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Mother of the Year

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  • Mother of the Year

    Short and odd one from the other day.

    A family going through the till and her two children decide they want to climb into an empty cart right infront of her. The combined weight of the children knock the cart over and it lands on top of the children

    Co-worker S reacts instantly, jumps over from about 10ft away and yanks the cart of the screaming child without saying a word.

    What does the mother say?

    MOTY: Stop panicking it just makes them more worked up!
    S: Sorry, I just saw it happen and I moved in.
    MOTY: Yes but what good does panicking do it just gets them worked up!
    S: Well, sorry about that then...
    MOTY: Excuse me? Your sorry? *voice dripping with pissed-offness

    Me: Alright S, not worth it.

    It was very surreal. The husband thanks S for his fast reaction but the wife was giving him dirty looks all the way out.
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    S should've switched modes and went all sarcastic, ie "Oh I'm sorry ma'am. Next time I'll just leave the cart there, possibly further injuring your children, since that's how you seem to think things should be done. Have a WONDERFUL day now!" and skipped merrily away. At least the husband thanked S!
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


    • #3
      what is wrong with her?? was she looking for a lawsuit? what would have happened if nobody went to help her child? you'd probably get the same results and same dirty looks and maybe a bad comment to management just for added effect. no good deed goes unpunished.
      there's some people with issues that medication, therapy or a baseball bat just can't cure

