I used to work at Micky D's.. The one I worked at was off a very busy highway in a rather ritzy part of town. In the summer we'd get hit with screaming kids and bitchy parents.
You want me to do what?:
This happened when I was pregnant with my first child, i wasn't very far along but I would get sick at the slightest things. A lady comes in to inform me that a kid had pooed in the playland, ok, i will check it out when the rush is over. During the rush I had several other people complain about the poo, I will get to it when the rush is over i tell them, and I get back:
"But my kids want to play!"
"Can't you go clean it up now?"
"Well someone needs to do something about it!"
Ok, I drop what I'm doing and go to sort it out. Now it's summer in Alabama, it's 100 degrees outside and even hotter in the plastic playland tubes. I climb into on of the tubes to check out the extent of the mess and OMG! The stench! I had to quickly get out and vomit in the nearest trash can with everyone watching. I get done puking and go back in the tubes, I don't have to go far to find that shit has been smeared on all sides on the tubes and it goes as far as I can see, i climb back out and look in the ball pit and see kids playing in shit smeared balls. I try to get everyones attention but the mothers are too busy chatting with each other to pay attention, so I go and stand up on a table and say as loud as I can without screaming: "Attention please! I need to to get your children out of the playland now please!" I get a chorus of "Why!" and I reply with "Because I am shutting it down." another chorus of "Why" and I say "Because there is poop smeared all over the inside of those tube and in the ball pit. Moms come up to me and say
"Why can't you clean it up?" Because I am pregnant and it's very hot and it's not my job
"Who's going to clean it up" The company that comes and steam cleans it once a month
"How long will it be closed?" As long a it takes to get the company who steam cleans it to get out here.
"It's just poop.. I don't see what the big deal is." I'm not going to crawl through shit smeared tubes in this heat.. If you want to clean it, please feel free.
"But my kids want to play!" Sorry
I finally shooed everyone out of there and locked the playland door and put a sign up saying it was closed for sanitation.
Oh yes, you can afford a 80,000 Benz, but not a baby sitter:
You would not believe how many mother would just drop their children off and go shopping. On several occasions I've seen kids out there playing without a parent in sight, I'd go and ask them where their parents where and they'd tell me that they dropped them off (This was in the days before cell phones) so I'd have them call home and no one would answer.. I'd call the police and they'd show up with DHR in tow. Parents would show up eventually and freak out when their kids were not there and they'd frantically ask if we had seen them, if I was asked I'd say "Yeah, I've seen them.. I saw them in the back seat of a cop car as they were being taken away." They would flip! Demand that I get them back, demand that I be fired, demand to know why it was my business. I'd demand to know why they didn't hire a sitter for their kids.
But it's raining!:
Parents would bring their kids to eat while it was raining and want to know why the playland was closed.. It would be storming, thunder and lightning and parents would want me to unlock the doors so their kids could go out and play.
You want me to do what?:
This happened when I was pregnant with my first child, i wasn't very far along but I would get sick at the slightest things. A lady comes in to inform me that a kid had pooed in the playland, ok, i will check it out when the rush is over. During the rush I had several other people complain about the poo, I will get to it when the rush is over i tell them, and I get back:
"But my kids want to play!"
"Can't you go clean it up now?"
"Well someone needs to do something about it!"
Ok, I drop what I'm doing and go to sort it out. Now it's summer in Alabama, it's 100 degrees outside and even hotter in the plastic playland tubes. I climb into on of the tubes to check out the extent of the mess and OMG! The stench! I had to quickly get out and vomit in the nearest trash can with everyone watching. I get done puking and go back in the tubes, I don't have to go far to find that shit has been smeared on all sides on the tubes and it goes as far as I can see, i climb back out and look in the ball pit and see kids playing in shit smeared balls. I try to get everyones attention but the mothers are too busy chatting with each other to pay attention, so I go and stand up on a table and say as loud as I can without screaming: "Attention please! I need to to get your children out of the playland now please!" I get a chorus of "Why!" and I reply with "Because I am shutting it down." another chorus of "Why" and I say "Because there is poop smeared all over the inside of those tube and in the ball pit. Moms come up to me and say
"Why can't you clean it up?" Because I am pregnant and it's very hot and it's not my job
"Who's going to clean it up" The company that comes and steam cleans it once a month
"How long will it be closed?" As long a it takes to get the company who steam cleans it to get out here.
"It's just poop.. I don't see what the big deal is." I'm not going to crawl through shit smeared tubes in this heat.. If you want to clean it, please feel free.
"But my kids want to play!" Sorry
I finally shooed everyone out of there and locked the playland door and put a sign up saying it was closed for sanitation.
Oh yes, you can afford a 80,000 Benz, but not a baby sitter:
You would not believe how many mother would just drop their children off and go shopping. On several occasions I've seen kids out there playing without a parent in sight, I'd go and ask them where their parents where and they'd tell me that they dropped them off (This was in the days before cell phones) so I'd have them call home and no one would answer.. I'd call the police and they'd show up with DHR in tow. Parents would show up eventually and freak out when their kids were not there and they'd frantically ask if we had seen them, if I was asked I'd say "Yeah, I've seen them.. I saw them in the back seat of a cop car as they were being taken away." They would flip! Demand that I get them back, demand that I be fired, demand to know why it was my business. I'd demand to know why they didn't hire a sitter for their kids.
But it's raining!:
Parents would bring their kids to eat while it was raining and want to know why the playland was closed.. It would be storming, thunder and lightning and parents would want me to unlock the doors so their kids could go out and play.