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The Disc, the Candy And The SC

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  • The Disc, the Candy And The SC

    Day before yesterday a couple came in and the guy rented a video game. I checked the game out to them and, as per usual, I checked that the right game was in the case but not the back of the disc. (It's too time consuming to pop out every disc we rent out and check them all.)

    Yesterday they came back saying the game didn't work. I checked the back and it was hideously scratched. I explained that normally we only do same title exchange but I did not currently have a copy of that game available and allowed him to pick something different.

    When I have a customer come back with a damaged item and I exchange it for them I always check the back of the item they are exchanging for to make sure they won't be back again.

    I looked at the back of the disc and declared, "This one is beautiful- it must be a brand new disc!"

    Then I showed him and his girlfriend the back of the disc and they agreed that it looked like new.

    Fast Forward two hours- they are at my counter AGAIN saying that this disc doesn't work either. I check the back of the disc and SURPRISE! The disc is completely scratched to Hell. The scratches were in loop-de-loops as though someone made a cursive, lower case L all the way around and then random hatch marks everywhere.

    Me= Well, you know... me.
    SC= Boyfriend of account owner and secondary renter on account.
    GF= Account owner. She is a nominal participant even though she's there.

    Me: *looking at disc* "It's no wonder it won't play you've scratched it up." *holds up disc for them to see*

    SC: "I didn't do that."
    Me: "It happened while it was in your possession."
    SC: "I didn't do it. I want a different game."
    Me: "No, I can't do that."
    SC: "WHAT? Why not?!"
    Me: "Because you've already had two different discs for the price of one. You've returned both of them severely damaged. Now, I cannot say whether the first disc was damaged while in your possession but this one was and I will not just give you another game after you damaged this one."
    SC: "I. Did. Not. Do. It."
    Me: "Sir, do you remember when you were in earlier?"
    SC: "Yes."
    Me: "Then you remember me checking the back of the disc and verifying that it was brand new and then I showed it to you and your girlfriend and you both agreed with me?"
    SC: "That's not the point."
    Me: "Yes, it is the point."
    SC: "Then you have to refund me my rental fee."
    Me: "No, I will not refund you anything."
    SC: "WHAT?! I paid for a game rental!"
    Me: "Yes and you've had two."
    SC: "You're robbing me!"
    Me: "No, I'm really not."
    SC: "Then you HAVE to give me another game or a refund."
    Me: "No I don't have to do either. You may feel free to speak the the Store Manager tomorrow."
    SC: "I don't have TIME to talk to the Store Manager! I want my money back NOW!"
    Me: "You will get nothing from me now but you may feel free to speak to the Store Manager tomorrow."

    Now, this entire time he's pacing the other side of the counter like a wild animal in a cage. Ranting, yelling occasionally, throwing his arms around wildly- looking like a crazy person.

    This is where it gets really fun (and it's nearly over if you're bored).

    SC: "FINE! I'm going to take my rental fee back in trade then!"
    Me: *Okay, this is new- WTF?* "Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?"
    SC: *starts grabbing at the candies* "I'll just take enough candy and stuff to cover the rental fee I paid."

    GF to SC: *in a tiny little almost inaudible voice* "Don't do this..."

    Me: "Sir, anything you remove from those racks and walk out my door with will be charged to your account and you will pay for them before you're allowed to rent again."

    SC: "WHAT?! You OWE me- I'll take what I want! It's called CUSTOMER SERVICE which you don't know anything about."

    GF to SC: "Please...don't do this..."

    Me: "Actually, it's called THEFT and I could call the police. But since it's your girlfriend's account and she's being a bit sensible I'll just charge the account and ensure the balance is paid in full before allowing either of you to rent again."

    SC: *SLAMS his keys and fists on the counter* "You HAVE TO GIVE ME SOMETHING!"
    His face is RED and he's so mad he's shaking.
    Me: "No, I don't but, as I said, you may feel free to speak to the Store Manager tomorrow."

    At this point the GF steps in, grabs him and starts pushing/herding him out the door. "Come on we'll talk to the other manager tomorrow, please stop." He argued and yelled at her all the way out the door.

    I told my SM about it today and he asked me if I thought the guy would have become phyiscal if she hadn't pushed him out?

    My answer:
    "Yeah, he probably would and I would have Kicked. His. Ass."

    My SM just laughed and said, "Why don't I doubt that?"

    Oh, and the SM and DL obviously agree that they get a big old NUTHIN'!
    Last edited by NightAngel; 02-12-2007, 10:37 PM.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2
    Well at least she had the good sense to be embarrassed by his behaviour. On the other hand, he was acting like a belligerent child. Ugh, if he's that much trouble when he's renting a game, just imagine what he must be like in a restaurant.

    Oh wait, I'm on I don't need to imagine.
    "Being crazy was the only thing that kept me from going insane."
    - Raven


    • #3
      Almost sounds like he used a Disc Doctor on the game. Which, is okay, assuming it's not a PS1 game... They need that damn black layer to play at all.
      Which really pisses me off, cause, for the longest time, we tried to hawk those damn things at customers as add ons when I worked at Chesterfield. They claimed on the box to work on all video game system discs... I bought one, tried it on a particularly badly damaged, but wholly worthless PS1 disc, and it actually worked less than it had before the 'cleaning'... but it wasn't an important game to me, so I didn't mind having to rebuy it. But I did stop upselling the disc cleaners.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth NightAngel View Post
        SC: "I. Did. Not. Do. It."
        Me: "Sir, do you remember when you were in earlier?"
        SC: "Yes."
        Me: "Then you remember me checking the back of the disc and verifying that it was brand new and then I showed it to you and your girlfriend and you both agreed with me?"
        SC: "That's not the point."
        This sucks. He got caught and he STILL won't let it go. If he wanted to go all freakazoid he should have at least come in when someone else was working.

        Good job in keeping your cool.


        • #5
          I've got to wonder about people--the game is in his possesion for only two hours, and it's got key marks on it? Why would people even do that? If you like chaos and destroying things (as that guy obviously does, then why would you try to call attention to your misdeed?

          I don't get people, I really don't...
          I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

          Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


          • #6
            Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
            If you like chaos and destroying things (as that guy obviously does, then why would you try to call attention to your misdeed?

            I don't get people, I really don't...
            I don't get it either, Spiffy. Anything I intend on destroying, I buy it, not rent it like an idiot. And I don't go monkey-ed out when someone calls me on it. I'm just too good to get caught--I mean, I don't return destroyed items.
            "I live in Los Angeles, and I was on the walk of fame. I was drunk, and I got a henna tattoo that says, 'Forever.'" -Zack Galifianakis

            Call Sophia Moore or Kent E. Ryder for a good time!


            • #7
              I could say I don't get it but I think this falls somewhere between "crazy" and "sense of entitlement". An extreme sense of entitlement.

              My theory is that he is copying the games and just trying to get as much bang for his buck as he can. Or possibly just didn't like them so he thought that if he damaged them we'd have no choice but to give him another item.
              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

              ~TechSmith 314
              HellGate: London


              • #8
                Or in a snit he threw or knocked his playstation and now whenever he tries to play a game the head scratches the disk. Not an impossible thing I would think.

                Of course either way not exactly your fault that he needs to go visit the quiet room. You know too bad you cant just tazer some customers. he certainly would have been a prime candidate for it.


                • #9
                  Quoth NightAngel View Post
                  SC: "Then you HAVE to give me another game or a refund."
                  Hmph. If anything your store should be charging this clown for the 2 ruined disks. If only in a perfect world... come to think of it, in such a world the GF would drop him on his mangy ass that night. Sigh...
                  Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                  • #10
                    Angel just described an episode that happened with my ex years ago. And then happened again with his latest ex a year after that. If you live in the Portland, OR area, I'm really going to start wondering.....
           do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                    Chickens are Asexual!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Rahmota View Post
                      Or in a snit he threw or knocked his playstation and now whenever he tries to play a game the head scratches the disk. Not an impossible thing I would think.
                      Not unless he also broke the playhead... a PlayStation playhead is rounded off from what I've seen... it wouldn't be able to scratch the disc unless it was being pressed really heavily against the disc, much less in the pattern described.
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                        If you live in the Portland, OR area, I'm really going to start wondering.....
                        No where even close, never been there- you're safe.
                        "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                        ~TechSmith 314
                        HellGate: London


                        • #13
                          I have a Disc Doctor and it has saved a few of my games (PS1 games included).

                          I've never understood the malace against them cause no one could ever provide hard evidence that it ruined the game more than it helped.

                          By the same coin I've seen nothing but bad things about LASIK surgery, you couldn't talk me into that even if it was free. 3 individuals that I personally know (2 grandmothers, and a close family friend) all had the procedure done. All 3 of them had to go back to wearing glasses less than a year after the procedure.

                          (BTW for those of you who dont' know what I'm getting at. I'm saying that you can hear good and bad things about some things, but until you either see it with your own eyes or experience it, then you can't really pass judgement on anything till you do)


                          • #14
                            Quoth Namrepus221 View Post
                            By the same coin I've seen nothing but bad things about LASIK surgery, you couldn't talk me into that even if it was free. 3 individuals that I personally know (2 grandmothers, and a close family friend) all had the procedure done. All 3 of them had to go back to wearing glasses less than a year after the procedure.
                            I had lasik 6 years ago at the age of 20 and woke up seeing almost perfectly; quite a switch from legally blind in both eyes. I'm now 20/20 right, 20/30left.

                            I Dr. Thomas Hebert.

                            So yes, there are good and bad stories about everything.
                            I HATE stupid people!


                            • #15
                              Those disc doctors done me mostly good, with the exception of a 2 games.
                              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

