Note: I spend too much time surfing image boards. You see a lot of really weird stuff on image boards.
Honestly, with as much baby fetish stuff I've seen while trolling image boards, I'm just not surprised in the least. Then again, I'm really difficult to squick. *shrug*
There's another procedure where the split the whole thing down the middle. I don't even know how that works.
Another popular fetish. One that I don't even remotely get. Of course, it's worse when they go into "human toilet" territory. Now that's some nasty stuff.
I don't see this as a big deal. Seriously, what does it matter if the toy is in a "flashlight" looking case or some other case? What people do in their own homes with either consenting partners or inanimate objects is their own lookout.
Now, if you want really awful, I once saw an online auction (not eBay), for a modified Simba plush. A used, modified Simba plush. With bids.
Quoth zombiequeen
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Quoth HermitIX
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Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
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Quoth Dilorenzo
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Now, if you want really awful, I once saw an online auction (not eBay), for a modified Simba plush. A used, modified Simba plush. With bids.
