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Attempted Homicide and Senile Old Ladies

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  • Attempted Homicide and Senile Old Ladies

    This one I had the pleasure of overhearing but not getting dragged into, although it did get anoying after a while. Today was a good day for me My Bitch problem may be over, Puppy Power (my baby puppy) is feeling better, I got to hide in back all day, and I got to work with all my favorite people

    Senile Ol' Biddy

    The Cast:

    Claw: Male coworker with a claw hand; very sarcastic
    Shay: My mini-me who I trained Nice girl
    Lin: Female coworker; tough but nice
    OB: Ol' Biddy

    Claw: Hi how are you?
    Claw: ....I asked how you were...
    OB: How am I?
    Claw: Yes...
    OB: ...
    Claw: ...
    OB: ...Are you going to take my order?
    Claw: I dunno. Am I?
    OB: .........Huh?
    Claw: ....Go ahead.
    OB: With what?
    Claw: Your order?
    OB: What about my order?
    Lin: What the hell?
    Claw: *facepalm*Order when you're ready.
    OB: I want a burrito combooo!
    Claw: You want the #1?
    OB: Yes.

    We have the burrito supremes on sale for the week, so Claw rang them up seperately to save her money.

    Claw: Did you want a free senior drink?
    OB: Oh! Yes, I will!
    Claw: ...What did you want the drink to be?
    OB: I want 2 burrito supremes, not one.
    Claw: Ok...What to drink?
    OB: I said 2!
    Claw: I know. I have 2 burrito supremes.
    OB: I said 2 tacos!
    Claw: Ok...What to drink?
    OB: Dr. Pepper.
    Claw: I'm sorry, we don't carry Dr. Pepper.
    OB: You're out?
    Claw: No, we don't carry it.
    OB: That's ok. I'll wait.
    Claw: Nonono. We don't have Dr. Pepper. At all. We don't carry that flavor drink.
    OB: Well then what DO you have?!!
    Claw: Pepsi products.
    OB: I want a Pepsi then. And 2 hard tacos!
    Claw: I have 2.
    OB: TWWOOOOO!!!!!!
    Lin: Getting annoying.....
    Claw: Are you saying you want 4 in total?
    Claw: Is that it?
    OB: Yes!
    Claw: Is the order on the screen correct?
    OB: Yes, but I better get my Dr. Pepper!
    Claw: Mam! We! Do! Not! Carry! Dr. Pepper!
    OB: I hear you the first time! Why are you yelling about Dr. Pepper? I said I want Pepsi!
    Claw: ....second window....
    OB: Are you new?
    Claw: ...No. I have been working here for 7 years now.
    OB: Oh. You seem new. Experianced people usually seem smarter.

    Shay: There's your (small) senior pepsi mam.
    OB: I want a large!
    Shay: The senior drink is a small sized drink.
    OB: I want large!
    Shay: The small is free. If you want a large, you must pay for it.
    OB: Give me 3 smalls then.
    Shay: It's one per customer. You can have one free small or a large for $1.79.
    OB: You aren't very nice, are you? *blah blah blah* respect elders *blah blah* impudent brat *blah blah*
    Shay: Here you go mam. Have a nice day.

    Extra from months ago...

    SC: I want a large diet pepsi to drink.
    Me: *total* second window please.

    I fill up a large cup with diet pepsi, cap it and had it to Barbie who collects her money and gives her the drink.

    SC: This isn't diet.
    Barbie: *looks at me*
    Me: It's diet. I'm positive.
    Barbie: It's diet mam. I promise.
    SC: *shoves the drink at her* GIVE ME DIET!!!

    Barbie sighs, but turns to me and asks me to make another one. I roll my eyes and make another diet pepsi, making sure it's diet. It is. I hand it to Barbie.

    SC: NONONONONONO!!! It's regular again!!!!!
    Barbie: It's diet. I watched her pour the drink myself.
    SC: I watched her too and she got regular!

    Barbie poured the third one and pointed out, slowly, what nozzel she was getting the pop from. We refused to get her any more drinks, so she left.

    I am a Murderer

    I made an order for a woman and her child in the dining room. I made the order EXACTLY as it was rung up and brought it up to her. No more than 2 minutes later, she comes storming up to me with a quesadilla in hand.

    Me: Yeeessss....
    Me: Ok. I'm sorry, but it wasn't rung up that way.
    SC: It's for my daughter!
    Me: O-kaaayyyyyy....?
    SC: You tried to KILL my daughter! She hates spicey stuff!

    Last time I checked, things you hate don't kill you. And if she hates spicey food, mexican isn't the way to go....
    I made her a new one, ate the old one and she did a complete 180 attitude wise.


    This happens on occasion...

    SC: I want a taco party pack.
    Me: Would you like those hard or soft?
    SC: Mild.
    Me: .....Would you like hard or soft tacos?
    SC: Mild.
    Me: No. With the party pack, did you want the tacos to be hard or soft?
    SC: Mild!
    Me: I'm not asking about sauce!
    SC: Huuuhhhhhhh?????
    Me: With the party pack. Do you want crunchy tacos.......or soft tacos.....?
    Me: In the party pack. Do you want. Soft shell tacos with flour tortillas. Or crunchy shell tacos with hard corn shells?
    SC: Oh! Crunchy/soft!

    Learn to read granny

    An old lady with a van full of people (and I mean a BIG van) came and ordered food. When It came time to order the drinks, things got frustrating.

    Me: What to drink with that kids meal?
    OL: Chocolate milk.
    Me: We don't have milk.
    OL: Apple juice.
    Me: We don't carry apple juice.
    OL: Orange pop.
    Me: We don't have orange pop.
    OL: Root Beer.
    Me: We don't have Root Beer either.
    OL: Dr. Pepper then.
    Me: No Dr. Pepper either.
    OL: Grape Fanta.
    Me: No Grape.
    OL: Coke.
    Me: Pepsi ok?
    OL: No. Code Red.
    Me: No Code Red.
    OL: Cream Soda then.

    Cripes lady! Do you have a list of all the drinks we don't carry???!!!

    Me: No.
    OL: Well you don't have anything do you?!!
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    Last time I checked, Taco Bell had a list of the drinks that they carry on the menu! Why don't these customers look at the menu and figure out which of the listed items they want to drink?!

    :glances at webpage header: Oh, yeah. Right. Forgot about that...
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Quoth XCashier View Post
      Last time I checked, Taco Bell had a list of the drinks that they carry on the menu! Why don't these customers look at the menu and figure out which of the listed items they want to drink?!

      :glances at webpage header: Oh, yeah. Right. Forgot about that...
      You want customers to read the signs that are placed in front of them? That's crazy talk and will likely land you in the funny farm.
      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        I dunno, I read the menu to find out if they have Coke or Pepsi products... Then again, I always have suspected I was some sort of android...

        And last I checked, I can't STAND the taste of raw tomato, but it doesn't kill me, just makes me dry-heave.

        And what is up with crazy old bitch lady? Jeezus.
        "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
        "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
        Amayis is my wifey


        • #5
          I'm happy to hear you've taken steps to resolve your Bitch problem. Keep us posted.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #6
            Eisa, you and my friend hate tomatoes the same! Yay?
            This sounds like a day I'd lose my mind. In a not-pretty way. I'd have to hide in the back, or go home early, were I to not kill.
            Play some violent video games or have a drink or five.
            "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
            "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


            • #7
              Quoth Kisa View Post
              Senile Ol' Biddy
              This one goes under the heading that George Carlin would have called a "full-blown wackaloon."

              Quoth Kisa View Post
              SC: You tried to KILL my daughter! She hates spicey stuff!
              And we know, exactly? You did not ask for any special modifications on your food, such as no spicy stuff or no sauce. And yet you expect us to know the particular culinary preferences of your spawn? Two words for you lady:

              Fuck off.

              Quoth Kisa View Post
              This happens on occasion...

              Me: Would you like those hard or soft?
              SC: Mild.
              The fact that this has happened enough times for you to say it happens "on occasion" really, REALLY worries me. I mean, something like this should be a one-off story. Good lord!

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                At the store I manage we have 3-4 inch pics of the sodas we carry on the drive thru menu, it is all pepsi products. I get asked for coke every order


                • #9
                  Quoth roguesqd View Post
                  At the store I manage we have 3-4 inch pics of the sodas we carry on the drive thru menu, it is all pepsi products. I get asked for coke every order
                  I wonder about that sometimes. I mean, yeah, in the South, coke can be either Pepsi or Coke because it's what we call it. In the Northern states it's called Pop (Wait, did we have this discussion before?).

                  Frankly, despite my long Southern heritage, it's all SODA to me.

                  But I'll take any lemonade you happen to have on tap, it's friggin hot here. *Whew* Pagan, quit hogging all the rain and send some south.
                  Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                  Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                  • #10
                    maybe it's me, but none of the sauces that Taco Place puts on their foods is spicy. I usually have to add the hot sauce.

                    when people ask for Coke, the proper response is...No Coke..Pepsi (and a cheeseburger).


                    • #11
                      Quoth roguesqd View Post
                      At the store I manage we have 3-4 inch pics of the sodas we carry on the drive thru menu, it is all pepsi products. I get asked for coke every order
                      Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                      I wonder about that sometimes. I mean, yeah, in the South, coke can be either Pepsi or Coke because it's what we call it. In the Northern states it's called Pop (Wait, did we have this discussion before?).

                      Frankly, despite my long Southern heritage, it's all SODA to me.
                      As the workpony said, to some people it's all "coke." Behold: The Map My family all comes from "soda" territory from both sides of the country, so that's what I call it.

                      I still don't get why it's so hard for some people to just look at the sign and pick from the options listed and not from the massive list in their heads.

                      Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                      maybe it's me, but none of the sauces that Taco Place puts on their foods is spicy. I usually have to add the hot sauce.
                      It's spicy regardless of how hot the spicy is. I don't do hot sauce at all. If it's wet and spicy and it's more flavor than heat I'm good. But if it's more heat than flavor (the majority of sauces I've run across are all about the heat and who cares about flavor, which I've never understood), then I don't want anything to do with it.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kisa View Post
                        Senile Ol' Biddy
                        I think what scares me the most about this senile old bat is that she's driving....

                        Quoth Kisa View Post
                        SC: I DIDN'T WANT SAUCE!!!!
                        And we're supposed to psychically know that you didn't want sauce. Right. Next time I'll make sure you get charged the mind reading premium....

                        Quoth Kisa View Post

                        This happens on occasion...

                        SC: I want a taco party pack.
                        Me: Would you like those hard or soft?
                        SC: Mild.
                        Me: .....Would you like hard or soft tacos?
                        SC: Mild.
                        Me: No. With the party pack, did you want the tacos to be hard or soft?
                        SC: Mild!
                        Me: I'm not asking about sauce!
                        SC: Huuuhhhhhhh?????
                        Me: With the party pack. Do you want crunchy tacos.......or soft tacos.....?
                        SC: MMMIIILLLLDDDDD!!!!!!!!!
                        Me: In the party pack. Do you want. Soft shell tacos with flour tortillas. Or crunchy shell tacos with hard corn shells?
                        SC: Oh! Crunchy/soft!
                        Got it. Wrap each taco in the plastic packets of Mild sauce. Might have to make up a few larger packets ahead of time though...

                        Quoth Kisa View Post
                        OL: Well you don't have anything do you?!!
                        Interesting. The Taco Bells near me have Pepsi products, as well as Dr. Pepper and 3 flavors of Mountain Dew (Regular, Code Red and Baja Blast).
                        "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


                        • #13
                          Quoth Crossbow View Post
                          Interesting. The Taco Bells near me have Pepsi products, as well as Dr. Pepper and 3 flavors of Mountain Dew (Regular, Code Red and Baja Blast).
                          Mountain Dew is a Pepsi product, so is available at some locations. Dr Pepper is one of those odd ones in that it doesn't always do it's own bottling, so in areas where it doesn't, it contracts out to both Coke and Pepsi, so where it gets offered depends on who does the bottling for them in that region.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            In some reasons you can find Dr. Pepper in places that sell Coke, and places that sell Pepsi. Our Taco Cymbal sells pepsi products and has Dr. Pepper. Our Burger Royalty sells coke, and has Dr. Pepper.
                            Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                            • #15
                              Our soda machine at the c-store caters to both Coke AND Pepsi fans--we have regular and diet Coke and Pepsi, Dr Pepper, regular and diet Mt Dew, sprite, and caffeine free Diet Pepsi. Now then...crazy old biddy should've been under some sort of supervision or care, and I'm not saying that to be mean. She just should've. Diet Pepsi person: Are you sure your Pepsi and Diet Pepsi boxes didn't get switched by accident? We've had that happen, unbeknownst to use, before. Not taking the SC's side, just asking. Crunchy/Soft? Okay, go half one way and half the other I guess.
                              "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare

