Yesterday, there was a HUGE storm complete with booming thunder, torrential rains and lighting that lit up the sky brighter than fireworks. Somehow, this made Taco Place very busy. I guess tacos are worth dying for? The storm dulled a few times, but always powered up again. The sound of the rain and thunder combined made it very difficult to hear customers at the speaker. At the window, I was getting soaked and most of the customers refused to roll the window down more than 3 inches. All in all, it was a sucky situation without SC's thrown in.
We are not Coney Island
Sucky Girl: I want!
Me: I'm sorry?
Sucky Girl:!
Me: One more time?
Sucky Guy: CHEESE FRIES!!!!!
Me: We don't have cheese fries.
SGuy: WHAT THE F@#K!!!
SGirl: No way! I need cheese fries! Why don't you have them?!!
Me: Coney Island has cheese fries. We don't.
SGuy: Well that's f@#king stupid!!
I'm sorry that we sell tacos instead of french fries. Taco Placed should dump every mexican item to sell cheese fries so you don't have to drive to Cony Island to get cheese fries. After all, you NEED cheese fries to survive.
The Screamer
Me: Hi how are you?
Screaming Girl: HI! I'M GOOD!!!
Me: *ears ringing* Go ahead when you're ready...
Me: Could you stop screaming please. It's hurting my ears and it's hard to understand you.
Oh yes. The 4 decibal reduction there really helped. Now you sound like a banshee instead of a jet engine, thanks.
I have a glandular disorder
Me: Hello! That will be $xx.xx!
Teen1: Huhhuh F YOU DUDE!!! How much?
Me: .....$xx.xx.....
T1: Oh ok.
Me: *hands them their 2 water cups and 2 straws*
T1: Hey can I get change for a $10?
Me: ....Sure. What would you like?
T1: Change for a $10.
Me: I ment what kind.
T1: Change.
Me: 2 $5's, 10 $1's, 1 $5 and 5 $1's....
T1: Oh! 2 $5's.
T2: I want wawacup!!
Me: What?
T2: I want a wawa cup!
Me: A water cup?
T3: I need a straw!
Me: I gave you 2 straws.
T3: No we only got one!
Me: No. I gave you 2 waters and 2 straws. I don't know what you did with it but I gave you 2.
T3: Oh...well I uh....lost it...huhuhuhuh!
Me: *hands T1 his change and T3 his straw*
T2: Where's my wawacup?!!
Me: I'm getting it. Hold on. *gets water and a straw*
The second I open the window, I get pegged in the face with something. I glance down to see a straw wrapper with one twisted end and look up to see T3 laughing his butt off with a straw in his hand.
Me: Really?!!
Me: *shoves the water at them and gives them their bag* Bye!
T1: Wait! We need sauce!
T3: I want mild!
T2: And I want fire!
Me: Well, maybe you should have asked before spitting things in my face. Bye!
*slams the window*
They sat at the window for 2 minutes, flailing their arms wildly in a sad attempt to get my attention. Eventually, they realized I wasn't about to even look at them and left.
T1, learn to listen.
T2, talk like a big boy.
T3, grow up.
All of them?
Guy: Did you put any sauces in this bag?
Oh joy. My favorite question.
Me: No.
Guy: Yes? What kind?
That's right. Say the opposite of what I say. It's a game!
Me: None.
Guy: All of them?
Don't listen to me at all. Seriously. Just hear whatever you want to hear. I can talk about purple dragons and rainbow milkshakes if I wanted to.
Me: No. None of them. You have to ask for sauces. If you don't ask, I can't give you any.
Guy: Oh ok. I want Verde, Fire and Chipolte saice.
Me: We don't carry Chipolte sauce.
Guy: Well, you can call it whatever you want to call it.
Can I call it Super Special Samurai Sauce?
Me: ......we have mild, hot, fire, fire roasted and verde.
Guy: The fire roasted.
Fot the record, the fire roasted sauce is like a spicy barbeque sauce. Nothing like chipolte sauce. So, you can call it whatever you want to call it, but I won't give it to you unless you tell me the right name (or something that sounds close).
No pizza? F@#K THAT!
SC: I want a cheese pizza!
Me: I'm sorry but the Pizza Place side is closed.
SC: What?!!
Me: We can't sell anymore pizza today.
SC: NO PIZZA?!!! F@#K THAT!!! *speeds off*
The menu board can shut off the power?
As I was closing the window, there was an explosion in the sky as a HUGE bolt of lightning shot down, missing the building across the street by only 3 or so feet. Suddenly, the store went dark. We lost power. The lights were off, the computers were off, the fryer and the grill and all the other electrical devices were off. About 1-2 minutes later, the lights came on and the computers slowly started to reboot. I'm fairly sure there was an electrical surge because the security camera's screen was blurry and staticy. Then it went dead entirely. The speaker came on with the lights and computers, but everything else had to be powered up manually. I told the guy at the window what happened and asked him to wait while the computers powered up (in the end, he got free food though; the computers powered up VERY slowly and we didn't want him to wait too long). Everyone was turning on all the other things around the store when this gut came to the speaker....
Me: Yes?
Guy: Your sign is off!!
Me: The menu board?
Guy: Yeah!!! It's dark!!!
Me: I'm sorry sir, but we lost power a minute ago and everthing shut off.
Guy: Well that's probably because your menu board is off!!!!
Yes, why didn't I think of that?!! The menu board decided to get revenge and kill the power because we forgot to turn it on. It has nothing to do with the lightning bolt than narrowly missed that building a few hundred feet from where I'm standing. That was merely a coincidence. Never forget to turn on your menu boards!!!
We are not Coney Island
Sucky Girl: I want!
Me: I'm sorry?
Sucky Girl:!
Me: One more time?
Sucky Guy: CHEESE FRIES!!!!!
Me: We don't have cheese fries.
SGuy: WHAT THE F@#K!!!
SGirl: No way! I need cheese fries! Why don't you have them?!!
Me: Coney Island has cheese fries. We don't.
SGuy: Well that's f@#king stupid!!
I'm sorry that we sell tacos instead of french fries. Taco Placed should dump every mexican item to sell cheese fries so you don't have to drive to Cony Island to get cheese fries. After all, you NEED cheese fries to survive.
The Screamer
Me: Hi how are you?
Screaming Girl: HI! I'M GOOD!!!
Me: *ears ringing* Go ahead when you're ready...
Me: Could you stop screaming please. It's hurting my ears and it's hard to understand you.
Oh yes. The 4 decibal reduction there really helped. Now you sound like a banshee instead of a jet engine, thanks.
I have a glandular disorder
Me: Hello! That will be $xx.xx!
Teen1: Huhhuh F YOU DUDE!!! How much?
Me: .....$xx.xx.....
T1: Oh ok.
Me: *hands them their 2 water cups and 2 straws*
T1: Hey can I get change for a $10?
Me: ....Sure. What would you like?
T1: Change for a $10.
Me: I ment what kind.
T1: Change.
Me: 2 $5's, 10 $1's, 1 $5 and 5 $1's....
T1: Oh! 2 $5's.
T2: I want wawacup!!
Me: What?
T2: I want a wawa cup!
Me: A water cup?
T3: I need a straw!
Me: I gave you 2 straws.
T3: No we only got one!
Me: No. I gave you 2 waters and 2 straws. I don't know what you did with it but I gave you 2.
T3: Oh...well I uh....lost it...huhuhuhuh!
Me: *hands T1 his change and T3 his straw*
T2: Where's my wawacup?!!
Me: I'm getting it. Hold on. *gets water and a straw*
The second I open the window, I get pegged in the face with something. I glance down to see a straw wrapper with one twisted end and look up to see T3 laughing his butt off with a straw in his hand.
Me: Really?!!
Me: *shoves the water at them and gives them their bag* Bye!
T1: Wait! We need sauce!
T3: I want mild!
T2: And I want fire!
Me: Well, maybe you should have asked before spitting things in my face. Bye!

They sat at the window for 2 minutes, flailing their arms wildly in a sad attempt to get my attention. Eventually, they realized I wasn't about to even look at them and left.
T1, learn to listen.
T2, talk like a big boy.
T3, grow up.
All of them?
Guy: Did you put any sauces in this bag?
Oh joy. My favorite question.
Me: No.
Guy: Yes? What kind?
That's right. Say the opposite of what I say. It's a game!
Me: None.
Guy: All of them?
Don't listen to me at all. Seriously. Just hear whatever you want to hear. I can talk about purple dragons and rainbow milkshakes if I wanted to.
Me: No. None of them. You have to ask for sauces. If you don't ask, I can't give you any.
Guy: Oh ok. I want Verde, Fire and Chipolte saice.
Me: We don't carry Chipolte sauce.
Guy: Well, you can call it whatever you want to call it.
Can I call it Super Special Samurai Sauce?
Me: ......we have mild, hot, fire, fire roasted and verde.
Guy: The fire roasted.
Fot the record, the fire roasted sauce is like a spicy barbeque sauce. Nothing like chipolte sauce. So, you can call it whatever you want to call it, but I won't give it to you unless you tell me the right name (or something that sounds close).
No pizza? F@#K THAT!
SC: I want a cheese pizza!
Me: I'm sorry but the Pizza Place side is closed.
SC: What?!!
Me: We can't sell anymore pizza today.
SC: NO PIZZA?!!! F@#K THAT!!! *speeds off*
The menu board can shut off the power?
As I was closing the window, there was an explosion in the sky as a HUGE bolt of lightning shot down, missing the building across the street by only 3 or so feet. Suddenly, the store went dark. We lost power. The lights were off, the computers were off, the fryer and the grill and all the other electrical devices were off. About 1-2 minutes later, the lights came on and the computers slowly started to reboot. I'm fairly sure there was an electrical surge because the security camera's screen was blurry and staticy. Then it went dead entirely. The speaker came on with the lights and computers, but everything else had to be powered up manually. I told the guy at the window what happened and asked him to wait while the computers powered up (in the end, he got free food though; the computers powered up VERY slowly and we didn't want him to wait too long). Everyone was turning on all the other things around the store when this gut came to the speaker....
Me: Yes?
Guy: Your sign is off!!
Me: The menu board?
Guy: Yeah!!! It's dark!!!
Me: I'm sorry sir, but we lost power a minute ago and everthing shut off.
Guy: Well that's probably because your menu board is off!!!!
Yes, why didn't I think of that?!! The menu board decided to get revenge and kill the power because we forgot to turn it on. It has nothing to do with the lightning bolt than narrowly missed that building a few hundred feet from where I'm standing. That was merely a coincidence. Never forget to turn on your menu boards!!!