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Take a deep breath and count to a kazillion

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  • Take a deep breath and count to a kazillion

    Today I literally had to close my eyes and do the deep breath and count to ten thing. I'm still worked up over the Bitch incident and, as a result, my patience and fuse were short. I may have been rude in some parts of this, but please understand my stress level.

    Entitlement Whore

    So, I take this ladys order. The total comes to $38 and something cents which, at Taco Bell, means it's a really friggen big order. We are very busy, so when she makes it up to the window, she has to wait a while for her food. The friendly neighborhood auditor stopped in for a visit so pulling her up and working around her was out of the question. We get her order out fairly quickly, but then she decides, "I want this beef taco salad to be steak". There is a price difference that she doesn't want to pay, so I ask Bitch if she can do a refund so we can ring up the steak salad she wants (I was just going to make small charges equal to the price difference but she thought we were trying to overcharge her). Bitch was, well, Bitch and said, "just give it to her". New girl asked if she should get the beef salad back, I said, "hell yes; that loony isn't getting anything free," and swapped the beef salad for a steak salad.
    During this whole process, the "lady" behind her was going nuts on the horn. When she was pulling away, the "lady" kept jamming the gas and slamming on the breaks. It was scaring the crap out of the middle aged woman in front of her who kept stopping to get out of her car to check for damage. She was getting that close. When she gets to the window, the fun starts:

    New Girl: Hi how are you?
    Crazy Bitch: What the f*ck took so f*cking long?!!
    NG: Uh...*looks at me for help*
    Me: I'm sorry about that. She had a very large order and changed her mind at the window.
    CB: Then why the f*ck didn't you pull her fat ass the f*ck up?!!!
    NG: *looks to me again*
    Me: She refused to pull up.
    CB: What an unconsiderate (yes, she said "un") bitch!!!
    NG: I'm really sorry about that, mam.
    CB: You should be! You should be more than sorry, you should be kissing my damn feet bitch!
    Me: *closes the window* Give her her food, and get her out of here. DO NOT give her anything besides what she payed for. Understand?
    NG: Yes. *opens the window* Here's your card, drink and food. Have a great day!
    CB: My shit had better not be cold! How f*cking long has my shit been sitting there?!
    NG: *looks scared*
    Me: It was just made.
    CB: It's cold! My shit is f*cking cold!
    Me: Have a lovely day mam. You can leave now.
    CB: Oh, I'll leave! And I won't be comin' back!
    Me: Thank you!
    CB: *flips me the bird*
    Me: NG, don't worry about her. You're doing a great job. She was a stupid bitch, ok?
    NG: *weak smile*

    I gave the window a nice hard slam right in her face. It calmed me down a bit...

    Please don't let this man breed...

    Me: Hi how are you?
    Dumb Guy: I want a #4 combo with soft tacos and a pepsi.

    He started this off on the wrong foot. If I greet you, return the greeting before plunging headlong into ordering. It's common courtesy.

    DG: What's that big thing with the chip-ies and the meat and cheese and junk?
    Me: *random guess* The nacho bellgrande?
    DG: What the hell is that?
    Me: It's a large platter of nacho chips with beef, beans, nacho cheese, sour cream and tomato.
    DG: Naw...naw that's not it.....
    Me: I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about then.
    DG: It' hell.....what the f*ck is it called.......Oh! It's called the nacho bellgrande!
    Me: * 1...2...3...4...
    DG: Mam?
    Me: 6...7...8...
    DG: Are you there?
    Me: ...10........yes.
    DG: Oh ok I thought you abandoned me! I woulda had to tell on you!

    I buried my face in my hands at this point....

    I hate you...

    When a customer is finished ordering, we ask if the order is complete, if the order is correct on the screen, and then give them a total. Some people decided to tell me the last item and then drive up without saying a word. Then, when thier order is wrong/incomplete, they get upset with me.

    One of the more memorable ones:

    SC: Where's my burrito supreme?
    Me: Pardon?
    SC: I ordered 5. You gave me 4. I'm missing one.
    Me: I only rang you up for 4 so you will have to pay for the 5th one.
    SC: *huffily pays*
    Me: *gives her the last burrito*
    SC: I mean, really! How hard is it to push buttons!
    Me: Probably as difficult as waiting for a total at the speaker.
    SC: *blank stare*

    Awe damn...I lost her....

    Me: Next time, please wait for your total at the speaker. That way, I can confirm the order and things like this won't happen.
    SC: *blank stare* ur....*leaves*

    Are you hearing me?

    SC: I want a party pack with 6 hard and 6 soft and an XXL Chalupa.
    Me: I'm sorry, but we don't carry XXL Chalupas.
    SC: XXL Chalupa.
    Me: We don't carry XXL Chalupas, sir.
    SC: And an XXL Chalupa.
    Me: Sir. We. Do. Not. Have. XXL Chalupas. We haven't had them in quite a while.
    SC: But, I want one.
    Me: *deep breath* I know but we dont have them.
    SC: I want one. I want one for my daughter.
    Me: We still don't have them.

    Do you think if you keep asking, I'm going to cave and admit we really do have them but we were conspiring against you to prevent your daughter from getting one? That's top secret info mister!

    SC: It's her favorite.

    I can't pull XXL Chalupas outta my ass.

    Me: *counts to 10* I know and I'm sorry, but we don't make them anymore.
    SC: I'll take a regular one then.
    Me: Ok. *rings up beef supreme chalups*
    SC: Chicken.
    Me: *delete; chicken supreme*
    SC: Nacho cheese.
    Me: *delete; chicken nacho cheese*


    Sucky Woman: I want a...I think it's called....a PH-2?
    Me: The pepperoni pizza combo?
    SW: Yeah, that's it.
    Me: What to drink?
    SW: Chocolate milk.
    Me: We don't carry chocolate milk.
    SW: Plain milk then.
    Me: We don't carry milk.
    SW: Strawberry?

    I buried my face in my hands and couinted to 20, because 10 wasn't enough.

    SW: Mam? Mam? Where did you go? Mam? I want strawberry milk. Mam?
    Me: We don't carry milk period. No chocolate, plain, strawberry, etc.
    SW: Oh.....I don't want it then.


    SC: I want a personal pan pizza.
    Me: What kind?
    SC: Supreme.
    Me: Is that it?
    SC: Yes.
    Me: Just one Supreme Pizza?
    SC: Yes.

    She paid, left, and then called later saying she was overcharged. Apparently, she wanted a cheese. She demanded a refund ans a free cheese pizza which was promptly refused.

    I need another vacation.....
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    Quoth Kisa View Post
    I may have been rude in some parts of this, but please understand my stress level.
    Don't see where you were rude. A little blunt perhaps, but not rude.

    Quoth Kisa View Post
    Entitlement Whore
    Crazy Bitch: What the f*ck took so f*cking long?!!
    Isn't there anyway to tell someone to calm down/stop swearing. I mean most businesses reserve the right to refuse service to people who are acting inappropriately.

    Quoth Kisa View Post
    I hate you...


    Me: Next time, please wait for your total at the speaker. That way, I can confirm the order and things like this won't happen.
    SC: *blank stare* ur....*leaves*
    Wunnerful, wunnerful!

    Quoth Kisa View Post
    Are you hearing me?


    SC: It's her favorite.
    As if that will magically make it appear.


    "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

    Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!


    • #3
      You obviously have XXL chalupas in the back room. They're only available if someone gives you the code word.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        Kisa, this kind of stuff and my reactions to it are why I don't get scheduled anymore.
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          Taco Bell certainly has a knack for attracting the worst kind of stupid and sucky. I don't think you were rude, just honest. I wish I could be that honest in my job...though I have to admit I don't get nearly as much suckiness as you do
          "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


          • #6
            And, again, you couldn't get me to work there again unless I was in a bodybag. I don't think I could do that anymore, I wouldn't last past my training shift.
            Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


            • #7
              The SC Jedi mind tricks didn't work on you.
              "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


              • #8
                Quoth BroSCFischer View Post
                Isn't there anyway to tell someone to calm down/stop swearing. I mean most businesses reserve the right to refuse service to people who are acting inappropriately.
                True, a lot of business do reserve that right.

                However, having the right, and exercising it, are two different things.

                Not enough businesses exercise that right because some Corporate Suit who hasn't worked in a customer-service position in years (if at all) is terrified of turning away a sale.
                PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                • #9
                  pepperoni pizza and milk??

                  grease and milk do not mix well with me
                  there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure


                  • #10
                    Kisa, sweetheart, I think you are getting to--okay, maybe past--the completely burnt out on your job phase of working. I completely understand. I'm feeling pretty burnt out myself lately. Hopefully you get a nice long vacation soon!
                    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                    • #11
                      rude, no; willing to point out their mistakes, definitely. sometimes, reminding them of their actions is the only way to get the message through: wait until the order is entered and KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU WANT THE FIRST TIME, instead of changing things two or three times.

                      i got the feeling that some of their actions were passive-aggressive ways of getting to you.
                      look! it's ghengis khan!
                      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kisa View Post
                        I can't pull XXL Chalupas outta my ass.
                        If they persist, tell them that you CAN....but that they won't be getting any refunds if they smell funny

                        Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                        You obviously have XXL chalupas in the back room. They're only available if someone gives you the code word.
                        Yup! And they even have bonus greens on them...That ain't lettuce, but SOMETHING on there is definitely green >_>

                        Quoth AyreBiskits View Post
                        pepperoni pizza and milk??
                        Well, it can help with "cutting through" the grease; in my case, I find that it seems to help prevent heartburn. Definitely not for everybody.
                        "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                        "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                        "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                        "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                        "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                        "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                        Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                        "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kisa View Post
                          SC: XXL Chalupa.
                          I see this and I keep thinking of a peice from Red Vs Blue. They are arguing over the name of the Warthog (Jeep in Halo) and start using imaginary animals (like the Walrus )

                          Sarge - "Hey Simmons. Whats that mexican lizard thingy... Eats all the goats"
                          Simmons - "That would be the Chupacabra sir."
                          Sarge - "Hey Grif. Chupa thingy. How about that. Its gotta ring to it."
                          "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
                          Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


                          • #14
                            Quoth BroSCFischer View Post
                            Isn't there anyway to tell someone to calm down/stop swearing. I mean most businesses reserve the right to refuse service to people who are acting inappropriately.
                            Normally, I would have told her to knock it off or we won't serve her but the Auditor was there and I didn't want to cause any scenes
                            Answers: $1
                            Correct Answers: $2
                            Answers that require thought: $5
                            Dumb looks are still free.

