as the one that would shower you with millions of dollars. But would be far far less exciting. Unless you’re really, really into luggage or something. In which case hey, whatever fills your Pez dispenser I guess. We’ve got some mighty fine Samsonite you might be interested in.
      Samsonite! I was way off!
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Right, this is getting a bit weird now.
        One person managed to outweird your entire CS harem.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          I love phaser isn't working...that's awesome.

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            Very Good

            Me: “And the item number please?”
            SC: “xxxx”
            Me: “Al-“
            SC: “Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants!”
            I read this and totally heard SC's cry for pants in the voice of the Space Core.
            PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

            There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


            • #7
              I fear there's not much to say this week. Mainly due to tear gas. But my thoughts on that are not fit for public discourse outside of Fratching. -.-
              As someone who lives on the opposite end of the spectrum, I saw the news about he riots and I immediately thougt, "Damn, I hope GK is all right."

              I also secretly believed that it was you making out with that chick on the ground, but I digress.


              • #8
                I want to rename my cats Omen and Harbinger now.
                It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  Wow, Really?

                  ( This idiot is calling his property management company's emergency line to report this... )
                  You have inspired me to make another thread (for another time) about all the stupid things people call into my emergency line. You called someone to re-sod your yard? Great! Not an emergency...


                  • #10
                    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      What's wrong with tear gas. Never bothered me when we had to take 5 minutes in a tiny closed building with it in Basic Training.


                      • #12
                        Actually they are engaged in Apparel Husbandry. Specifically focusing on pants. This requires a variety of colors and styles to make certain there is a wide enough diversity to prevent serious genetic conditions. For example Pink Camo. This particular strain is very fragile and only a few companies can continually successfully breed them. Hence that communities ongoing need to purchase more Pink Camo pants. However the environmental conditions way up in the cold dark north are particularly harsh on all their breeding stock, not just the Pink Camo variety. Thus they continue to call in to replace what they have lost. Basically they are kinda bad at Apparel Husbandry.
                        Bark like a chicken!


                        • #13
                          Tears in the tank.

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          I fear there's not much to say this week. Mainly due to tear gas. But my thoughts on that are not fit for public discourse outside of Fratching. -.-
                          Damn. When I saw the riots on TV, my first thought was: I can't wait to hear what GK will have to say about this.

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Wow, Really?

                          ( This idiot is calling his property management company's emergency line to report this... )

                          SC: “When you run the hot water for more than 15 minutes, it turns cold!”

                          No! Really? You mean when you run the hot water for over 15 minutes it runs out? Wow! Who’d have thought? You mean hot water runs out? Truly, this revelation has rocked my entire world. I had no idea! I figured a hot water tank was just full of tiny, magical fire pixies who ensured an ever plentiful stream of warmth laden H2O regardless of how long you ran the tap. Wait! Are your fire pixies ok? Have you checked on them lately? They could be hurt or lost!

                          Hurry, man! They could be in danger!
                          Ask and ye shall receive


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            Very Good

                            Me: “And the item number please?”
                            SC: “xxxx”
                            Me: “Al-“
                            SC: “Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants!”

                            ..Yes, that’s right. Those are pants. You are correct. Congratulations. You know, I tend to poke a fair amount of jest at the seemingly universal obsession with pants that callers on this line have. But in all blunt honesty I’m not exaggerating this bizarre affliction. I mean look at this. This caller is so excited for pants he actually proclaims “Paaaaaants” upon giving me the item number. Not for any particular reason except he is simply giddy over the prospect of pants. So giddy he had to order a couple different colours of the same pants. Just to ensure he had a healthy chromatic spread of sweat pants to choose from.

                            Well, actually it’s possible I’m not quite understanding the objective here. It may be one pair to wear, and another pair to wear on his head. This may not simply be an obsession with pants, but instead an actual conscious attempt at coordinating an outfit before my very eyes. My sad, terrified eyes.
                            Perhaps one pair paaaaants was for KHAAAAAAAN and the other was for TETSUOOOOOOOO,
                            Random Doctor Who quote:
                            "I'm sorry about your coccyx, too, Miss Grant."

                            I has a gallery: deviantART gallery.
                            I also has a "funny" blog: Aqu Improves Her Craft


                            • #15
                              Phaser is actually the name for a line of printers made by Xerox.

                              Spoilsport, I know.
                              "Kamala the Ugandan Giant" 1950-2020 • "Bullet" Bob Armstrong 1939-2020 • "Road Warrior Animal" 1960-2020 • "Zeus" Tiny Lister Jr. 1958-2020 • "Hacksaw" Butch Reed 1954-2021 • "New Jack" Jerome Young 1963-2021 • "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff 1949-2021 • "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton 1958-2021 • Daffney 1975-2021

