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Weirdest thefts?

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  • #46
    Just as a quick point, though, to all the sign-stealers, for everyone's sake: please do NOT take the stop, yield, one-way, or do not enter signs. As a damn near professional driver, I can tell you that there are just too many idiots on the road for that to be funny.

    Side note: when they renumbered route 666, they ended up with very few signs to remove by the time the change officially happened.


    • #47
      Growing up, I lived in Lafayette, IN. We lived on Purdue Street. Ofcourse, West Lafayette is home to Purdue University.

      Occasionally, we had the priviledge of watching a couple of students(usually male) steal our street sign. So most of the time, we hardly had a street sign.

      That was until the city got wise and changed the spelling to PERDUE. But that was after we moved!

      My mom used to work in the resident halls there and she said the most often stolen item was plates and silverware from the dining hall.



      • #48
        Quoth Ree View Post
        Couldn't you simply have turned off the power? Was there no kill switch?

        After the first box of paper ran out, who were the 15 other people who kept refilling it over those 3 days? Seems like a pretty useless exercise when going in and typing a command to shut down the printer might have been more effective.
        You know ree...I really don't know. I just remember the write up about it in the newspaper. I forget the details, but someone just suggested to let it run. It was one of those old reel type printers, the ones with holes in the paper. Looking back, I wonder myself why someone didn't just turn it off.
        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


        • #49
          From Hotel:

          1) Had a guest steal the blankets, sheets, pillows, towels, ash trays and light bulbs from a room and some how managed to get it past the front desk. Then called back and asked for his refund for the deposit he put down for movies.

          I'm not sure if you'd call it stealing, but I did take the "Dean's only" parking sign.
          One of the parking decks at the University of Georgia has (or at least had; it's possible someone's fixed it by now) the signs reversed by the 4th floor elevators. As in, the sign by the east elevator says west, and the one on the side by the bus stop says the bus stop is on the other side of the building. This was done wrong during construction, and all the other floors are right. That sort of thing bugs me, and I was always tempted to fix it... except that I'd have gotten caught and no one would ever have believed the truth!

          It's not always possible. Here at work, if I run a report from the mainframe to my local printer, NOTHING can stop it.
          The thing to do, then, is to keep loading it with the paper it just spit out. Still wastes time and toner, but saves paper at least.

          Side note: when they renumbered route 666, they ended up with very few signs to remove by the time the change officially happened.
          Sorry, but someone has to ask: what was that road *really* paved with?

          It was one of those old reel type printers, the ones with holes in the paper.
          Even better! Let it run the first few pages (shouldn't need more than five), tape the beginning to the end, and sit it out.
          Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


          • #50
            I've stole a Keep Left sign. It looks like this



            Although technically it wasnt stolen.
            It was still attached to the pole when i found it in the gutter, but it was about 50 metres away from where it was originally.
            The thing was that the pole and sign had already been replaced
            So i picked it up and took it with me to the party i was headed to.
            It sat, pride of place, at that place on the left side of the front door, as a trap for the inebriated
            It's like trying to get laid by showing a girl your resume.
            Look, I was good at Biology and Woodwork.
            So I know where stuff is and I'm good with my hands.

            - Dan, The Gruen Transfer


            • #51
              I forgot about the sign in my workshop. This was one of the direction signs for the mine up behind my grandmother's place. Somehow, it ended up on our land--we don't know if someone hit it, or if it was because of the washout some years ago. I was out checking the fences one afternoon, and ran across it. It was still on the post, but since it was on our found its way into my workshop. Oddly enough, the mining company (who has since closed that portal) didn't even bother looking for it. They just replaced it.
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #52
                Back in the bad old days of the SCA, fighters would steal street signs and use them to make plate armor.


                • #53
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  Back in the bad old days of the SCA, fighters would steal street signs and use them to make plate armor.
                  Hehe I knew someone who stole a stop sign to fix her car. Apparently, her little dog kept falling through the floor of her shitbox Ford Maverick. Rather than simply scrap the car and get a new one, she stole the sign, and had it welded into place. I'm sure the state inspection people were *very* happy to see that
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #54
                    Time to perform some thread necromancy, because I've got some weird ones now, too.

                    Skee-balls. And a single air hockey paddle. Never both. Only one at a time. Ocassionally, just the puck.
                    Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


                    • #55
                      I remember a boy trying to stealthily tear out a page from a dragon ball z book once. I caught him and took himt o his mother, politely explaining what he had done, and that the book would have to be paid for. The first thing that really annoyed me, was that she didn't even tell him off. Secondly she looked at the manga with disdane and said.

                      SC "So what to i owe you? £3? £4?"

                      ME "Actually ma'am that book is a limited edition vol 1 with contained art book, that will be £49.99 please."

                      She then began screaming at me at the fact it was over priced (hey, it was expensive for me to get in! and I've got to make a living!) then said that it was only a small tear (the page was almost out) and that surely i could still sell it.
                      It was only when i threatened to call the police did i get my money.

                      *EDIT - Removed inflammatory comment.
                      Last edited by Ree; 03-10-2007, 02:18 PM.
                      If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried!


                      • #56
                        Quoth Arcade Man D View Post
                        Skee-balls. And a single air hockey paddle. Never both. Only one at a time. Ocassionally, just the puck.
                        Well, most of the time, the skeeballs end up under or behind the lanes, and the air hockey puck is behind the video game twenty-five feet away.

                        The paddles were actually stolen, though.


                        • #57
                          Two slices of bread.

                          Everyday for 2 weeks.

                          I was getting blamed for not tying my bags tight enough cuz they would come loose. Turns out it was an old lady removing two slices from one bag and slipping them into her purse.

                          She ACTUALLY acted surprised when my manager caught her. "But I've ALWAYS done that!"

                          If it would have been me I would have dragged her raggedy old ass to the store owner.

                          Not would have done any good he has about as much spine as a wet noodle...
                          Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                          "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                          • #58
                            Early teen years, my brother and I each snagged one of those flashing yellow lights you see at construction zones. They were doing some utility work at this park near where we lived, on a road hardly anyone drove down, with woods all around, so it was easy to "disappear" if we heard a car coming, till we got them unscrewed from the barriers they were on. Returned them in the middle of the night a few months ago to the same company when they were replacing the gas lines in our neighborhood, by leaving them on a backhoe they had left on the street.

                            College years, I stole a stethoscope from someone in my dorm that stole it out of a classroom. Still have it too.

                            College again, took about a dozen juice glasses (real glass, not plastic) from the dining hall, gave them to my mother for Christmas. I would take one each day in my backpack. Almost got busted when they did room inspections a few days before break, specifically looking for plates/silverware/trays from the dining hall. I had hidden the glasses in a box, then put it in my suitcase which was on the top shelf of my closet.


                            • #59
                              I do NOT understand this one. The other day a TWO HOLE PUNCH was stolen from my store. Of all things, a two hole punch. I don't get it.
                              "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                              RIP Plaidman.


                              • #60
                                Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                                I do NOT understand this one. The other day a TWO HOLE PUNCH was stolen from my store. Of all things, a two hole punch. I don't get it.
                                this guy from the "you and your children scare me" thread needed to have his daugther's ears pierced.
                                Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                                "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.

