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I'm sorr .. Wait .. What??????????

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  • #16
    Quoth energyguy View Post
    pencils are nearly never sold sharpened, mainly because the ends snap off, 95% of all coloured pencils are sold in their raw state.
    Also, 'presharpened' pencils could pierce their packaging, and perhaps even a customer's skin.

    Customer in the OP was an idiot, no matter how you slice it.


    • #17
      Pretty sure you cannot buy sharpened pencils, so take comfort in the fact that this dingus is going to

      1. loose her mind and make an ass of herself in each and every store she goes to trying to buy pencils.

      2. "never shop here again" at every store in town that sells pencils.

      3. Eventually blow a gasket and have her head explode.


      • #18
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        Pretty sure you cannot buy sharpened pencils, so take comfort in the fact that this dingus is going to
        You can, but not Ticonderoga #2s like I'm presuming the SC had. You can buy artists pencils pre-sharpened, however - General and Derwent brand both come pre-sharpened, right at Michaels.


        • #19
          She. Was. An. Idiot.

          That is all.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #20
            Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
            They use a pocket knife like everyone else. Dur. (We really need a nice toothy cross-eyed "dur" smilie)
            I'm old enough to have done that

            The only problem was where to put the shavings?
            "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

            Mark Twain


            • #21
              I've seen a couple of packs of pencils where they came presharped and the points always broke right away and they'd either not resharpen properly or would just break soon after being sharpened again. This lady needs to sharpen her mental capacity!


              • #22
                At the University Bookstore, they sell individual presharpened pencils. Our campus has at least 4 major 'stages' of building, meaning that some places were built well before the computer, internet, or widespread mechanical pencil usage-- which means that only about half the buildings on campus actually have sharpeners for wooden pencils, usually the wall or desk mounted ones (usually the wall ones survive the longest due to moving stuff).
                They also sell crazy art, engineering, and nursing supplies. I swear, there's at least twenty different kinds of mechanical pencils alone in there... .___. (and at least five different colors of mechanical pencil lead! :3 )
                Even more on-topic... o_O If that lady woman's a Christian, then I'd hazard to say a demon got up her butt! I wonder what her actual train of thought was to flip out like that??
                EDIT: these individual presharpened pretties are the good brands, and typically sell like hotcakes around tests, due to large class sizes preferring those bubble-sheet-can-only-use-#2-pencils.
                And yes, store does sell 0-5+ hardness pencils!
                Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 07-22-2011, 12:40 AM.
                "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


                • #23
                  And this, my friends, is why almost every single thing you see advertised/pictured on a box these days has to have some kind of disclaimer on it, like "Serving Suggestion" on a frozen dinner box, or "Do not immerse in water" on an electrical appliance, or "Accessories shown sold separately" on some kind of toy. Guess now we'll be seeing "Warning: enclosed pencils are unsharpened, photo of sharpened pencil is just an illustration" on the pencil boxes.
                  "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                  • #24
                    I'd love to see her digging into the can of Crisco for the fried chicken...
                    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Racket_Man View Post
                      ***** Overhead page *******
                      IRV Please come to the service desk one of your customers has escaped. IRV ONE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS HAD ESCAPED thank you

                      Oh sure. Some nut gets her panties in a twist over unsharpened pencils and everybody looks at me.

                      Everybody knows my customers complain about notebook cover and folder colors. So there.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #26
                        Quoth BeenThereDoneThat View Post
                        Guess now we'll be seeing "Warning: enclosed pencils are unsharpened, photo of sharpened pencil is just an illustration" on the pencil boxes.
                        Do you honestly think someone as brain free as her is going to actually read the warning? Hahahahahahaha!


                        • #27
                          Quoth Princess J View Post
                          Do you honestly think someone as brain free as her is going to actually read the warning? Hahahahahahaha!
                          Oh, they never read the's just a little bit of a CYA for the manufacturer, retailer, etc. At least, one would hope so...
                          "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                          • #28
                            Maybe she changed her mind about buying the stuff and wanted a "graceful" () out?

                            I always try to find a logical reason for someone to go from zero to NuTbAr in .004 seconds. But I'm probably barkin' up the wrong tree here.
                            "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't."


                            • #29
                              Quoth Laund-o-rama Mama View Post
                              I always try to find a logical reason for someone to go from zero to NuTbAr in .004 seconds. But I'm probably barkin' up the wrong tree here.
                              Isn't this just a trifle oxymoronic? Applying logic to crazy.

                              "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

                              Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!


                              • #30
                                Quoth BroSCFischer View Post
                                Isn't this just a trifle oxymoronic? Applying logic to crazy.

                                I can't help it. Brain says, "This must make sense!" Even if it's Cloud Cuckoo Logic, it's still a reason.
                                "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't."

