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One tail of suck and 2 Wins (one almost a loss)

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  • One tail of suck and 2 Wins (one almost a loss)

    Two cups and a string
    (get your mind outta the gutter)

    Me - again and again and again
    WAWA family

    near the end of dinner rush the phone rings and I answer (oh why OH WHY did I do that???)

    me - <standard openning spiel>
    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss
    me (???) I'm sorry could you repeat that. I am having trouble hearing you.
    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss
    me (???) I'm sorry could you repeat that. I am having trouble hearing you.
    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss
    me (???) I'm sorry could you repeat that. I am having trouble hearing you.

    at this point I could barely make out a male voice. the caller sounded like he was on a cell phone in the bottom of a mine shaft during a cave=in while a flood was raging 5 feet away and a torando just passed by.

    WAWA - <crackle crackle> pizza <crackle crackle> <OK this might be bad cell reception but...> <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss

    WAWA - pizza <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss

    me - SIR I am having a VERY difficult time hearing you. the phone connection is VERY bad.

    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss PIZZA <now the voice sounds like a woman>

    lather rinse and repeat for another 2 minutes. Finally the connection "clears" for a brief moment

    me - May I get your phone number please?????

    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss 1
    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss 2
    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss 3

    <yes they decided to PAUSE 10 seconds in between individual numbers>

    Finally get the FULL phone number. NOW I have to get the address

    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss 1

    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss 5
    <again with the pausing 10 seconds inbetween numbers>

    WAWA - <crackle crackle crackle> mumble mumble snap crackle pop hiss mumble mumble crackle crackle M.......RD

    it took me another full 2 minutes to try and get the street name out of 2 different FRACKIN people. when I get the full address it turns out they live out in East NORTH "I'm waaaaayyyyyy the hell out in the boonies" Bumfuck

    me - Oh that area is served by our <sister store YEAH let them deal with this>

    Now I know that telephones have been around for like 130 years and wiring and the technonogy have been vastly improved and updated during that time. BUT this house must have been using the original wiring OR been in a near cell dead zone.


    You fail #614

    at my store, if you get bad product we3 will either send you a new order OR give you a certain dollar amount of credit to be used toward your next order (this option is an entry in our paper credit book). Some have figured they can try and scam us by mentioning this "book"

    me - again WHY DO I STILL HAVE HAIR???
    DFS - Dumb Fuck Scammer wannabe

    the phone rings. gues whpo answers it???

    me - <standard openninng spiel>
    DFS - yeah I have a credit in the book I would like to use.
    me - OK. And may I have your phone number please
    DFS - 123-4567
    me - and when did this credit get issued?
    DFS - last Tuesday
    me - If you can hold on a moment I will check.

    I put customer on hold and grab the credit book. I also put the phone number into our POS to check some things. I first check this month's entries. NOPE no entry. not really a problem. entry could be in the wrong month. NOPE not in previous month either. I then look on the POS screen. It shows this phone number has not ordered in 2 month. OK I go back to previous month and check again.

    At this point I know we are getting an attempted scam. this is a manager problem. I grab the MOD and explain the stiuation. MOD gets on the phone and I listen on the sidelines.

    the "customer" story now changes. the messed up order was from YESTERDAY durin lunch and (why this surprises anyone) the phone number changes. The MOD puts in the "new" phone number but no record is found. they also go through the POS to find a ticket from yesterday that matches what the order supposedly was around the time DFS "claims" they picked the order up.

    NOPE NADA NOTHING (not surprising at all ) all the MOD ca do is tell DFS to call the store tomorrow AND TALK TO THE GM


    Almost a loss for me

    one of my last deliveries tonight was a wings only order. not anything out the ordinary.

    we did however get a few calls right before I left on this particular delivery.

    Me - again WHY????
    DDA - Drunk dumb ass
    DDAF - DDA's Friend

    me <openning spiel>
    DDA - YEAH is my order going to still be 20 minutes <sounds very drunk> ????
    me - what is the address???
    DDA - 519 Idiot st.
    me - well that order will be delivered in a few minutes as I am just about to walk out the door with it.
    DDA - OH Great your the driver!!!!! Well I will have to give you a GREAT BIG TIP. see you in a few <click>

    now to pause. in the delivery biz the above line is one that EVERY driver knows is THE BIGGEST PILE of steaming meadow cow pie there is. we are talking swimming pool sized pile here. 95% of the time .... well you get the picture.

    to conitnue
    I hop in my car and drive to the address. DDA is out in front with DDAF and are engaged in conversation. DDAF mentions he is a cab driver and carries a firearm. DDA and DDAF approach me and DDA fumbles some money out of his pocket.

    me - the total is $13.98.
    DDA <hands me a $20 bill> and give me $15 back
    me - ahhhh sorry I can not give you back that amount as that exceeds the amount of change
    DDA OHHHHHHH OK give me $5 back <YUP just what I fugured>

    at this point DDAF gives me a knowing look. I hand the bills to DDA and he staggers off. I turn and go back to my car

    DDAF then reaches into HIS pocket and walks over to me. DDAF reaches out his hand and want to shake hands. kinda unusual but. when his hand getsm near mine I see a bill in his hand. DDAF palms me the bill and gives me a sympathic look. I get in my car and see that DDAF has given me a $5 bill.

    YES there is justice in this world.
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    At least the asshole in the second story has a decent friend. Though you have to wonder why. lol


    • #3
      Quoth Draco View Post
      At least the asshole in the second story has a decent friend. Though you have to wonder why. lol
      DDAF mentions he is a cab driver and carries a firearm.
      Right there. Other folks who work in tipped jobs understand, and usually don't like to see people stiffed. Nice to see it happen, though.

      Edit: Unless you mean why he was friends with the drunken cheap-o. As to that, who knows.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #4
        That, and he probably noticed that DDA tried to pull a fast one, asking for $15 change when he was owed only $5ish. I would imagine that cabbies have to deal with people pulling that fairly often.
        "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
        "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
        "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
        "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
        "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
        "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
        Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
        "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


        • #5
          DDA was not in the best of shape sober wise either. let's just say he had had MORE than a few over the course of the night (Wedensday) hence the name Drunk Dumb Ass

          DDAF however seemed relatively sober and nice
          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

